Top 20 Responses to NYT Fiction


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is funny in a lot of places but reflective in many others.

Thought I would share.

20 Best Blasts of Anonymous Trump Official's New York Times Op-Ed

18.) Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume on Twitter:

“The author of the NY Times anonymous essay contending Trump administration’s achievements were despite him not because of him ignores a key fact: They would not have happened if he had not won the election.”

19.) American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp on Twitter:

“The NYTs just made it crystal clear why America hates politics.”

20.) Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on CNN’s “New Day:”

“I’m not celebrating the authorship of this piece. No, I’m not, because I’m not sure how it actually solves the problem that this person is identifying. There are plenty of other ways that this person could have gone about disclosing this information. I heard someone say last night that this would have made a pretty important resignation letter. So I’m not sure that there’s a lot of heroism in writing this piece.”
This is funny in a lot of places but reflective in many others.

Thought I would share.

20 Best Blasts of Anonymous Trump Official's New York Times Op-Ed

18.) Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume on Twitter:

“The author of the NY Times anonymous essay contending Trump administration’s achievements were despite him not because of him ignores a key fact: They would not have happened if he had not won the election.”

19.) American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp on Twitter:

“The NYTs just made it crystal clear why America hates politics.”

20.) Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on CNN’s “New Day:”

“I’m not celebrating the authorship of this piece. No, I’m not, because I’m not sure how it actually solves the problem that this person is identifying. There are plenty of other ways that this person could have gone about disclosing this information. I heard someone say last night that this would have made a pretty important resignation letter. So I’m not sure that there’s a lot of heroism in writing this piece.”

What exactly wouldn't have happened had Trump lost the election?

The Supreme Court justice pick would have been different.

What else?
19.) American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp on Twitter:

“The NYTs just made it crystal clear why America hates politics.”

#19 would hold a lot more merit if the Kavanaugh hearing wasn't going on this week. I'm finding it has turned me off from following the news all that closely this week.
19.) American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp on Twitter:

“The NYTs just made it crystal clear why America hates politics.”

#19 would hold a lot more merit if the Kavanaugh hearing wasn't going on this week. I'm finding it has turned me off from following the news all that closely this week.

Yeah, I am getting totally burned out on politics with all the Dimocrat obstructionism and the GOPe betrayal of a duly elected POTUS of their own damned party.

I feel more strongly with each passing day that our democratic republic is no longer functional and we are heading to an authoritarian regime because our corporations want a functioning government that can lick their boots and kiss their collective asses..
Here are some more but longer responses.

Anonymous, ‘gutless’ New York Times anti-Trump op-ed draws ire from critics across political spectrum

An anonymous anti-Trump opinion column published by The New York Times has managed to unite the president's supporters and critics, journalism watchdogs, pundits and scholars — who all seem to agree the piece wrapped neither its author nor the "paper of record" in glory.

Published Wednesday under the headline, “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,” the column claimed Trump administration staffers are “working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

Critics say the piece is a breach by the Times of journalism ethics and Trump supporters say it justifies the president’s ongoing paranoia about the treachery of what he likes to call "The Swamp.”

“By publishing the anonymous Op-Ed, the Times became complicit in its own corruption."
New Yorker staff writer Masha Gessen​

Why Deep State Throat hurt his own cause by trashing Trump in the Times

It is, without question, a colossal act of political disloyalty, a self-aggrandizing boast of the highest order, and a melding of the resistance with the media.

Deep State Throat, as I'm calling the anonymous writer of the New York Times op-ed, blatantly undermined his own cause. If the "senior administration official" is trying to quietly stop the president from wrong-headed decisions, why brag about it in a national newspaper, knowing it will infuriate Trump and make such efforts far more difficult?

It only makes sense if the source is acting out of selfish motives, hoping for an eventual book deal (once he's outed or quits) and retroactive fame as the anguished insider who tried to stop Trump. This is outright insubordination; the person deserves to be fired. And there's a strong case that, as Trump says, the author is "gutless," since he's trashing his boss from behind a curtain of anonymity.

But if Times editors believe this is a credible person and a senior person (and not some deputy assistant secretary), sending a distress signal from inside the palace, then it's clearly newsworthy and deserves to be published.

The paper's editorial-page editors say they're proud to have run the piece. Of course they are, given their all-out opposition to all things Trump. But sources tend to take their tales to outlets where they believe the ideological outlook will be sympathetic to their case.​

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