who holds the moral highground : Israel, or Muslims?

The Gipper has offered you some friendly advice. You should thank him and give his suggestion some serious thought.
oh no, you too? should've seen that coming. you two just refuse to understand what 'peace through strength' entails, and how the Israeli approach is practical.
i'd say it's Israel.

Israelis number only 8 million, in a world that holds well over a billion(!) Muslims, many of whom will privately and even publicly support Hamas.
now, Hamas is a death cult.
and i doubt they have Allah's approval for real.
i'm thinking Allah prefers moderate fundamentalists.

feel free to squeeze more of what i consider the truth out there, out of me.
but be prepared for a challenging discussion...
I'd say neither they both have committed serious sins against humanity.
oh no, you too? should've seen that coming. you two just refuse to understand what 'peace through strength' entails, and how the Israeli approach is practical.
Your motto is peace through mass murder, but you’re too dumb to understand.
Palestinians dont have morals. Even their doctors are fine with working alongside terrorists. The head of Gaza's hospital is a senior Hamas commander!!! Palestinian teachers hide rockets and weapons in their schools. Every fucking person in that shithole sucks. They are simply bad people and they deserve all that Israel dishes out.
One man's terrorists is another man's freedom fighter.
Your motto is peace through mass murder, but you’re too dumb to understand.
you call it mass murder, i call it collateral damage as one of the results of a legit military campaign.

fact is, hamas refuses to be good neighbors.
advertises the killing of their foes even to their youngest, teaching them grammar school math with it, the most basic forms of math, so these kids get indoctrinated from age 5 or 6 to desire the deaths of as many jews as possible.
THATS who you support, terrorist supporter.
One man's terrorists is another man's freedom fighter.
Thats an ignorant statement that fools frequently make. Freedom is a goal, terror is the means to that goal. You can fight for freedom, but if you use terrorist tactics, you are a terrorist.
oh no, you too? should've seen that coming. you two just refuse to understand what 'peace through strength' entails, and how the Israeli approach is practical.
Yeah, it's a two-man conspiracy. We’ve been tasked by Putin to destroy the Western world.

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