Tomorrow I may start a white ministry to liberate whites from feds


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
No I am not drunk. On Friday nights Louis Farrakhan is answering questions on twitter, and I am hoping to get a chance to talk to him and to form a unity, to explain to him that we all need to join together against the real evil that are the international bankers that are charging interest on our money - the people that end up with unlimited supply of money for which they can buy not only prostitutes, but politicians, revolutions, countries, ANYTHING. But if I can not talk to him, I have tried EVERYTHING. I made over 30 speeches, did not manage to get more than 100 views, I donated money to politicians which I later realized were fraud as well, I tried it all. But the MSM, the attention creator likes BUZZ, they like people like David Duke. I tried to get in touch with David duke both on his web site where I was ignored and through from which I was banned, I suppose my way was interfering with his business, they are all about business bullshit aside.

So I will set up a white ministry, ad a donation button on the top right as they all do, and wait for donations to start rolling in and preach some hatred towards liberals or conservatives or blacks or whites (well not whites, I'm white) or Russians or Americans, and see what works best...

Well, you're not drunk, but I can tell you be drinking.
BTW, what brand of Vodka do you recommend?
UPDATE: Louis Farrakhan never answered my questions and I have a whole lot more.

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