Top Ten Global Power Networks and Their Alignments For now


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
There are so many conspiracies that they mostly cancel each other out. Drug dealing conspiracies, human trafficking conspiracies, smuggling banned goods to evade tariffs, etc.

But the world has networks of people and corporations and nationalities, etc, that are not necessarily consiratorial if they do not have illicit purposes or illicit means of striving for their goals.

So with no further ado, the top ten Global Power Groups.

10. Western European Multinational corporations and banks centered in Germany, what I call the Duetch Group. These dominate the EU and they are totally fascist, even today, they just dropped the anti-semitism, mostly.

9. Russian Oligarchs, led by the Russian state and supported by Eastern Orthodox churches. Their power mostly lies in resources and Russians nuclear arsenal, second only to the USA.

8. Anglo Progressive Cultural/Educational Matrix is very influential and powerful and in the course of destroying itself. Everyone seems content to just stay out of their way as they do so.

7. Catholic European Noble families are still very influential and control a lot of corporate interests. Their inability to get the EU to recognise the Catholic roots of Western Civilization was proof of their continued impotence in the Marxist EU. One may be tempted to dismiss their influence entirely but for their huge influence in the Third World and Latin based cultures.

6. The Wahabi Islamic movement is very powerful due to their ties with OPEC oil producers, and their willingness to issue fatwas that scare the shit out of Western Secularists. They make Western cucks crow on command and go after Christianity, despite knowing the Wahabis despise them from the toe nails up.

5. Saudi Royal Family has more influence than people realize due to their control of the value of the US dollar, by making it the only currency they will allow for purchase of oil, and they get most of OPEC to go along with them. In other words, the Saudis have us by the financial balls at the moment, and this needs to change.

4. Anglo Financial Sector folks have so much influence around the world, mostly via their social ties with Commonwealth nations. The fact that neoMarxists are dismantling the culture each and every year they consider irrelevant to their interests, till one day it isnt because they have let the Marxist take over the Universities.

3. Globalist Retail Traders are the wealthiest group of nitwits on the globe as they literally feed the monster that plans to devour them so they can have cheap labor today. Pathetic.

2. Chicom Economic Dragon gets enormous support from the Globalists as they want to triage the cheap Chicom labor against the Western markets using the artificial currency values manipulated by Beijing.

1. American Middle Class Small Businesses and heavily armed citizens. Been taking a licking lately, but they are now fully aware of the Chicom network now and how much the Globalists have supported the Chicoms at everyone elses expense. This group is pro-USA, 100% for national defense, pro fair trade and generally pro-union/pro-business, at least in theory.
You're leaving out this one...


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