Tolerance = Treason!


Jan 29, 2017
For some of the fools out there, do you even know what tolerance means? It means putting up with something that is harmful or unpleasant. What kind of warped mind would do such a thing. It goes against everything that life stands for! No creature that I ever heard of would tolerate something harmful or unpleasant. They would either avoid it or destroy it. So if anybody out there ever calls you intolerant, consider it as a compliment.
Sharks do it all the time when they put up with lampreys.

There are many other kinds of symbiotic parasitic relationships in the animal world, so your premise is screwed.

And, then there is the fact that humans have the ability to think and reason, which is why tolerance is possible. And, it's also kind of a requirement if you live in a community, even if it's a small one.
Tolerance is putting up with your spouse's foibles and still staying with them. .... :cool:
Tolerance is putting up with your spouse's foibles and still live with them. .... :cool:

Good point! I forgot about the example of marriage. That is something that requires quite a bit of tolerance, because a spouse CAN drive you crazy on occasion.
Sharks do it all the time when they put up with lampreys.

There are many other kinds of symbiotic parasitic relationships in the animal world, so your premise is screwed.

And, then there is the fact that humans have the ability to think and reason, which is why tolerance is possible. And, it's also kind of a requirement if you live in a community, even if it's a small one.

No creature would put up with a parasite if it could get rid of it. Next, your argument is screwed when you talk about symbiosis and parasitism. In a symbiotic relationship, both creatures benefit from the partnership. In a parasitic relationship, only one does. But parasitism does happen. Over the course of evolution, there are instances of the host not doing so well if it got rid of its parasite. But that doesn't mean that in the beginning the host benefited from having the parasite.

Next, the whole point of my thread is because I have the ability to think and reason. That being the case, I KNOW that tolerance = treason!
Tolerance is putting up with your spouse's foibles and still live with them. .... :cool:

Good point! I forgot about the example of marriage. That is something that requires quite a bit of tolerance, because a spouse CAN drive you crazy on occasion.

Does your wife repeatedly sneak across the southern border; sell drugs; riot; rape; murder; run from police when pulled over; resist arrest; keep us from having free college or universal health care, etc. etc. etc. The social bond of marriage is a whole different matter.

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