Tom Hanks discusses cancel culture: 'Let me decide what I am offended by'

I have no desire to deal is crazed hyperbole. Thats your venue.
Translation: You don't want to answer because you would be forced to admit that there should be some materials censored from students at school or else you have to agree with something totally stupid.
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Just in the last few days we have seen Richard Dreyfuss blasting Hollywood's inclusion standards saying, "They make me vomit", Scott Baio has said he is moving away from California due to it's high crime and woke policies, and now we have none other than Tom Hanks himself criticizing the left's cancel culture saying, "Let me choose what I am offended by". Apparently he doesn't want the Borg Collective telling him what he should be offended by and that he wants the power to decide for himself. How long will it be before the Borg Collective casts him out or doubles down on their efforts to assimilate him? Is resistance futile?

Bless these courageous actors for defending their right to make their own decisions, and not some political mob. May God bless us all with their amazing contributions to the entertainment industry. And thank you for letting me know something good about Hollyweird, where heretofore, the only principled actor I heard about was Jon Voight who has my undying respect. (and of course, the late President Ronald Reagan. :thup:
Remember when this big shot clown was stuck over in Australia in a 5-star hotel room with his old lady lecturing Americans on the China-Virus-Regular-Flu?
Translation: You don't want to answer because you would be forced to admit that there should be some materials censored from students at school or else you have to agree with something totally stupid.

Nobody is showing Hustler to any school kids of any age.

If you can't discuss things rationally, you know you have no legitimate argument.
I'm surprised Mr. Hanks hasn't been canceled already. You would think the libs would have been offended by his portrayal of donkey sex and bestiality in Hanks' magnus opus, "Bachelor Party". Didn't that offend PETA?
Mr. Hanks has a gift for making people feel good by the roles he plays. The good thing about a great entertainer like Mr. Hanks is the load he lifts off the shoulders of people who have a hard time in their personal lives. A good actor can be a gift of God to more people than one celebrated man would ever have time to meet and shake hands with. And that's what I think. Most of the time I don't want to know the politics of entertainers, because they are frequently so weak they bank on the attitudes of the wrong people.
Bless these courageous actors for defending their right to make their own decisions, and not some political mob. May God bless us all with their amazing contributions to the entertainment industry. And thank you for letting me know something good about Hollyweird, where heretofore, the only principled actor I heard about was Jon Voight who has my undying respect. (and of course, the late President Ronald Reagan. :thup:
I remember a few years ago when Carrie Fisher passed away and Steve Martin called her a beautiful woman. All hell broke loose with the left bashing him for saying such a thing during the MeToo movement. So, Steve Martin sucked it up, put his tail between his legs, apologized, and begged for forgiveness.
Just in the last few days we have seen Richard Dreyfuss blasting Hollywood's inclusion standards saying, "They make me vomit", Scott Baio has said he is moving away from California due to it's high crime and woke policies, and now we have none other than Tom Hanks himself criticizing the left's cancel culture saying, "Let me choose what I am offended by". Apparently he doesn't want the Borg Collective telling him what he should be offended by and that he wants the power to decide for himself. How long will it be before the Borg Collective casts him out or doubles down on their efforts to assimilate him? Is resistance futile?

The one and only time Scott Baio would ever be mentioned with Tom Hanks.
Just in the last few days we have seen Richard Dreyfuss blasting Hollywood's inclusion standards saying, "They make me vomit", Scott Baio has said he is moving away from California due to it's high crime and woke policies, and now we have none other than Tom Hanks himself criticizing the left's cancel culture saying, "Let me choose what I am offended by". Apparently he doesn't want the Borg Collective telling him what he should be offended by and that he wants the power to decide for himself. How long will it be before the Borg Collective casts him out or doubles down on their efforts to assimilate him? Is resistance futile?

Apparently Hanks, like most freedom-loving Americans, abhors the rampant authoritarianism in which ideologically-driven politicians dictate to medicine, education, private enterprise, an intrusive statism under which politicians pronounce every American's sexual identity regardless of their self-identity, and abrogate and arrogate every woman's dominion over her own womb.

He is so audacious that he holds truth above the self-aggrandizement pf a blowhard charlatan who would deny it when it does not comport with his agenda, preferring to baselessly indict and befoul our democratic process.

A lie can attract the weird worshipers that swarm around it in mindless ecstasy, but truth will prevail. It must prevail.

... Hanks said that, “the truth, to some, is no longer empirical. It’s no longer based on data nor common sense nor even common decency.”
“Telling the truth is no longer the benchmark for public service. It’s no longer the salve to our fears or the guide to our actions. Truth is now considered malleable, by opinion, by zero-sum end games,” he said. “Imagery is manufactured with audacity, with purpose to achieve the primal task of marring the truth with mock logic to achieve with fake expertise, with false sincerity.”
People “play fast and loose” with the truth, he stressed.
“Every day, every year, and for every graduating class, there is a choice to be made,” he said.
He called post-graduation “the never-ending battle you have all officially joined as of today.”
“If you live in the United States of America, the responsibility is yours. Ours. The effort is optional, but the truth is sacred, unalterable, chiseled into the stone of the foundation of our republic,” he said.
Cry Baby Losers who can't handle the truth serve up the alternative.

Reject it.
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