Told you.....NOBODY cares about climate change!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

No link needed s0ns......been saying for years. Climate change is so far off the public's radar, the level of funny is stoopid! Last night was just the cherry on top!! Backs all the polls on this I might add.:2up:

This forum is going to be a morgue for the next few years!!

Must find my knobby cucumber Photobucket Classic!!
What we will get is real science research in the medical field especially and no more bogus soviet style science we saw during the Obama years. Much will change.......and thank God >>

On Energy and Climate, Donald Trump to Chart a New Course

"Man made" global warming is going to become a relic of a former era, bs executive orders on emissions will be nuked by Mr Trump and no more whacky Solyndra's getting 1/2 a billion dollar to fail a year later.

Reality going to hit the climate bozo's...........hard.:coffee:
Maybe we will get to see exactly how much support wind and solar have in the free market where industry exists or fails based on its merits.
Even the talking head bozos on CNN tonight were talking about how coal is going to make a huge ass comeback after Soetero rides off into the sunset!! Brilliant move by president elect Donald to slam the door on this fraudulent renewable energy scheme.:popcorn:
I may have to disagree skookerasbil... If there is a way to gain financially when preaching the gospel of Global Warming/Cooling they are all over it... Ask algore...
I may have to disagree skookerasbil... If there is a way to gain financially when preaching the gospel of Global Warming/Cooling they are all over it... Ask algore...

Well that is will stay afloat only inasmuch as profits off this green scam will continue for the few. The bozo's in here are still stoopid enough to think its about the science!!:coffee:
Well, you maybe right...As most people on this planet don't give a shit about quality of life, clean air, water or food. Most people accept poor conditions and never fight for better.

Sad that my country joins the list of shit holes.
Well, you maybe right...As most people on this planet don't give a shit about quality of life, clean air, water or food. Most people accept poor conditions and never fight for better.

Sad that my country joins the list of shit holes.

s0n......the problem is, you're just hyper-hysterical about stuff most people just don't care that much about........because they shouldn't. This is not the early 70's when there was need for an EPA. You need some real responsibilities in life and you wouldn't be so hysterical about trivial shit. Most people have real problems and are much more they should be.........about charting their future in these times. And frankly, dumbasses like you never ask that question with the environment stuff, "At what cost?". Costs don't matter to people who are OCD on stoopid shit........but they sure do matter to the poor out there who suffer mightily with a push for renewable energy.

Just a tip s0n......buckle up. Gonna have to accept THIS >>>


in the forseeable future.

Tough shit on you and your k00k pals!!

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