Top CIA officer in Benghazi delayed response to terrorist attack, US security team members claim


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Hmmm Who to believe.. the known liars in the Obama administration or these guys who were there?

Top CIA officer in Benghazi delayed response to terrorist attack US security team members claim Fox News

A U.S. security team in Benghazi was held back from immediately responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission on orders of the top CIA officer there, three of those involved told Fox News’ Bret Baier.
Their account gives a dramatic new turn to what the Obama administration and its allies would like to dismiss as an “old story” – the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Speaking out publicly for the first time, the three were security operators at the secret CIA annex in Benghazi – in effect, the first-responders to any attack on the diplomatic compound. Their first-hand account will be told in a Fox News special, airing Friday night at 10 p.m. (EDT).
Finally, thanks to FOX Entertainment we are going to get the kind of like, sort of, almost, might be, novelty truth about what could have and might have happened if all the folks remember and don't make stuff up for self promotion and the news production folks don't edit for spin. What a relief.
I will be watching. First time for us to hear from those people actually there.
CandyCornHoled trying to distract with ridiculous cartoons.
What a total lack of respect for the dead. But long as her side stays in office deaths dont matter.
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?

Dont you mean "What difference at this point does it make"
Jesus you people are friggen stupid.
that's not an answer to my question.
what would it prove if the top CIA officer on the ground wanted to try to get the help of Libyan security forces before he called in the mercenaries?
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?

What does it matter??? !!! Somebody screwed up AGAIN!!
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?
What does that matter???!!! It matters a lot to the Ambassador's family and the other men who died there that night. Perhaps it means we should get rid of someone at the State Dept. or who was giving the order to stand down?!

Perhaps we need to take a hard look at the Secretary of State who asked that same insane question at the time and was there in real time? And is going to run for president in 2016??!! God Help US!
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?

What does it matter??? !!! Somebody screwed up AGAIN!!
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?
What does that matter???!!! It matters a lot to the Ambassador's family and the other men who died there that night. Perhaps it means we should get rid of someone at the State Dept. or who was giving the order to stand down?!

Perhaps we need to take a hard look at the Secretary of State who asked that same insane question at the time and was there in real time? And is going to run for president in 2016??!! God Help US!
what would the supposed order from the top CIA official (not a member of the State Department) - assuming it was given and delayed those three for 30 minutes - what would that order have changed? what do you think the giving of that order proves?
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?

What does it matter??? !!! Somebody screwed up AGAIN!!
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?
What does that matter???!!! It matters a lot to the Ambassador's family and the other men who died there that night. Perhaps it means we should get rid of someone at the State Dept. or who was giving the order to stand down?!

Perhaps we need to take a hard look at the Secretary of State who asked that same insane question at the time and was there in real time? And is going to run for president in 2016??!! God Help US!
what would the supposed order from the top CIA official (not a member of the State Department) - assuming it was given and delayed those three for 30 minutes - what would that order have changed? what do you think the giving of that order proves?

If the order to GO instead of STAND DOWN? IT could have saved the lives of all concerned as the security men have said.
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?

What does it matter??? !!! Somebody screwed up AGAIN!!
So CornHoled? Why would those guys lie about being delayed?
if they were, what does it matter? what does that prove?
What does that matter???!!! It matters a lot to the Ambassador's family and the other men who died there that night. Perhaps it means we should get rid of someone at the State Dept. or who was giving the order to stand down?!

Perhaps we need to take a hard look at the Secretary of State who asked that same insane question at the time and was there in real time? And is going to run for president in 2016??!! God Help US!
what would the supposed order from the top CIA official (not a member of the State Department) - assuming it was given and delayed those three for 30 minutes - what would that order have changed? what do you think the giving of that order proves?

If the order to GO instead of STAND DOWN? IT could have saved the lives of all concerned as the security men have said.
maybe. so i guess "bob" the CIA man might have made the wrong call.

what does that prove, other than "bob" the CIA man might have made the wrong call?

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