Tom Hanks Thinks He Couldn't Play A Gay Man Now Because He's Not Gay

We all know it, you just can't admit it.

Obvious genuflecting to the lefty party line is obvious.
Again, you can’t know what’s going on in somebody else’s head. Hanks seems like a pretty genuine guy who has been famous and successful for most of his life. Doesn’t strike me as the style of guy who gets pressured into lying about his true feelings. You’re obviously full of shit as you play mind reader
Again, you can’t know what’s going on in somebody else’s head. Hanks seems like a pretty genuine guy who has been famous and successful for most of his life. Doesn’t strike me as the style of guy who gets pressured into lying about his true feelings. You’re obviously full of shit as you play mind reader

I am opining about his statement, nothing more. Agree or not, but shove they "I can't do X" shit up your ass. Whatev-a, I do what I want.
I think he's just trying to assure that the woke left doesn't come after him.
Nobody wants the FBI raiding your house...or a bunch of assholes protesting outside your home.
Hey that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. I’ll just take his words at face value and let it be that
It's reality, despite any memory hole Winston Smith attempted changes to the contrary.
We are talking about a group that had been oppressed for generations. That’s what matters. Just because they recently found a voice to fight for specific rights and equality doesn’t change the fact that our society blocked them from having those rights. I shouldn’t need to explain that. It’s basic knowledge
We are talking about a group that had been oppressed for generations. That’s what matters. Just because they recently found a voice to fight for specific rights and equality doesn’t change the fact that our society blocked them from having those rights. I shouldn’t need to explain that. It’s basic knowledge

What's basic knowledge is that marriage was always between men and women, either 1 and 1 or 1 and plural. The current concept is a new invention, plain and simple.

Can you at least admit that heterosexuality is the default condition for our species?
We are talking about a group that had been oppressed for generations. That’s what matters. Just because they recently found a voice to fight for specific rights and equality doesn’t change the fact that our society blocked them from having those rights. I shouldn’t need to explain that. It’s basic knowledge

How about the opposite?

If the role is for a Normative Character, should all homos be excluded from consideration and only normal actors be considered?
What's basic knowledge is that marriage was always between men and women, either 1 and 1 or 1 and plural. The current concept is a new invention, plain and simple.

Can you at least admit that heterosexuality is the default condition for our species?
Default condition? Haha. No. Everybody has their own default condition. I can say that heterosexuality has and is the majority. But so what?
Default condition? Haha. No. Everybody has their own default condition. I can say that heterosexuality has and is the majority. But so what?

We are a species that reproduces sexually, thus each sex being attracted to the opposite sex is the default condition. Anything else is a detriment to being able to pass your DNA down to the next generation.

I thought you guys were all science and shit....
How about the opposite?

If the role is for a Normative Character, should all homos be excluded from consideration and only normal actors be considered?
I don’t think anybody should be excluded from consideration. You’re question is rather silly though as straight people are not an oppressed minority group.
We are a species that reproduces sexually, thus each sex being attracted to the opposite sex is the default condition. Anything else is a detriment to being able to pass your DNA down to the next generation.

I thought you guys were all science and shit....
Again. Each individual has their own default condition. Those what are homosexual or bisexual are that way by default, if that’s the term you want to use. But again. Why does that even matter?
Again. Each individual has their own default condition. Those what are homosexual or bisexual are that way by default, if that’s the term you want to use. But again. Why does that even matter?

Because it's fun to watch you unable to go against even a smidge of the progressive SJW mantra even when it comes to something simple as biology.

As a species, we had better be heterosexual by default, or we won't be around much longer. Anything else is a detriment to trying to pass your DNA down to the next generation, which in the end is the purpose of all biological organisms. Birth, life, breed, death.

Anything else is an abnormality, just like my near-sightedness is abnormal and a detriment only overcome by technology. Homosexuality is an abnormality currently overcome by technology and tolerated simply because we are well past survivalist level existence, when such luxuries would be detrimental to the survival of the group as a whole.

Hunter gatherer societies didn't have time for this shit, they were too busy hunting and gathering and making sure there were enough replacement hunter gatherers before they died at 30.

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