Top 10 Fiscally Responsible States are All Republican-Run States

WTF is wrong with you. The man was POTUS for 8 years and left office with 60% popularity...obviously he has plenty of ability to preside over relatively tiny office of Harward Law Review.

Here is UoC telling you straight up:

Media Inquiries | University of Chicago Law School
Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.

Being a "nice guy" does not translate into ability.

Go be a "nice guy" :rolleyes: and see how far it gets you.

Daydreamer politico loosers like you got not a single clue what it takes to rise to the heights Obama achieved. Talent and ability is just the very minimum requirement.
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WTF is wrong with you. The man was POTUS for 8 years and left office with 60% popularity...obviously he has plenty of ability to preside over relatively tiny office of Harward Law Review.

Here is UoC telling you straight up:

Media Inquiries | University of Chicago Law School
Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.

Being a "nice guy" does not translate into ability.

Go be a "nice guy" :rolleyes: and see how far it gets you.

Daydreamer politico loosers like you got not a single clue what it takes to rise to the heights Obama achieved. Talent and ability is just the very minimum requirement.

Something failed former President Barack Hussein Obama never had.
Here's the thing. The Democrats are the "pro-government" party and the Republicans are the "anti-government" party. But when it comes down to it, Republicans are more competent at the nuts and bolts of making government work. It's pretty ironic if you think about it.

Which is why the GOP Congress is suing the GOP Dept of Justice?
Progressives are going to ignore this thread like the plague. Progressives don't recognize the terms Personal Responsibility or Fiscally Responsible.

Progs understand that their agendas require fiscal insanity cuz cost be damned, everything is a natural right and should be "free".
Ohhh a top 10 list of big empty states that have shit schools, rely on feds, and have like no gov services.

Well 4 of the top 5 are places where few people live. That doesn't mean that they are run worse than places that have large populations...but it does appear to be a big help in this survey if you do not have a large population. It is also instructive that the below average states are pretty much half and half between the major parties so party affiliation isn't that large of a factor one would think. Check out Texas though. There hasn't been a democrat elected state-wide in about 25 years. Put another way, the GOP has owned that place since 1993 or there abouts.... If the mentality is that one party runs a state better than others, and that the GOP is better than the DNC...Texas (and others like it) should be near the top. Instead, you have a purple state (FL) and places where few people live. The survey supports the OP but not the proposition that somehow the GOP runs states better than the DNC.
Whether Obama understood the subject matter he was teaching is CERTAINLY up for debate.

:rolleyes: he has an Ivy League degree in the subject and professionally taught it - it’s not up for debate dummy.
Look up the difference between an opinion and a fact. Obama having completed enough coursework to get his diploma doesn't guarantee his correct understanding of the subject. Things like ObamaCare and DACA speak more to his lack of understanding of the Constitution IMO. Word of the day for you..subjective.

Whether Obamacare is good or not is irrelevant to whether it's constitutional. It was passed legally and upheld as being constitutional by the supreme court. Fact.
so was citizens united

but but but that's different, right :lol:

Absolutely not different. Any other questions?

It's ok I don't actually expect you to swallow your pride and own up to making a false assumption and looking ignorant in the process.
the lawyers had to figure out how to lie to the scotus, it was in the news, that alone should have clued you in.
Those states are the Economic engines of the country and pay all those taxes . It’s easy to be “fiscally responsible” when you are the likes of the Dakotas , Wyoming, Idaho . You have no people or infrastructure. Most of you money comes from natural resources.

We could all be fiscally responsible if we live in a shack.

You left out Florida as being fiscally responsible.

If being fiscally responsible means living in a shack, that's what you do. What you do not do is have billions of dollars in debt and have more tens of billions of dollars owed to your retirement fund and then go out and commit to a high-speed rail system no one wants nor can afford. A system whose cost estimates have already doubled and they haven't even turned the first shovel of dirt. Welcome to California.
Whether Obama understood the subject matter he was teaching is CERTAINLY up for debate.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama "knows" that the Constitution was written totally wrong. I wonder what he tried to pound into those poor students.
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How many other students did he have that went on to be a multi-billionaire?

As you know, Bill Clinton left Oxford early.

Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman, said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim’s family declined to pursue the case.

In an interview with Capitol Hill Blue, the retired State Department employee said he believed the story Miss Wellstone, the young English woman who said Clinton raped her in 1969.

“There was no doubt in my mind that this young woman had suffered severe emotional trauma,” he said. “But we were under tremendous pressure to avoid the embarrassment of having a Rhodes Scholar charged with rape. I filed a report with my superiors and that was the last I heard of it.”

As for failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, he was NEVER a Constitutional professor. In fact, he doesn't even believe the Constitution is correctly written. Where are his records and how did he afford such tuitions?

Success without college degrees?

Bill Gates

Richard Branson

John D. Rockefeller dropped out of high school

Henry Ford

Dave Thomas KFC

Pete Cashmore

and the list goes on! Plus, President Donald Trump did earn a degree in business. Appropo, wouldn't you say?

Retard, Obama was the president of Harvard fucking Law Review before he graduted from there and then taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago.

Those are facts not subject to interpretation and your musings about affordability.
Whether Obama understood the subject matter he was teaching is CERTAINLY up for debate.

:rolleyes: he has an Ivy League degree in the subject and professionally taught it - it’s not up for debate dummy.
Look up the difference between an opinion and a fact. Obama having completed enough coursework to get his diploma doesn't guarantee his correct understanding of the subject. Things like ObamaCare and DACA speak more to his lack of understanding of the Constitution IMO. Word of the day for you..subjective.

Whether Obamacare is good or not is irrelevant to whether it's constitutional. It was passed legally and upheld as being constitutional by the supreme court. Fact.

True, once the Court rewrote the law by changing the word "penalty" to "tax".
Garnishing wages due to Hospital Bills is a joke. It doesn't work. Florida tries to o it too. It just doesn't work. All they have to do is leave the State or just simply stop working and go on Welfare. Which is another Tax Payer Burden we have to bear.

No, Florida has never tried to garnish wages for hospital expenses. It is illegal in Florida with, I believe certain exceptions such as child support. Also, IRS can pretty well do what they want so I don't understand how the Rev. Al Sharpton is walling the streets owing over $4 million.
WTF is wrong with you. The man was POTUS for 8 years and left office with 60% popularity...obviously he has plenty of ability to preside over relatively tiny office of Harward Law Review.

Here is UoC telling you straight up:

Media Inquiries | University of Chicago Law School
Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.

Being a "nice guy" does not translate into ability.

Go be a "nice guy" :rolleyes: and see how far it gets you.

Daydreamer politico loosers like you got not a single clue what it takes to rise to the heights Obama achieved. Talent and ability is just the very minimum requirement.
Obvious sarcasm.

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