Tomorrow Will Be funny

The leftists see what they want to see and ignore what contradicts their narrative.

They want Trump to be bad. Even though an extensive investigation yielded zero results, they press on. They condemn him for wanting to secure borders even though they cheered Clinton and Obama for saying the same exact things. Hillary got more free passes than Bill did for her shit during her stint as Sec of State. Billions in missing money, failing miserably during the Benghazi attacks, Clinton Foundation screwing over the people of Haiti and a host of other lies. She has yet to answer for the private email server. But they keep hoping to find the tiniest bit of dirt on Trump and will treat the smallest infraction like the crime of the century.

They ridiculed him for saluting the casket of Bush, Sr. Obama and Clinton also saluted on different occasions. They were all CICs. Head of the military. None served in the military but all were right to salute.

They want to impeach Trump simply because they don't like him. He is in their way so they will continue the radical methods of past dictators, which means to ridicule him and all who support him in hopes people will stop.

When Dems do even worse, it's completely dismissed.

Leftists these days can find fault with the tiniest things and they usually stretch their imaginations to do that. Trump was a heel for supposedly having a consensual affair years ago and they made a huge deal out of is while they had the "boys will be boys" attitude with Clinton forcing himself on women. Go figure. And their mindless minions believe what they say today and forget facts from yesterday.

read the court releases, and then try to make your comment again without choking... :rolleyes:

The Trump crime family is being revealed... little by little one step after another step... we can't see it all, due to redactions and sealed explanations of the crimes committed, BUT the Court Judge has seen it ALL and has records of it all (and so has the grand jury), in case anyone tries to fire or stifle the special counsel/Mueller's investigation.
read the court releases, and then try to make your comment again without choking... :rolleyes:

The Trump crime family is being revealed... little by little one step after another step... we can't see it all, due to redactions and sealed explanations of the crimes committed, BUT the Court Judge has seen it ALL and has records of it all (and so has the grand jury), in case anyone tries to fire or stifle the special counsel/Mueller's investigation.

I didn't realize you had teh TDS..sad. I thought you were a liberal.
read the court releases, and then try to make your comment again without choking... :rolleyes:

The Trump crime family is being revealed... little by little one step after another step... we can't see it all, due to redactions and sealed explanations of the crimes committed, BUT the Court Judge has seen it ALL and has records of it all (and so has the grand jury), in case anyone tries to fire or stifle the special counsel/Mueller's investigation.

I didn't realize you had teh TDS..sad. I thought you were a liberal.

I don't have TDS, I'm actually informed... I spend the time reading the news, or the court documents, and have followed this, and followed all of the president's lies about this of which you all accept without thought or reason...

you all have given up your God given brains to a chronic liar.... it doesn't make any sense to me, on why you all have chosen to do such??? You seem to be good peeps, but your undying support for this chronic, never ending liar is just non sensible to me? :dunno:
The leftists see what they want to see and ignore what contradicts their narrative.

They want Trump to be bad. Even though an extensive investigation yielded zero results, they press on. They condemn him for wanting to secure borders even though they cheered Clinton and Obama for saying the same exact things. Hillary got more free passes than Bill did for her shit during her stint as Sec of State. Billions in missing money, failing miserably during the Benghazi attacks, Clinton Foundation screwing over the people of Haiti and a host of other lies. She has yet to answer for the private email server. But they keep hoping to find the tiniest bit of dirt on Trump and will treat the smallest infraction like the crime of the century.

They ridiculed him for saluting the casket of Bush, Sr. Obama and Clinton also saluted on different occasions. They were all CICs. Head of the military. None served in the military but all were right to salute.

They want to impeach Trump simply because they don't like him. He is in their way so they will continue the radical methods of past dictators, which means to ridicule him and all who support him in hopes people will stop.

When Dems do even worse, it's completely dismissed.

Leftists these days can find fault with the tiniest things and they usually stretch their imaginations to do that. Trump was a heel for supposedly having a consensual affair years ago and they made a huge deal out of is while they had the "boys will be boys" attitude with Clinton forcing himself on women. Go figure. And their mindless minions believe what they say today and forget facts from yesterday.

There was a 1000lb. Bomb dropped today with the release of Cohen/Manafort pre-sentencing documents that Trump is going into a early morning tweety rampage over, to give you a little excitement.

But it's clear this case is now expanding into crimes committed in the White House in 2017/2018 and it's going to grow. We know tonight that the contacts with Russians were much more than we knew about last week. We know that the Moscow Trump tower, that Trump was more involved with than he stated, and we know this was going on longer than we previously knew.

None of it is good for Trump as this closes in on him. The screws are getting tighter, there will be more indictments.

Trump has been implicated into 2 felonies tonight regarding the Payoffs to Stormy Daniels & Karen McDougal, that gives Democrats in the house opportunity to open public hearings and start impeachment proceedings.
Prosecutors Say Trump Directed Illegal Payments During Campaign

So if you want to remark on any good news in all of this, please feel free to speak up-


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