Top Heavy Salaries and Dead Weight Administrators


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

As a taxpayer I always want to know where my tax dollars are going and what they are paying for. Below is a list that was sent to me recently, which helps bring definition to the term “outrageous”. It is a list of the Phoenix VA Hospital administrators and their salaries. For clarity, there are no doctors in this list; none of these well paid administrators provides care to a Veteran. If any of these individuals received an efficiency bonus, it should be charged back to them immediately. If the whole organization has failed, no individual in it should receive a dime in bonus money.

And all the Congressional and FBI investigations are not going to change this. We have to bring the incompetent and guilt to justice and rid the VA of those who are not doing their jobs. IMHO, replace them all with veterans who have served and empathize with their brothers and sisters.

Read more @ Top Heavy Salaries and Dead Weight Administrators | Veterans Today
And that's just one department of our sprawling, bumbling federal government bureaucracy. And not one of those jackasses from either party ever try to do anything about it.
And that's just one department of our sprawling, bumbling federal government bureaucracy. And not one of those jackasses from either party ever try to do anything about it.

Well, the biggest anchor in trying to reform or reorganize the federal government is something no media gurus want to talk about - The SIEU!!!! Get rid of public sector unions and massive changes can be made.
The VA administrative salaries here in Salt Lake are out of kilter with jobs done and education received.
And that's just one department of our sprawling, bumbling federal government bureaucracy. And not one of those jackasses from either party ever try to do anything about it.

The problem there is, you are assuming there is anything they can do about it.

This is 'normal'. This is how government works. Name one 'sprawling, bumbling federal government bureaucracy', that doesn't have people earning massive incomes at the top?

If there was a solution to this, we would have found it in the last 1,000 years of human governance history.

There is no such fix.

If you pay these people peanuts, no one would take the job, not unless they were already corrupt and knew how to milk the system some other way. And, all government officials in all government systems, use jobs like this as political payback for supporters.

Don't presume that the president is individually signing off on each government position. I don't like Obama's policies either, but there is more than enough real problems with him, than making up that Obama, or Bush, or any president before him was individually signing off on each person.

It's simply the nature of politics. This is how politics works. It was the same in the Soviet Union. I remember watching a documentary on Chernobyl, and finding out the head guy in charge of the plant, wasn't an engineer, or anyone with experience, but was actually a communist party member that had worked his way up the ranks.

Again... this is how politics works.

This is why, us on the right keep saying over and over, the solution isn't a new program, or a new system, or new regulations. The solution, is to get government out of the system.
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The VA is just the same as all government bureaucracies...big salaries for the functionaries with poor service for the supposed "customers". It's a rigged game of Monopoly.

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