Tommy Robinson organizing mass rally against Brexit betrayal


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Tommy Robinson has announced that he is organising a mass rally against Theresa May’s betrayal of Brexit.
BREAKING: Tommy Robinson organising mass rally against Brexit betrayal

Hopefully he is careful too many leftist lunatics over there who would prefer their little children be raped by a certain culture who says it's just fine to do why here marry my daughter she's only 9 yrs old......
Get the picture loons probably not.
We Brexiteers are often told that we didn’t know what we voted for, that we didn’t have the loaf to understand the question being put to us in the EU referendum or what was at stake.

But just as irritating has been the tendency to tell us why we voted Leave, to impute our motives from afar in pursuit of various political agendas.

Racism has been the most execrable explanation, flung at us in the face of all evidence showing declining prejudice in Britain. Then there’s desperation, the idea that austerity-battered Britain was just letting out a cry for help – a more ‘caring’ gloss on the ‘they didn’t know what they voted for’ thesis.

But the most widespread explanation is, of course, that the Brexit vote was all about immigration; about an unshiftable, irrational fetish for tighter border controls among a certain set of the British public.

Brexit was about more than immigration

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