Todays youth and future generations.


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
I don't have any children of my own yet. But I do have friends and have had dated girls who had children of their own. I want to discuss and see what other people have to say about this topic. Kids now a days are becoming worse and worse. They think you have to respect them before they respect you? Where did they get that from? When I was growing up I was taught you need to respect your elders and earn respect. Kids haven't even lived and or done anything to really earn respect. They talk to their parents like they are nothing. Treat and disrespect them to no end. Expect their parents to do everything and get mad if their parents wont give them couple bucks. I just recently experienced a situation first hand that I would like to get comments on and thoughts. ok. My girlfriend is 38 years old and has 3 children, girl 19, boy 16, girl 14. My girlfriend had her first kid and got married and got her first home at the age of 19. She is a cosmetologist right out of highschool. She raised 3 kids by herself due to her husband leaving and not wanting anything to do with the kids. Raising 3 kids working multiple jobs isn't easy but she pushed through it to give her kids everything. Her house burned down twice and always made it happen to be in a new place asap. Did everything for her kids made countless sacrafices so her kids had everything they needed and wanted. She is a great mother, very kind, and has a good heart. She never treated her kids bad or talk to them in any disrespectful way. She Is now temporarily disabled because the cartilage in her knees is deteriorating and cant stand for to long and do what she loves doing, cutting hair. She also has diabetes and couple other things wrong. so she has to survive on a limited income provided by the government until she gets a knee replacement. Ok so her 19 year still lived at home and has a job making minimum wage but still makes more then her mother. My girlfriend had to renew her welfare and since her 19 year old still lived with her my girl had to put it down. Since her daughter makes more then her and lives with her mom. They decreased her foodstamps substantially and cash assistance. They automacially assume the daughter helps out and contributes, and that is not the case. Her mother will ask her to do small things around the house to help out, but her daughters response is that she works. Her daughter never cleans up after herself never pays anyone back, doesn't help around the house, wont even give her mom a ciggeratte when her mom would buy her the pack. her daughter will take her clothes make-up ect. But gets so mad and disrespects and yells at her mom when her mom gets her things back. She never helps out with bills or food but has no problem eating the food. She would order pizza and don't offer her mom any but her mom always offer her pizza when she orders. her daughter is dating a boy who she seems to like and they been dating for a year now. His parents think she is an angel. She acts like she is the best child that she loves her mom and does more for other people then her own mother. One of her daughter friends stole 50,000 dollars out of her mothers(my girlfriend) fathers safe he had hidden in the house, and treats them better then are own mother. If everyone including her boyfriend and his parents actually knew how she treated her mother would they think of her the same? She also told her mother that she needs to respect her before he gets respect from her. Her mother said to her that she couldn't believe she treats her the way she does and at her age she had 2 jobs house and raising kids. her daughter responded it doesn't matter what your past accomplishments are it matters what you do now, knowing her mom has all these medical problems stopping her from living life at the moment. Her mom did everything for her and she has no respect for her.
I feel sorry for the future generations. When I was growing up my father would punch me square in my mouth if I even thought about disrespecting my mother. Now a days you will be thrown in jail if you even poke your kid, back then cops would also scold the child and tell them not to disrespect their mother. To think this generation is going to run the world one day, scary hu?
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

They act as if we owe them. They think they are entitled. They act like they run things. If you don't get or do something they want, they hate you and think you are the worse parent ever. Even though you spent just spent 300 bucks on them for a video game station. that doesn't matter
The next to the last line of your post explains it. These kids grew up without a father.
At this point in time, the future is bleak. It doesn't have to be but it is.

For time immemorial, older generations always fret about younger generations. Nothing new here.
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

They act as if we owe them. They think they are entitled. They act like they run things. If you don't get or do something they want, they hate you and think you are the worse parent ever. Even though you spent just spent 300 bucks on them for a video game station. that doesn't matter
Here's a hint I learned while being raised and raising my own....If they want something bad enough they must be willing to work for it....Just giving and giving is what spoils them...
Kids who have everything handed to them usually end up being worthless adults, regardless of how much the parents had to work or deprive themselves to provide for the kids. What they see every day becomes "normal" to them, even when it is a parent working 2 or 3 jobs...they don't see this as an extraordinary effort on the part of the parents, but just "normal" parent behavior.

But it's not easy figuring out how to raise a responsible, respectful child. Good examples in one's own family help.
Dude. I can see why you were reticent about expressing your thoughts and opinions. Generalising about today's youth based on your girlfriend's daughter's behaviour makes you look like an idiot.
I don't have any children of my own yet. But I do have friends and have had dated girls who had children of their own. I want to discuss and see what other people have to say about this topic. Kids now a days are becoming worse and worse. They think you have to respect them before they respect you? Where did they get that from? When I was growing up I was taught you need to respect your elders and earn respect. Kids haven't even lived and or done anything to really earn respect. They talk to their parents like they are nothing. Treat and disrespect them to no end. Expect their parents to do everything and get mad if their parents wont give them couple bucks. I just recently experienced a situation first hand that I would like to get comments on and thoughts. ok. My girlfriend is 38 years old and has 3 children, girl 19, boy 16, girl 14. My girlfriend had her first kid and got married and got her first home at the age of 19. She is a cosmetologist right out of highschool. She raised 3 kids by herself due to her husband leaving and not wanting anything to do with the kids. Raising 3 kids working multiple jobs isn't easy but she pushed through it to give her kids everything. Her house burned down twice and always made it happen to be in a new place asap. Did everything for her kids made countless sacrafices so her kids had everything they needed and wanted. She is a great mother, very kind, and has a good heart. She never treated her kids bad or talk to them in any disrespectful way. She Is now temporarily disabled because the cartilage in her knees is deteriorating and cant stand for to long and do what she loves doing, cutting hair. She also has diabetes and couple other things wrong. so she has to survive on a limited income provided by the government until she gets a knee replacement. Ok so her 19 year still lived at home and has a job making minimum wage but still makes more then her mother. My girlfriend had to renew her welfare and since her 19 year old still lived with her my girl had to put it down. Since her daughter makes more then her and lives with her mom. They decreased her foodstamps substantially and cash assistance. They automacially assume the daughter helps out and contributes, and that is not the case. Her mother will ask her to do small things around the house to help out, but her daughters response is that she works. Her daughter never cleans up after herself never pays anyone back, doesn't help around the house, wont even give her mom a ciggeratte when her mom would buy her the pack. her daughter will take her clothes make-up ect. But gets so mad and disrespects and yells at her mom when her mom gets her things back. She never helps out with bills or food but has no problem eating the food. She would order pizza and don't offer her mom any but her mom always offer her pizza when she orders. her daughter is dating a boy who she seems to like and they been dating for a year now. His parents think she is an angel. She acts like she is the best child that she loves her mom and does more for other people then her own mother. One of her daughter friends stole 50,000 dollars out of her mothers(my girlfriend) fathers safe he had hidden in the house, and treats them better then are own mother. If everyone including her boyfriend and his parents actually knew how she treated her mother would they think of her the same? She also told her mother that she needs to respect her before he gets respect from her. Her mother said to her that she couldn't believe she treats her the way she does and at her age she had 2 jobs house and raising kids. her daughter responded it doesn't matter what your past accomplishments are it matters what you do now, knowing her mom has all these medical problems stopping her from living life at the moment. Her mom did everything for her and she has no respect for her.
I feel sorry for the future generations. When I was growing up my father would punch me square in my mouth if I even thought about disrespecting my mother. Now a days you will be thrown in jail if you even poke your kid, back then cops would also scold the child and tell them not to disrespect their mother. To think this generation is going to run the world one day, scary hu?
“I feel sorry for the future generations.”


This is as unwarranted as it is ignorant and wrong.

As already correctly noted, for thousands of years current generations has always disapproved of young members of society and expressed concern for ‘the future’ – where such concern was devoid of merit.

Your thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, being anecdotal and subjective.

And paragraphs are your friend.
Your girlfriend and her family sound like trailer trash. I think that may be the problem
I don't have any children of my own yet. But I do have friends and have had dated girls who had children of their own. I want to discuss and see what other people have to say about this topic. Kids now a days are becoming worse and worse. They think you have to respect them before they respect you? Where did they get that from? When I was growing up I was taught you need to respect your elders and earn respect. Kids haven't even lived and or done anything to really earn respect. They talk to their parents like they are nothing. Treat and disrespect them to no end. Expect their parents to do everything and get mad if their parents wont give them couple bucks. I just recently experienced a situation first hand that I would like to get comments on and thoughts. ok. My girlfriend is 38 years old and has 3 children, girl 19, boy 16, girl 14. My girlfriend had her first kid and got married and got her first home at the age of 19. She is a cosmetologist right out of highschool. She raised 3 kids by herself due to her husband leaving and not wanting anything to do with the kids. Raising 3 kids working multiple jobs isn't easy but she pushed through it to give her kids everything. Her house burned down twice and always made it happen to be in a new place asap. Did everything for her kids made countless sacrafices so her kids had everything they needed and wanted. She is a great mother, very kind, and has a good heart. She never treated her kids bad or talk to them in any disrespectful way. She Is now temporarily disabled because the cartilage in her knees is deteriorating and cant stand for to long and do what she loves doing, cutting hair. She also has diabetes and couple other things wrong. so she has to survive on a limited income provided by the government until she gets a knee replacement. Ok so her 19 year still lived at home and has a job making minimum wage but still makes more then her mother. My girlfriend had to renew her welfare and since her 19 year old still lived with her my girl had to put it down. Since her daughter makes more then her and lives with her mom. They decreased her foodstamps substantially and cash assistance. They automacially assume the daughter helps out and contributes, and that is not the case. Her mother will ask her to do small things around the house to help out, but her daughters response is that she works. Her daughter never cleans up after herself never pays anyone back, doesn't help around the house, wont even give her mom a ciggeratte when her mom would buy her the pack. her daughter will take her clothes make-up ect. But gets so mad and disrespects and yells at her mom when her mom gets her things back. She never helps out with bills or food but has no problem eating the food. She would order pizza and don't offer her mom any but her mom always offer her pizza when she orders. her daughter is dating a boy who she seems to like and they been dating for a year now. His parents think she is an angel. She acts like she is the best child that she loves her mom and does more for other people then her own mother. One of her daughter friends stole 50,000 dollars out of her mothers(my girlfriend) fathers safe he had hidden in the house, and treats them better then are own mother. If everyone including her boyfriend and his parents actually knew how she treated her mother would they think of her the same? She also told her mother that she needs to respect her before he gets respect from her. Her mother said to her that she couldn't believe she treats her the way she does and at her age she had 2 jobs house and raising kids. her daughter responded it doesn't matter what your past accomplishments are it matters what you do now, knowing her mom has all these medical problems stopping her from living life at the moment. Her mom did everything for her and she has no respect for her.
I feel sorry for the future generations. When I was growing up my father would punch me square in my mouth if I even thought about disrespecting my mother. Now a days you will be thrown in jail if you even poke your kid, back then cops would also scold the child and tell them not to disrespect their mother. To think this generation is going to run the world one day, scary hu?
“I feel sorry for the future generations.”


This is as unwarranted as it is ignorant and wrong.

As already correctly noted, for thousands of years current generations has always disapproved of young members of society and expressed concern for ‘the future’ – where such concern was devoid of merit.

Your thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, being anecdotal and subjective.

And paragraphs are your friend.
So you approve and see nothing wrong with children now a days act? You must not have children of your own or dated someone with children. Must be a very lonely person. My cousin is a teacher at a public school and has been teaching for years now in couple different schools. She sees the difference. You hear it on the news all the time about what kids are doing in schools and to eachother. So nor was my opinion ignorant or wrong. each generation gets worse and worse. Media and social network has a lot to do with it. If you don't see it you are ignorant and blind my friend. Look at how everything is now, cant tell me you don't have any concern for the future genertions
Your girlfriend and her family sound like trailer trash. I think that may be the problem
Far from trailer park trash buddy. You must be a lonely person that lives in there moms basement with no job or anything intelligent to say. My girlfriend had some bad luck and in able to work temporary and she is a well known hair stylist in the city. Problem is kids now a days lack discipline and respect. Her husband at the time turned out to be a real loser and left so she had to raise the kids by herself. Before you judge other people by the problems they are having consider where you are in life. One day you will go through a rough patch if not already. How you bounce back and get through it will determine what kind of person you are. Where my girlfriend is at today is because of the adversity she faced head on and was strong enough to get through it. You my friend might not be as strong and fail so before you judge make sure you know what you are talking about.
The next to the last line of your post explains it. These kids grew up without a father.

This, and the breakdown of traditional gender roles. AKA cultural marxism.
Worthless parents are nothing new, even before Marx wrote his dissertation...
It is hard to raise kids by yourself going to school and work.
Dude. I can see why you were reticent about expressing your thoughts and opinions. Generalising about today's youth based on your girlfriend's daughter's behaviour makes you look like an idiot.
Dude its not just based on my girlfriends daughter I just gave a quick example. There are many other facts and examples that back my opinion of feeling concerned about future generations. I stated "here is an example" You look like an idiot for not looking at the big picture

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