TONIGHT: Hillary Clinton To Accept Historic Nomination For President

Listening to Chelsea, Hillary was obviously a wonderful mother. We should all be so lucky.
Run carli fiorino against her in 2020 then.

Hillary won't be running in 2020. Trump is slamming the door on that sh**. You can thank him later.
GATSBY when the GOP is totally run out of office and power in every branch of government in November you are going to need a very stiff drink -- lots.

You might as well schedule time off now from Nov 1 thru Nov 6 for a good long binge.

You'll need it.
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Chelsea's speaking style is that of a mom talking to her child.

It is actually very beautiful to behold.
Chelsea is speaking.
She looks nervous -- anyone would be.

I figured she would start with her earliest memory -- anyone would.

Nice speech so far.

It tells a story.
Do you know how hard public speaking is?

I give them all credit including the slicksters like trump Christie Rudy Ben carson carli Cruz.

That's why it's so funny when little Marco choked so bad this year and that pathetic rebttal to the sotu he gave one year with the little water bottles. You got to be good.

Hell I even give Melania credit because I didn't know she was reading a plagiarized script
Chelsea is speaking.
She looks nervous -- anyone would be.

I figured she would start with her earliest memory -- anyone would.

Nice speech so far.

It tells a story.
Do you know how hard public speaking is?

I give them all credit including the slicksters like trump Christie Rudy Ben carson carli Cruz.

That's why it's so funny when little Marco choked so bad this year and that pathetic rebttal to the sotu he gave one year with the little water bottles. You got to be good.

Hell I even give Melania credit because I didn't know she was reading a plagiarized script
Yes I have done lots of public speaking both military and civilian.

I appreciate Chelsea's style -- that of a new mom.
Right now Bill is thinking Chelsea sucks at this she clearly didn't get my bullshit the little guy gene.....

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