Tom Hanks Thinks He Couldn't Play A Gay Man Now Because He's Not Gay

Because it's fun to watch you unable to go against even a smidge of the progressive SJW mantra even when it comes to something simple as biology.

As a species, we had better be heterosexual by default, or we won't be around much longer. Anything else is a detriment to trying to pass your DNA down to the next generation, which in the end is the purpose of all biological organisms. Birth, life, breed, death.

Anything else is an abnormality, just like my near-sightedness is abnormal and a detriment only overcome by technology. Homosexuality is an abnormality currently overcome by technology and tolerated simply because we are well past survivalist level existence, when such luxuries would be detrimental to the survival of the group as a whole.

Hunter gatherer societies didn't have time for this shit, they were too busy hunting and gathering and making sure there were enough replacement hunter gatherers before they died at 30.
As a species most are heterosexual. That fact is not in threat. We don’t need to force those who have different preferences to be straight or be shunned, degraded or demonized. They are who they are. Let it go.
As a species most are heterosexual. That fact is not in threat. We don’t need to force those who have different preferences to be straight or be shunned, degraded or demonized. They are who they are. Let it go.

Why can't you just admit heterosexuality is the natural/biological default?

It's not about force, it's about reality, and your political views prevent you from admitting it?
Again. Each individual has their own default condition. Those what are homosexual or bisexual are that way by default, if that’s the term you want to use. But again. Why does that even matter?
Naaaaaah, the homosexuals are seduced as boys by priests and scoutmasters and other homosexual deviates. They are attacked so early so that their sexuality imprints as abnormal, and then their lives are doomed.

Important to keep boys out of the grasp of these groomers. Otherwise it's naked parades for them and bathhouses with dozens of contacts and the spread of all the dire diseases they have and pass on to the greater community, such as this new monkeypox. We're up to 11,000 confirmed cases in the U.S. alone, I read.
Why can't you just admit heterosexuality is the natural/biological default?

It's not about force, it's about reality, and your political views prevent you from admitting it?
Why would I admit to something I don’t agree with? Heterosexual certainly is default for most people, but not for all. I see no reason to label those who have a different default as broken or damaged. They are who they are and I’m totally fine with that. Those who aren’t ok with it make no sense to me. What are you scared of?
Naaaaaah, the homosexuals are seduced as boys by priests and scoutmasters and other homosexual deviates. They are attacked so early so that their sexuality imprints as abnormal, and then their lives are doomed.

Important to keep boys out of the grasp of these groomers. Otherwise it's naked parades for them and bathhouses with dozens of contacts and the spread of all the dire diseases they have and pass on to the greater community, such as this new monkeypox. We're up to 11,000 confirmed cases in the U.S. alone, I read.
Are you close with any homosexuals? Where do you get these opinions of yours from?
Why would I admit to something I don’t agree with? Heterosexual certainly is default for most people, but not for all. I see no reason to label those who have a different default as broken or damaged. They are who they are and I’m totally fine with that. Those who aren’t ok with it make no sense to me. What are you scared of?

I'm talking about as a species.

What are you scared of admitting to basic biological facts?
I'm talking about as a species.

What are you scared of admitting to basic biological facts?
Our species isn’t being threatened. The vast majority of people are happy to reproduce. Relax

I don’t think there’s a scientific fact that you’ve brought up that I haven’t acknowledged
Being Woke is making Hollywood go down the road of insanity.

You have to stay in your lane.
You have to be Hispanic to play a Hispanic.
You have to be Gay to play a homosexual.
You cannot be something that you are not.

Excuse me....I thought that was what acting meant. I thought it meant being something you are not. Playing a part used to be what acting was. Your ability to change your character. Now you're not allowed to be Latin unless you're actually Latin. Tom Hanks claims he can't play the part that won him an Oscar because he's not gay.

Tom Hanks actually did play a gay man in the uncut version of "That Thing You Do" his boyfriend in the movie was former NFL football star and TV sportscaster Howie Long
Our species isn’t being threatened. The vast majority of people are happy to reproduce. Relax

I don’t think there’s a scientific fact that you’ve brought up that I haven’t acknowledged

But you can't type the words, because you can't break the SJW lock on your mind.

Our species isn’t being threatened. The vast majority of people are happy to reproduce. Relax

I don’t think there’s a scientific fact that you’ve brought up that I haven’t acknowledged

"Vast" majority? I don't think so. Polls indicate 40% of young people are Homos and'or Trannies.

The Gay Lifestyle has been glorified, and a growing number of youths are embracing sodomy as a lifestyle.

Remember the historical record in the city of Sodom. Almighty God sent a couple of His angels there to see if there were as few as 10 Normal people in the whole town and he would spare the city. The city was destroyed.
"Vast" majority? I don't think so. Polls indicate 40% of young people are Homos and'or Trannies.

The Gay Lifestyle has been glorified, and a growing number of youths are embracing sodomy as a lifestyle.

Remember the historical record in the city of Sodom. Almighty God sent a couple of His angels there to see if there were as few as 10 Normal people in the whole town and he would spare the city. The city was destroyed.
Polls? Haha. Enough said
All I’ve been doing is typing words. What are you talking about??

You can't bring yourself to say heterosexuality is the default sexuality for our species.

So basically you can't admit to a scientific reality due to your SJW politics.
You can't bring yourself to say heterosexuality is the default sexuality for our species.

So basically you can't admit to a scientific reality due to your SJW politics.
I don’t need to bring myself to say that because I don’t think we need to label a default for our species. That would be like saying the default race of humans is Asian.

We are a world of unique individuals and each individual has their own “default”. Stupid term BTW.

Nothing scientific about your claim.
No.. but there was no need for me to fill in the blanks there since everyone knows what it was about...I was assuming Hanks was explaining why he could not play the role of a gay man again, and unless "that thing you do" was prior to "Philadelphia" he did play one.

Then there was Bosom Buddies

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