Todays Supreme Court Decision.Will Loony Morning Show Hosts Still Call Trump A Racist? Morning Joe?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:dance: Gonna be kinda hard to declare Trump a racist/bigot now, being all 13 judges have agreed with Trump. He does have the right to make these decisions regarding national security!!! Oh well Morning Joe and his new girlfriend, good luck throwing insults to Trump tomorrow. Whats Chrissy Matthews and the rest of the dorks gonna have to say tonight and tomorrow? What the court just voted on was "Hitlerian" ??? :cow:
the supreme court rules 9-0 over banning those 43 muslim nations from flying the USA,,,,,,TRUMP IS A RACIST !!!:iagree:
the supreme court rules 9-0 over banning those 43 muslim nations from flying the USA,,,,,,TRUMP IS A RACIST !!!:iagree:
Shitpost. It was only a partial victory for the administration.

Shitposting - Wikipedia

Spin-spin-spin. You people are in for a RUDE awakening very soon, lolol. If you think the SC threw you under the bus, wait till you see what is coming with the Lynch investigation, along with the new Bernie investigation. Ants won't have to lift their legs to peg your position in the polls-)
Mammath Ass Poll............15% of all Americans believe Trump is a racist........70% Feel Trump is the greatest thing since they invented Coke
if Trump prefers wendys over arbys,,,will the left declare him a racist?
Doesn't matter one little goddamned bit whether Trump is a racist or not...

He has exercised his Presidential authority to halt immigration from various threat-vector countries, was rebuffed by lower and appellate courts, and has now upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States, with only minor caveats, and with the unanimous bipartisan support of The Court...

Close enough for Gubmint work...

Read 'em and weep, LibProgs...

The Looney Left segment of the media is going to whine and howl and bay at the moon over this, regardless...

Tomorrow morning should be great fun, watching LibTards don hair shirts, moan and wail and gnash their teeth, rend their blouses, and pour earth and ashes over their heads..

Breakfast AND a show...

The LibTard reaction now does not mean diddly-squat... it can safely be ignored.

The only thing that signifies, is that Drumpf has stopped some considerable influx of Muzzies into this country - especially the goddamned Syrians...

Close enough for Gubmint work...
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President Trump tweeted this earlier.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Very grateful for the 9-O decision from the U. S. Supreme Court. We must keep America SAFE!

1:25 PM · Jun 26, 2017
President Trump tweeted this earlier.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Very grateful for the 9-O decision from the U. S. Supreme Court. We must keep America SAFE!

1:25 PM · Jun 26, 2017
who would ever thought we would see the day when democrats were all for allowing terrorists to move to the USA, and no background checks
President Trump tweeted this earlier.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Very grateful for the 9-O decision from the U. S. Supreme Court. We must keep America SAFE!

1:25 PM · Jun 26, 2017
who would ever thought we would see the day when democrats were all for allowing terrorists to move to the USA, and no background checks
You have to wonder if Roosevelt, Truman, and JFK would have thought this insanity was even possible with their party.
the supreme court rules 9-0 over banning those 43 muslim nations from flying the USA,,,,,,TRUMP IS A RACIST!
Shitpost. It was only a partial victory for the administration. Shitposting - Wikipedia
Spin-spin-spin. You people are in for a RUDE awakening very soon, lolol. If you think the SC threw you under the bus, wait till you see what is coming with the Lynch investigation, along with the new Bernie investigation. Ants won't have to lift their legs to peg your position in the polls-)
The only spin I see is coming from you. The SC did only give Trump part of what he wanted and the rest of your post is irrelevant to the topic. Why bring it up, if not to deflect from the fact that you got half a loaf?

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