Tony Perkins: Obama Immigration Order Inviting Terror Attacks on US Christians


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Nothing like fear to whip up cletus and ellie may goober in trailer park land to get them to send money

A direct mail letter from FRC Action dated February 2015 features a shadowy outline of a machine-gun-wielding terrorist with the warning:

TERRORISM: no longer “out there”

How they’re become a threat to YOU and your family

Perkins ends with a P.S.:

As “People of the Cross,” it is clear that you and I have been targeted by the terrorists. It is no longer a vague “concern.” It is a very real threat. Our President is not protecting us. We must move Congress to ensure your safety and the safety of your children and grandchildren. We will fight for you on Capitol Hill. Please help us. Give generously today. Thank you again.


Tony Perkins Obama Immigration Order Inviting Terror Attacks on US Christians Right Wing Watch
U.S. immigration law has evolved from a largely open door policy, as reflected in Emma Lazarus’ words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, into a complex and daunting body of restrictions and requirements. While many of our ancestors endured hardship to come here, the overwhelming majority would not have been able to come here at all under today’s immigration laws.

Today millions of people live, work and raise families in the United States without the protection of basic civil rights or labor protections, without access to many services, and in constant fear of persecution and deportation.

Now we have the opportunity to right decades of wrongs. Bend the Arc is targeting our efforts where we can make the most difference, as social justice advocates, and as Jews.

We support creating a path to citizenship with a reasonable time frame and a fair system to deal with the future flow of immigrants coming to pursue their own chance at the American dream.

We must ensure that immigration reform legislation includes economic protections for the 11 million people who currently toil in the shadow economy. Minimum wage laws and other worker protections must be enforced, regardless of a worker’s immigration status. This will prevent exploitation by unscrupulous employers and honor the Jewish teaching to treat one’s workers fairly.

We will raise our voices and organize our allies to ensure that immigration reform does not leave same sex couples out in the cold. LGBT Americans should be able to sponsor a spouse or permanent partner in the same way opposite sex couples have long been able to do. It is essential to have faith communities support this in a highly visible way in order to combat those who would claim the mantel of faith and morality to promote injustice and bigotry. Now that section 3 of DOMA has been repealed we will ensure that language within immigration policies stay inclusive of LGBT people so that all Americans will be treated equally when it comes to immigration.

Bend the Arc is lobbying legislators in Washington and organizing locally across the country. In early February, Bend the Arc submitted testimony to the House Judiciary Committee as it held its first hearing of the new term on immigration. We are working with our partners to develop resounding support from the Jewish community for just and fair immigration reform that is in the best interest of our entire nation. Join us.

Yearning to Breathe Free Just and Fair Immigration Reform Bend the Arc

The non profit Jewish organizations are hell bent on destroying the fiber of the US.
Nothing like fear to whip up cletus and ellie may goober in trailer park land to get them to send money

A direct mail letter from FRC Action dated February 2015 features a shadowy outline of a machine-gun-wielding terrorist with the warning:

TERRORISM: no longer “out there”

How they’re become a threat to YOU and your family

Perkins ends with a P.S.:

As “People of the Cross,” it is clear that you and I have been targeted by the terrorists. It is no longer a vague “concern.” It is a very real threat. Our President is not protecting us. We must move Congress to ensure your safety and the safety of your children and grandchildren. We will fight for you on Capitol Hill. Please help us. Give generously today. Thank you again.


Tony Perkins Obama Immigration Order Inviting Terror Attacks on US Christians Right Wing Watch
After all that BS ,you failed to counter his argument,using the same old tried talking points,get you zip,now prove what you claim
Nothing like fear to whip up cletus and ellie may goober in trailer park land to get them to send money

A direct mail letter from FRC Action dated February 2015 features a shadowy outline of a machine-gun-wielding terrorist with the warning:

TERRORISM: no longer “out there”

How they’re become a threat to YOU and your family

Perkins ends with a P.S.:

As “People of the Cross,” it is clear that you and I have been targeted by the terrorists. It is no longer a vague “concern.” It is a very real threat. Our President is not protecting us. We must move Congress to ensure your safety and the safety of your children and grandchildren. We will fight for you on Capitol Hill. Please help us. Give generously today. Thank you again.


Tony Perkins Obama Immigration Order Inviting Terror Attacks on US Christians Right Wing Watch
Oh dear! I'd best send them my life savings!!!!
Nothing like fear to whip up cletus and ellie may goober in trailer park land to get them to send money

A direct mail letter from FRC Action dated February 2015 features a shadowy outline of a machine-gun-wielding terrorist with the warning:

TERRORISM: no longer “out there”

How they’re become a threat to YOU and your family

Perkins ends with a P.S.:

As “People of the Cross,” it is clear that you and I have been targeted by the terrorists. It is no longer a vague “concern.” It is a very real threat. Our President is not protecting us. We must move Congress to ensure your safety and the safety of your children and grandchildren. We will fight for you on Capitol Hill. Please help us. Give generously today. Thank you again.


Tony Perkins Obama Immigration Order Inviting Terror Attacks on US Christians Right Wing Watch
After all that BS ,you failed to counter his argument,using the same old tried talking points,get you zip,now prove what you claim
Be sure to send Tony your life savings too.
He's right. There's no point to bringing terrorists here in the numbers obama is bringing them here unless he wants Christians killed here like they are in Syria and Iraq.

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