Top Ten Reasons Why Islam Is NOT The Religion Of Peace

jillian said:
It wasn't only Islam that gave people that "choice". I seem to remember a little something about the Crusades and the Inquisition being similar.

I agree re the quote. lol...can't remember who said it either.

Crusades, shrusades. All that stuff came after. I'm talking about day 1 or was it 11? I'm terrible with dates.
Said1 said:
Crusades, shrusades. All that stuff came after. I'm talking about day 1 or was it 11? I'm terrible with dates.

LOL! I hear ya. I can't speak to how the "message" of Islam was originally spread. It's not something I can say I'm familiar with.
jillian said:
It wasn't only Islam that gave people that "choice". I seem to remember a little something about the Crusades and the Inquisition being similar.

I agree re the quote. lol...can't remember who said it either.

Being similiar to what?

The Inquisition has nothing to do with Islam. The Crusades were a direct result of Muslim aggression and conquest. Both are ancient history. Which is the point.

There is no religion around today, that I know of, that has tenents and laws that puts people to death for leaving it except for Islam.

A Scientologist might sue you to death, but that's about all they'll do.
red states rule said:
OK, how about Islam is a blast?

No. No. Dyn-O-mite is cool.

Now if I could just remember what show that came from....Good TImes? Yes, JJ. How could I forget JJ.
Said1 said:
No. No. Dyn-O-mite is cool.

Now if I could just remember what show that came from....Good TImes? Yes, JJ. How could I forget JJ.

Bottom line - Islam will blow you away
CharlestonChad said:
That is the point.

OK, thanks, I think I have it now. You can insult the intelligence of everybody on a thread and then revert to one and two word replies because you really don't have anything else to say in response.

I got the point.
nt250 said:
OK, thanks, I think I have it now. You can insult the intelligence of everybody on a thread and then revert to one and two word replies because you really don't have anything else to say in response.

I got the point.

Ok, I'll extend my response.

What a muslim does is not wrong in the eyes of that muslim. What shocks us, does not do the same to them. Treating women like dirt is not morally wrong to them.
nt250 said:
OK, thanks, I think I have it now. You can insult the intelligence of everybody on a thread and then revert to one and two word replies because you really don't have anything else to say in response.

I got the point.

Where have I insulted the intelligence of anyone in this thread? I called PaleRider a redneck, hick, and bigot, which is exactly what that poster is.
CharlestonChad said:
Ok, I'll extend my response.

What a muslim does is not wrong in the eyes of that muslim. What shocks us, does not do the same to them. Treating women like dirt is not morally wrong to them.

I don't give a flying fuck what is morally wrong to them. And neither should you. Deciding what is right and wrong requires judgment on the part of the one doing the deciding.

Child molesters don't think what they do is morally wrong, either. It feels good, it makes them happy, so they do it. Are you going to call that Moral Relativity, too?

Bottom line: because Islam is a religion, too many people give everything done in it's name a pass. Too many other people hate it's targets just as much, so they defend it. Even when the target is themselves.
CharlestonChad said:
Ok, I'll extend my response.

What a muslim does is not wrong in the eyes of that muslim. What shocks us, does not do the same to them. Treating women like dirt is not morally wrong to them.

Moral relativism STILL doesn't make it right.
I never said that they should get a pass. I just stated that they don't think they are doing anything immoral.
CharlestonChad said:
Where have I insulted the intelligence of anyone in this thread? I called PaleRider a redneck, hick, and bigot, which is exactly what that poster is.

And what are YOU? A wannabe-intellectual elitist, who isn't even good at what he's trying to be. The condesension which you extend to others in your every post is based on a self-induced fallacy that you are somehow "in the know," and anyone who is not is a redneck.

DO get over yourself, Wile E Coyote.
CharlestonChad said:
I never said that they should get a pass. I just stated that they don't think they are doing anything immoral.

So? They are wrong. Simple as that.
CharlestonChad said:
I never said that they should get a pass. I just stated that they don't think they are doing anything immoral.

Islam isn't based on any kind of morality.

Wait a minute here. Let's hear your knowledge of Islam. You started out on this thread telling the rest of us that you were the only one who knew anything and yet you've never said what it is you do know.

Let's hear it. What is your opinion of Islam and what is that opinion based on?
GunnyL said:
And what are YOU? A wannabe-intellectual elitist, who isn't even good at what he's trying to be. The condesension which you extend to others in your every post is based on a self-induced fallacy that you are somehow "in the know," and anyone who is not is a redneck.

DO get over yourself, Wile E Coyote.

I would have used the quote button, as I almost always do, if the poster I was replying to didn't already know I was addressing them.

Please give me one example where I called someone a redneck or implied a person was a redneck who was actually not a redneck.

Are you a psychologist? If not, don't act like one.
CharlestonChad said:
I would have used the quote button, as I almost always do, if the poster I was replying to didn't already know I was addressing them.

Please give me one example where I called someone a redneck or implied a person was a redneck who was actually not a redneck.

Are you a psychologist? If not, don't act like one.

Good point. And since you are neither a genius nor superior to any other human being, don't act like it.

It doesn't take a psychologist to figure YOU out. There's at least one of you on this board at all times.

I don't care who you call a redneck. It's that, I'm superior to you in everyway manner in which you state it that gets a response out of me. Most rednecks I know have at least twice the common sense some dumbass college boy thinking he's all that has. Intelligence ain't worth a flip if you can't apply it.

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