Top court quashes Ottawa's attempt to throw out RCMP harassment lawsuit


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012


The Supreme Court of Canada has rejected the federal government's attempt to stop a massive class-action lawsuit against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police from going ahead.

The two lead plaintiffs, veteran RCMP members Geoffrey Greenwood and Todd Gray, allege "systemic negligence" in how the national police force has handled bullying and harassment allegations.

A Federal Court judge certified their lawsuit — which is seeking more than $1.1 billion — as a class action in 2020. Last fall, another judge dismissed the Crown's arguments seeking to de-certify the class-action claim.

The Attorney General of Canada then appealed the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, arguing an RCMP member's claims of harassment and bullying can be addressed by filing a grievance or harassment complaint or through an internal RCMP Code of Conduct investigation.
Anybody that's ever had any dealings with "internal investigation" of any "law enforcement" office/officer knows they either never find anything, or they find for the cops. More often than not, they claim they don't "find enough evidence" for the claim, even if it's hard evidence has been handed to them on a silver plate, plain as day.

The fact that this made it to the CSC is miraculous in itself. And unlike the USA, Canada seems to have some honest judges......or at least judges willing to allow the people to be heard in court.

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