Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

... and there's no reason to see how His teachings would preclide praying to God or Allah either.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - all in the heavens are equal.

praying is the religion of servitude and denial of the 4th century christian bible, the desert religions - the opposite those in the 1st century gave their lives, the reformation of noah and the religion of antiquity.
Your point?
If I declare Dagon is the ONE TRUE GOD, am I worshiping the same god as the Jews and Christians?

If there is only one God (as there is), everyone who worships the one God worships the same God. If one person calls God "Larry" and another person calls God "Steve," it's still the same ONE God. Mono = 1.
ambiguous is true of all scriptural writings and just about the entire body of world Literature.
again this has nothing to do with anything, my response is to another post and the point is their in that post not what you can turn it into here. You don't seem to get the point and it doesn't seem you are capable to understand that.
FALSE! Again the Christian Bible advocates peace & love. The Koran advocates (if not commands) genocidal murder, wife-beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, lying. Try reading it sometime.

And Muslims have been doing all these things for 1400 years, during the time that they killed 270 million people around the world. No charge for the tutoring.
bullshit, You are a joke, The Koran. by far is less violent then the bible. You have to make up shit to make any of your points here. That makes you a joke and a waste.
Because you say so?
If you make a definitive statement, you need to back it up with reason.

The apostle Paul said, If any man, OR EVEN AN ANGEL FROM ABOVE, preaches a message different from the message you received from us, let him be cursed.

Mohammed was a murderer, a warrior and a pedophile. He came with a message that is the polar opposite of the message of Jesus and the apostles.

No, Islams god is Satan, who the apostles described as "the god of this world"
So idiot you are calling the God of Abraham the devil. You are straight out stupid.
So idiot you are calling the God of Abraham the devil. You are straight out stupid.
Abraham doesn't follow Allah, idiot.
Arabs are the badstard children of Abraham. They exist because Abraham DIDNT BELIEVE God's promise to give him children through his wife Sarah. His lapse in faith is why he he world suffers these people

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light
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If there is only one God (as there is), everyone who worships the one God worships the same God. If one person calls God "Larry" and another person calls God "Steve," it's still the same ONE God. Mono = 1.

a bit disingenuous -

their claim is their communication w/ their god and theirs is the one true god. monoreligionists.

either their claim is false (as there is) {sic} or the god is lying ...

- for whence, jesus's claim of the heavens is the correct one.
If there is only one God (as there is), everyone who worships the one God worships the same God. If one person calls God "Larry" and another person calls God "Steve," it's still the same ONE God. Mono = 1.
The revelation to Moses was distinctly not a simple name and for a reason. If it was the "same god", how is it that the response was so entirely other?
Tell me. Is it the God of Abraham who's followers massacre 1200 Jews? Beheads babies? Kidnaps women and children? Rapes them to humiliate them? Isn't kidnapping a capital crime to Abrahams God?

Nope. The worshippers of Allah follow another god masquerading as the True God. God's people know their father and do His will. Satans followers do the will of their god
The revelation to Moses was distinctly not a simple name and for a reason. If it was the "same god", how is it that the response was so entirely other?
Your faith is whatever it is, but words have meanings.

Mono = 1
Tell me. Is it the God of Abraham who's followers massacre 1200 Jews? Beheads babies? Kidnaps women and children? Rapes them to humiliate them? Isn't kidnapping a capital crime to Abrahams God?

Nope. The worshippers of Allah follow another god masquerading as the True God. God's people know their father and do His will. Satans followers do the will of their god

Try to justify your bigotry to yourself, but know that logic isn't the tool for it. A tool you apparently don't know how to use.

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