TOP CATH. mag'zine RETRACTS Kavanaugh endorsement 'No longer in best interests of country


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
So even the Catholic church couldn't stomach this publicly pious SOT. I know, they're all a bunch of LIBERALS. Sure that's it.

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: ‘No longer in the best interests of the country’


27 SEP 2018 AT 23:12 ET

Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces US Senators at a hearing on whether to confirm his appointment to a liftetime seat on the US Supreme Court (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)

America, the nation’s only weekly Catholic news magazine, has published an editorial pulling its endorsement for Brett Kavanaugh following Thursday’s hearings.

The publication’s editorial board took the extraordinary step of calling out Kavanaugh after the day’s hearings, while stressing that it did not know who to believe.

“Evaluating the credibility of these competing accounts is a question about which people of good will can and do disagree. The editors of this review have no special insight into who is telling the truth,” the editorial board wrote.

America had previously endorsed Kavanaugh, saying that “anyone who recognizes the humanity of the unborn should support the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.”

Yet the editors say that pushing forward with the Catholic judge is “no longer in the best interests of the country.”

This despite the fact that the editors of America desperately want to see Roe v. Wadeoverturned.

“There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the editors write. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”

Kavanaugh is now tainted, an the editors suggest his decisions would be, too.

“For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson,” they write....

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: 'No longer in the best interests of the country'
America is a left wing rag, known for its tendency to call into question Catholic teachings.
The opinion of a Catholic magazine is somewhat irrelevant given the church’s past of covering up sex abuse crimes and enabling sex abusers.

I'm not Catholic but I did get my degree from a Jesuit run university and have a soft spot for most Catholics and Jesuits. There are a lot of ecclesiastical things I don't agree with in Catholicism but by and large, they have earned my respect.
Appointing reactionary conservative ideologues to the Supreme Court is not in the best interests of the country.
I'm not into single issues. While I support a woman's choice for an abortion, I will not have one and will try to talk other women out of having one. The Catholic church only supported him because he opposed abortion, which is very myopic considering the other issues the high court will need to address.
So even the Catholic church couldn't stomach this publicly pious SOT. I know, they're all a bunch of LIBERALS. Sure that's it.

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: ‘No longer in the best interests of the country’


27 SEP 2018 AT 23:12 ET

Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces US Senators at a hearing on whether to confirm his appointment to a liftetime seat on the US Supreme Court (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)

America, the nation’s only weekly Catholic news magazine, has published an editorial pulling its endorsement for Brett Kavanaugh following Thursday’s hearings.

The publication’s editorial board took the extraordinary step of calling out Kavanaugh after the day’s hearings, while stressing that it did not know who to believe.

“Evaluating the credibility of these competing accounts is a question about which people of good will can and do disagree. The editors of this review have no special insight into who is telling the truth,” the editorial board wrote.

America had previously endorsed Kavanaugh, saying that “anyone who recognizes the humanity of the unborn should support the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.”

Yet the editors say that pushing forward with the Catholic judge is “no longer in the best interests of the country.”

This despite the fact that the editors of America desperately want to see Roe v. Wadeoverturned.

“There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the editors write. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”

Kavanaugh is now tainted, an the editors suggest his decisions would be, too.

“For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson,” they write....

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: 'No longer in the best interests of the country'
I'm gay and centerleftFL raped me in the ass with a coke bottle in 1978. When I shouted "STOP!" he thought that really meant "DON'T STOP!". I have no evidence or witnesses.
I'm telling his boss so he'll not only be denied a promotion he'll ultimately be fired and castigated.
That's centerleftFL logic.
That's Democrat reasoning.
Anyone here who disputes my allegation is a homophobic bigot who should lose their job, too.

I assure YOU, you aren't my type. At so many levels.
So even the Catholic church couldn't stomach this publicly pious SOT. I know, they're all a bunch of LIBERALS. Sure that's it.

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: ‘No longer in the best interests of the country’


27 SEP 2018 AT 23:12 ET

Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces US Senators at a hearing on whether to confirm his appointment to a liftetime seat on the US Supreme Court (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)

America, the nation’s only weekly Catholic news magazine, has published an editorial pulling its endorsement for Brett Kavanaugh following Thursday’s hearings.

The publication’s editorial board took the extraordinary step of calling out Kavanaugh after the day’s hearings, while stressing that it did not know who to believe.

“Evaluating the credibility of these competing accounts is a question about which people of good will can and do disagree. The editors of this review have no special insight into who is telling the truth,” the editorial board wrote.

America had previously endorsed Kavanaugh, saying that “anyone who recognizes the humanity of the unborn should support the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.”

Yet the editors say that pushing forward with the Catholic judge is “no longer in the best interests of the country.”

This despite the fact that the editors of America desperately want to see Roe v. Wadeoverturned.

“There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the editors write. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”

Kavanaugh is now tainted, an the editors suggest his decisions would be, too.

“For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson,” they write....

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: 'No longer in the best interests of the country'
womp womp
So even the Catholic church couldn't stomach this publicly pious SOT. I know, they're all a bunch of LIBERALS. Sure that's it.

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: ‘No longer in the best interests of the country’


27 SEP 2018 AT 23:12 ET

Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces US Senators at a hearing on whether to confirm his appointment to a liftetime seat on the US Supreme Court (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)

America, the nation’s only weekly Catholic news magazine, has published an editorial pulling its endorsement for Brett Kavanaugh following Thursday’s hearings.

The publication’s editorial board took the extraordinary step of calling out Kavanaugh after the day’s hearings, while stressing that it did not know who to believe.

“Evaluating the credibility of these competing accounts is a question about which people of good will can and do disagree. The editors of this review have no special insight into who is telling the truth,” the editorial board wrote.

America had previously endorsed Kavanaugh, saying that “anyone who recognizes the humanity of the unborn should support the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.”

Yet the editors say that pushing forward with the Catholic judge is “no longer in the best interests of the country.”

This despite the fact that the editors of America desperately want to see Roe v. Wadeoverturned.

“There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the editors write. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”

Kavanaugh is now tainted, an the editors suggest his decisions would be, too.

“For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson,” they write....

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: 'No longer in the best interests of the country'
I'm gay and centerleftFL raped me in the ass with a coke bottle in 1978. When I shouted "STOP!" he thought that really meant "DON'T STOP!". I have no evidence or witnesses.
I'm telling his boss so he'll not only be denied a promotion he'll ultimately be fired and castigated.
That's centerleftFL logic.
That's Democrat reasoning.
Anyone here who disputes my allegation is a homophobic bigot who should lose their job, too.

I assure YOU, you aren't my type. At so many levels.
Type is irrelevant when it comes to rape. You raped me in 1978. I say so and that’s all that matters, you homophobic bigot!
So even the Catholic church couldn't stomach this publicly pious SOT. I know, they're all a bunch of LIBERALS. Sure that's it.

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: ‘No longer in the best interests of the country’


27 SEP 2018 AT 23:12 ET

Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces US Senators at a hearing on whether to confirm his appointment to a liftetime seat on the US Supreme Court (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)

America, the nation’s only weekly Catholic news magazine, has published an editorial pulling its endorsement for Brett Kavanaugh following Thursday’s hearings.

The publication’s editorial board took the extraordinary step of calling out Kavanaugh after the day’s hearings, while stressing that it did not know who to believe.

“Evaluating the credibility of these competing accounts is a question about which people of good will can and do disagree. The editors of this review have no special insight into who is telling the truth,” the editorial board wrote.

America had previously endorsed Kavanaugh, saying that “anyone who recognizes the humanity of the unborn should support the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.”

Yet the editors say that pushing forward with the Catholic judge is “no longer in the best interests of the country.”

This despite the fact that the editors of America desperately want to see Roe v. Wadeoverturned.

“There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the editors write. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”

Kavanaugh is now tainted, an the editors suggest his decisions would be, too.

“For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson,” they write....

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: 'No longer in the best interests of the country'
I'm gay and centerleftFL raped me in the ass with a coke bottle in 1978. When I shouted "STOP!" he thought that really meant "DON'T STOP!". I have no evidence or witnesses.
I'm telling his boss so he'll not only be denied a promotion he'll ultimately be fired and castigated.
That's centerleftFL logic.
That's Democrat reasoning.
Anyone here who disputes my allegation is a homophobic bigot who should lose their job, too.

I assure YOU, you aren't my type. At so many levels.
Type is irrelevant when it comes to rape. You raped me in 1978. I say so and that’s all that matters, you homophobic bigot!
I believe he raped you in 1978. Does that mean centerleftFL is a rapist by definition? To be perfectly honest, I dont actually believe he raped you, but you said it, and i dont like him, so hes a rapist.

I cant believe we have threads being made by rapists. The mods need to ban him. This isnt a place for rapists.
Last edited:
Just kidding of course, centerleftFL. Im sure all of your sex has been consensual. Im at least willing to give you the benefit of doubt, until someone presents proof of a rape.
So even the Catholic church couldn't stomach this publicly pious SOT. I know, they're all a bunch of LIBERALS. Sure that's it.

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: ‘No longer in the best interests of the country’


27 SEP 2018 AT 23:12 ET

Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces US Senators at a hearing on whether to confirm his appointment to a liftetime seat on the US Supreme Court (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)

America, the nation’s only weekly Catholic news magazine, has published an editorial pulling its endorsement for Brett Kavanaugh following Thursday’s hearings.

The publication’s editorial board took the extraordinary step of calling out Kavanaugh after the day’s hearings, while stressing that it did not know who to believe.

“Evaluating the credibility of these competing accounts is a question about which people of good will can and do disagree. The editors of this review have no special insight into who is telling the truth,” the editorial board wrote.

America had previously endorsed Kavanaugh, saying that “anyone who recognizes the humanity of the unborn should support the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.”

Yet the editors say that pushing forward with the Catholic judge is “no longer in the best interests of the country.”

This despite the fact that the editors of America desperately want to see Roe v. Wadeoverturned.

“There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the editors write. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”

Kavanaugh is now tainted, an the editors suggest his decisions would be, too.

“For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson,” they write....

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: 'No longer in the best interests of the country'
Who gives a shit?
So even the Catholic church couldn't stomach this publicly pious SOT. I know, they're all a bunch of LIBERALS. Sure that's it.

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: ‘No longer in the best interests of the country’


27 SEP 2018 AT 23:12 ET

Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces US Senators at a hearing on whether to confirm his appointment to a liftetime seat on the US Supreme Court (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)

America, the nation’s only weekly Catholic news magazine, has published an editorial pulling its endorsement for Brett Kavanaugh following Thursday’s hearings.

The publication’s editorial board took the extraordinary step of calling out Kavanaugh after the day’s hearings, while stressing that it did not know who to believe.

“Evaluating the credibility of these competing accounts is a question about which people of good will can and do disagree. The editors of this review have no special insight into who is telling the truth,” the editorial board wrote.

America had previously endorsed Kavanaugh, saying that “anyone who recognizes the humanity of the unborn should support the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.”

Yet the editors say that pushing forward with the Catholic judge is “no longer in the best interests of the country.”

This despite the fact that the editors of America desperately want to see Roe v. Wadeoverturned.

“There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the editors write. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”

Kavanaugh is now tainted, an the editors suggest his decisions would be, too.

“For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson,” they write....

Leading Catholic magazine retracts Kavanaugh endorsement: 'No longer in the best interests of the country'
Because the Catholics are such a moral compass. Nice stretch.

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