Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

In what case?
In the case of the poetical devices used by a couple of
Prophets Uhm---I think Eliyahu was one (don't quote me)
"MORNING STAR" comes up in the poetry of the contemporary
poet Chaim Nachman Bialik-----but I read that stuff some 50 years ago
In the case of the poetical devices used by a couple of
Prophets Uhm---I think Eliyahu was one (don't quote me)
"MORNING STAR" comes up in the poetry of the contemporary
poet Chaim Nachman Bialik-----but I read that stuff some 50 years ago
Who says the devil is the morning star?
You're backwards again. I know I can't find anything in the OT that says the devil is the morning star. You said it's in a line of poetry therein.

So, you know . . . use your mouse.
I said there is an allusion to an evil thing ----which happens to
be represented by the morning star--(venus) in some biblical
poetry. Venus is a goddess in roman myth---but the evil bright
star in the biblical poetry is represented as a male thing. The word
for star in hebrew is masculine-----I think------moon is a girl.----
I said there is an allusion to an evil thing ----which happens to
be represented by the morning star--(venus) in some biblical
poetry. Venus is a goddess in roman myth---but the evil bright
star in the biblical poetry is represented as a male thing. The word
for star in hebrew is masculine-----I think------moon is a girl.----
Still no answer, eh.
Christians regard the deity revealed to Moses (I Am) as the "God" that provided Jesus. Moslems regard the name provided by Mohammed as the name for "God".
That's a belief that's repeated from many who are not Muslims. Meanwhile the Koran itself has Moses listening to the same God as that of Islam, no conflict.

This thing about languages is a bit silly, If you are a Christian you probably accept Jesus the Christ. That's good, but remember that "Jesus" is a Greek warping of his real name which was Joshua --He was named after the leader of the Israelites in the Book of Judges. Likewise the name "Christ" is a Greek version of the Hebrew "Messiah" which simply means "anointed one".

Add to the mix the fact that Jesus the Christ (or Joshua the Messiah) did not pray to "God" because he spoke Aramaic and the word he would have used would have been "Elah". Mark 15:34 has the word translated as "Eloi" which I suspect was pronounced "Eh Lwah". Arabic is closer to Aramaic than English is but I have no problem w/ praying in English, Aramaic, or Arabian.
That's a belief that's repeated from many who are not Muslims. Meanwhile the Koran itself has Moses listening to the same God as that of Islam, no conflict.

This thing about languages is a bit silly, If you are a Christian you probably accept Jesus the Christ. That's good, but remember that "Jesus" is a Greek warping of his real name which was Joshua --He was named after the leader of the Israelites in the Book of Judges. Likewise the name "Christ" is a Greek version of the Hebrew "Messiah" which simply means "anointed one".

Add to the mix the fact that Jesus the Christ (or Joshua the Messiah) did not pray to "God" because he spoke Aramaic and the word he would have used would have been "Elah". Mark 15:34 has the word translated as "Eloi" which I suspect was pronounced "Eh Lwah". Arabic is closer to Aramaic than English is but I have no problem w/ praying in English, Aramaic, or Arabian.
based on credible information in the new testes, Jesus or Yeshua; which is an aramaic form of Joshua, was literate in both aramaic and hebrew. The Aramaic used by Jews back then and even now is actually an Hebraized form---the words referring to religious issues are in Hebrew---back then and now.
You need not "suspect"----there are extant writings and people fluent. Some
of the prayers used in synagogues today are in Aramaic
Islamic tradition also recognizes 99 names of Allah, or ʾasmāʾu llāhi lḥusnā, which are said to be the Creator's attributes revealed in the Qurʾān. These names are taken from different verses of the Qurʾān and are considered to be descriptors of Allah's actions in the world and his relationship with creation. Each name reflects a unique quality of the Creator that resonates with the human experience. For example, Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim are two names that frequently appear together in the Qurʾān and are associated with mercy, sympathy, kindness, gentleness, compassion, and love.
According to Islamic tradition, memorizing and acting upon the 99 names of Allah will lead to entry into Paradise.
Thank you for your knowledgeable input to a rather messy thread.

The bigger question here that I see is whether folks care about information or are they just interested in attacking others w/ their beliefs. Some folks are just plain old toxic and all they want is a good fight --those I ignore. Most folks (in my limited experience) are complicated, one part wants a fight and some other part wants truth. My personal goal here is exploring the truth and learning about people's belief systems in the process.

It's a great world isn't it!
based on credible information in the new testes, Jesus or Yeshua; which is an aramaic form of Joshua, was literate in both aramaic and hebrew...
Interesting. I was about to tell you that Jesus was illiterate but I see that Luke 4:16-17 talks about how Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah.
Interesting. I was about to tell you that Jesus was illiterate but I see that Luke 4:16-17 talks about how Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah.
oh yes----he went into a synagogue as a new comer and according to the New Testes he was "ASKED TO READ"----in those days a person would not be asked to read unless it was KNOWN that he was not only literate but able to read well from the Scroll ----not such an easy task. It is one of the verses in the NT that I find absolutely credible---consistent with the custom of the day.
Interesting. I was about to tell you that Jesus was illiterate but I see that Luke 4:16-17 talks about how Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah.
BTW Luke was a greek who did not know Hebrew or aramaic and never met Jesus. He wrote his stuff from hearsay information if he wrote anything at all---none of his writings are extant
Interesting. I was about to tell you that Jesus was illiterate but I see that Luke 4:16-17 talks about how Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah.

jesus would not have read from a religious scroll their literacy was heavenly a gift, pure in clarity ... such is the comedy of an orthodoxy.
Satan is the Great Deceiver and the Father of Lies -- according to the Bible. That makes sense doesn't it?

According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers" (3:54; 8:30). The phrase is often translated into English as "best of planners," "best of schemers," or "best of plotters," but the root word (makr) means "deception." Hence, the following Qur'an verses should be rendered as follows:

Since the Bible declares that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), the question must be raised: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
I'm afraid they do. Allah and Yahweh are one and the same.

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