Too Late


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
While this board isn't *scientific* in its measurement, it's a pretty good indication of the below.

My opinion (the title) is in reference to that and, the title of the article.

What the entire world needs to understand is that the evidence of electoral fraud–a stolen American Presidential Election–has never been presented except to a few legislators in the swing states. The media have not presented the evidence to the public, have not provided evaluations of the evidence by alternative experts. Instead the media has declared with one voice repeadedly: “There is no evidence.”

No court has looked at the evidence. The courts avoided examining the evidence by refusing the cases on spurious grounds such as lack of standing to bring a case. Yet news sources worldwide report that the courts rejected the evidence. This false reporting is used as evidence that there is no evidence.

No election officials in the swing states where the election was stolen have looked at the evidence, and they will not because the evidence shows how the election was stolen. Moreover, those who stole the election already know that they stole the election. They see their success in Biden’s “victory.” For them, the end justifies the means.

So we have evidence of a stolen election that has been refuted by refusing to look at the evidence and endlessly asserting instead that there is no evidence.

As Giuliani said, every US Attorney knows that an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury is evidence. Giuliani, a former US Attorney, said that he had a thousand affidavits, and the American people never heard about them.

The Establishment’s power to control explanations seems to be approaching total control. The Establishment can block evidence from view. The Establishment can close down all truth-tellers. Parler is alleged to be a violator of “community standards,” which means Parler is violating the Establishment’s controlled explanations.

Cancel culture has no respect for free speech, objective evidence, and democracy, foundations of a free society. Consequently, America is degenerating into totalitarianism.

Don’t Fall for the Establishment’s Tall Tales. There Was No “Violent Assault on the Capitol” and There Is Abundant Evidence of Electoral Fraud
Please present the court filings where this legal evidence has been submitted and then rejected by the courts ... not your or others opinions, the actual court documents ... you know, where the judge discusses every little detail ...

As far as I know, all these cases were only dismissed ... that means they can all be refiled again ... what's stopping you? ... for the most part, these cases were asking for injunctive relief, and it's this relief that's being rejected, not the case ... the standard of evidence is much much higher for injunctive relief, the judge must determine that the plaintiff has an excellent to outstanding expectation of prevailing ... your evidence is good enough for trial, but not good enough for relief ...

Trump's DoJ says there's no evidence of wide spread fraud ... are you suggesting the Trump administration is "in" on the steal? ... haw haw haw haw haw ...
yanno Gdjjr, i was in HS when Nixon flew off in his chopper, what did i know, i was just a kid. But all my elders , role models , etc looked the same, they all appeared to have this big 'relief' , which i could not then fathom

FF to modern times , i don't believe in the government , they just don't work for us , it's a failed system , and it's been failing worse since the early 70's

I believe maybe 1/2 of what i see, and little of what i hear from them now

Imho, nothing's going to change unless there is some sort of uprising from 'the people'

I might be a dumb redneck , but i don't think i'm alone on this....


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