Tom Cruise, Scientology Under Investigation For Human Trafficking


Apr 20, 2010
Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology are reportedly under federal investigation for human trafficking and using unpaid labor, according to the New Yorker (via Huffington Post). The charges surfaced in a profile of Oscar-winning writer-director Paul Haggis ('Crash'), who left Scientology in 2009 after 34 years following a disagreement with church officials.

For the New Yorker profile, entitled 'Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology,' writer Lawrence Wright spoke to the filmmaker, several former church members and two FBI investigators, who allegedly "assured me [Wright] that the case remains open," referring to a 2009 investigation into abuse claims against the church. Reports indicate the abuse charges relate to, in part, paying church members just $50 per week to meet Cruise's demands, which included customizing a building and repairing boats and motorcycles.

In a statement, the church and Cruise denied the allegations and any knowledge of the investigation, and said the New Yorker "irresponsibly" used "discredited" sources to write a misleading article in an effort to attract attention.

Report: Tom Cruise, Scientology Under Investigation for Human Trafficking, Free Labor |

The article in the New Yorker is long (26 pages) but if you'd like to read it, here's the link:

Paul Haggis Vs. the Church of Scientology : The New Yorker

If this investigation yields charges against Cruise, I hope he gets LWOP.
At best, Scientology is a cult. I know it has a lot of followers, but when you get into some of the practices the church has (such as child birth practices) you're dealing with something that has way too much power over your life - beyond your spiritual beliefs.

Their beliefs about psychiatry and quackery should flash a great big clue. If someone were to seek the counsel of a psychiatrist they quite possibly would disengage themselves from the church. Been there, done that - though not with Scientology.
I can hear Psycho Tom's Jew Lawyer squining ( screaming/whining) for a lawsuit this morning.
Ya didn't think the sawed off idiot was going to get a Scientologist lawyer didja ?
My son and I visited the Scietology center in Amsterdam.

He was curious about it, so why not, I thought.

It had a cult like feel like many churches have, actually.

Seemed like a load of hooey to me.

Did to him, too.
Is that why I've seen these Scientology TV commercials popping-up lately?
How very like Maddie to convict someone without waiting for actual evidence. Apparently, all we need to know is what the media run.... that's sufficient to sentence someone to LWOP.
Is that why I've seen these Scientology TV commercials popping-up lately?

Have you really? That is bizarre. What part of the country are you in, jckryan?

Los Angeles, California in the U.S. of A. They've been airing usually in the 7am-8am time slot . . . when NBC's Today Show airs. Nothing about the thread you posted. They go on about marriage, family, happiness, etc.. was'nt really paying attention (usually running about getting ready for work).
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Is that why I've seen these Scientology TV commercials popping-up lately?

Have you really? That is bizarre. What part of the country are you in, jckryan?

Los Angeles, California in the U.S. of A. They've been airing usually in the 7am-8am time slot . . . when NBC's Today Show airs. Nothing about the thread you posted. They go on about marriage, family, happiness, etc.. was'nt really paying attention (usually running about getting ready for work).

Ah, that makes perfect sense. Softening up the potential jury pool, just in case.
The Church of Scientology has a lot of money. Just like the Vatican.

I do believe Scientology is bit further out there on the whackadoodle scale, Anguille. Catholics do not believe they are ET.
Goes on in a lot of churches...
US couple sues Church of Scientology over donations
Fri, Jan 25, 2013 - Two former members of the Church of Scientology claimed in a lawsuit filed on Wednesday that the church and its affiliates deceived members into donating millions of US dollars to misrepresented causes.
Luis and Maria Garcia of Irvine, California, filed the complaint in federal court in Tampa, Florida, near the church’s national headquarters in Clearwater. The couple claims they were duped into giving more than US$420,000 for a building campaign, disaster relief efforts and other causes, only to find the bulk of the money went to inflate the church coffers and line the pockets of its leader, David Miscavige. Scientology spokeswoman Pat Harney said the church had not yet been served with the lawsuit, but challenged any contention that money was misappropriated. The Garcias were 28-year members of the church, rising to upper levels of Scientology. They left in November 2010 over their disenchantment with its direction under Miscavige, who has led the church since founder L. Ron Hubbard’s death in 1986.

The lawsuit names various trusts and nonprofits linked to Scientology as defendants and says they collectively engage in fraud. Attorney Theodore Babbitt of West Palm Beach, Florida, who is among those handling the suit, said it would be followed by other similar claims from former Scientologists. He said the Garcias still believe in the precepts of Scientology and that the litigation is not a commentary on whether it is a true religion, a question that has dogged it across the world since it was founded in the 1950s. Among the accusations made in the lawsuit is that the Garcias and others were repeatedly approached with urgent requests for funding of Scientology charity work around the globe.

Babbitt said high-ranking former Scientologists would testify that the church knowingly rerouted such collections for other spending, including financing a “lavish lifestyle” for Miscavige, stifling inquiries into church activities and finances, and intimidating members and ex-members. A common tactic, Babbitt said, when a disaster unfolded somewhere in the world, would be to send a small group of Scientologists with a camera crew that would pay locals in the affected area to appear on camera. A scene would essentially be staged in which people would be begging or appear to be starving, even if it were not the case, he said. A cornerstone of church practice is personal counseling sessions, known as auditing, in which members disclose many facets of their personal lives.

Babbitt says members’ financial statuses would be known from those sessions and then be used in tandem with footage from disaster sites in desperate and urgent pleas for money. “There’s an emergency, we need your money right now, we know that you have X dollars in the bank in Los Angeles,” Babbitt said. Those contributions, the lawsuit says, were collected by a Scientology-linked group called IAS Administrations, which Babbitt says former church members will testify accumulated more than US$1 billion in contributions.

US couple sues Church of Scientology over donations - Taipei Times
Scientology is a load of crap. It was invented by some washed up science fiction writer who figured out a way to dupe people into giving him money.

And yeah.........................I hope the idiot Scientologists track me down so I can tell them what a load of crap their belief system is.
Scientology is a load of crap. It was invented by some washed up science fiction writer who figured out a way to dupe people into giving him money.

And yeah.........................I hope the idiot Scientologists track me down so I can tell them what a load of crap their belief system is.

They won't believe you. I told them to their faces...I showed them their own greed and they denied. They gave me a "free" personality test and then wanted me to buy a book on Dianetics. I peeled back the sticker and under the sticker was a lower price. I told them no thanks if I wanted the book, I'd buy it from an "honest" book store at it's "real" price, not the inflated price they drummed up to make more money. They tried to tell me that it was a mistake, they never intended to sell the books for more than their original price, yet they couldn't find one without the sticker on it with the higher price. Then they had the nerve to ask me to join them in prayer. I told them what I thought of their "fake" religion and left. Unfortunately, I'd given them my address for years and years, I'd get stuff from them. Probably cost them more than that book did. Didn't stop coming until I moved and left no forwarding address.

And my personality test? Apparently I'm insecure and I need them to make it in the world. Bet they say that to everybody. :D
Sarah G. wrote: Why are you all resurrecting these old threads?

`Cause I'm nostalgic...

... `sides dat Granny likes `em `cause dey old like her...

... BTW, you any relation to Kenny G?...

... yea, his music's kinda old...

... but possum likes lissenin' to it...

... Uncle Ferd partial to CCR, Marshal Tucker, Almond Bros., an' Lynnyrd Skynnyrd.

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