Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

Satan is the Great Deceiver and the Father of Lies -- according to the Bible. That makes sense doesn't it?

According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers" (3:54; 8:30). The phrase is often translated into English as "best of planners," "best of schemers," or "best of plotters," but the root word (makr) means "deception." Hence, the following Qur'an verses should be rendered as follows:

Since the Bible declares that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), the question must be raised: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
Well, sure they are different gods. The same original character, but portrayed differently in different canons and universes. Like the superhero movies do.
People can pray to "God" and those gods can be different. Most Arab Christians are Catholic. Take from that what you will

Let’s start with the obvious: Christians believe Jesus is God, but the Quran is so opposed to this belief that it condemns Jesus worshipers to Hell ([Qur’an] 5.72). For Christians, Jesus is certainly God, and for Muslims Jesus is certainly not God. How can it be said that Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Do you deny this?

A careful reading of the Qur’an, however, suggests that God’s mercy may not be infinite after all. A phrase in Qur’an 7:156 famously has God declare: “My mercy embraces all things.” Rahman, like many others, cites this phrase to make a case for the mercifulness of the Qur’an’s God. In so doing, however, he leaves out what God says just before: “I visit My punishment on whomever I wish.” The Qur’anic God is thus more complicated (and more interesting). Divine mercy does not exclude divine punishment. Indeed, Q 7:156 suggests that God can act in an inscrutable manner. He punishes “whomever” he wishes.
People can pray to "God" and those gods can be different. Most Arab Christians are Catholic. Take from that what you will

Let’s start with the obvious: Christians believe Jesus is God, but the Quran is so opposed to this belief that it condemns Jesus worshipers to Hell ([Qur’an] 5.72). For Christians, Jesus is certainly God, and for Muslims Jesus is certainly not God. How can it be said that Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Help me follow what you're saying here.

Sounds like you're now saying that you no longer have a problem with whether someone prays to "Allah" or "God", and now you object to something like either the affiliation of the group that happens to be nearby the person who prays, or the organizational membership of the one praying, or the how the sermon guy is dressed, or something else?
This may or may not have been pointed out here, but in the U.S., most Muslims are black, and most Arabs are christian. That means that the Christian Arabs pray to "Allah" (the Arabic word for "God") and the American Muslims pray to "God" --the English word.

You can't mean that those Christians are the ones praying to the false god, but your words suggest that they are.
Christians regard the deity revealed to Moses (I Am) as the "God" that provided Jesus. Moslems regard the name provided by Mohammed as the name for "God".
Help me follow what you're saying here.

Sounds like you're now saying that you no longer have a problem with whether someone prays to "Allah" or "God", and now you object to something like either the affiliation of the group that happens to be nearby the person who prays, or the organizational membership of the one praying, or the how the sermon guy is dressed, or something else?
Jesus' instructions as to prayer were to address them to the "Father".
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Christians regard the deity revealed to Moses (I Am) as the "God" that provided Jesus. Moslems regard the name provided by Mohammed as the name for "God".

Islamic tradition also recognizes 99 names of Allah, or ʾasmāʾu llāhi lḥusnā, which are said to be the Creator's attributes revealed in the Qurʾān. These names are taken from different verses of the Qurʾān and are considered to be descriptors of Allah's actions in the world and his relationship with creation. Each name reflects a unique quality of the Creator that resonates with the human experience. For example, Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim are two names that frequently appear together in the Qurʾān and are associated with mercy, sympathy, kindness, gentleness, compassion, and love.
According to Islamic tradition, memorizing and acting upon the 99 names of Allah will lead to entry into Paradise.
In Palestine many Arabs are Episcopalian.
the scum that LIED for the sake of the IslamoEpisco filth---
to wit the AL AHLI islamo-episco abomination are Episcopalian
"health workers" in the service of jeeezu krist as they created
him. LOL----but don't ask them to spell it when they show up
in a USA hospital emergency room
Islamic tradition also recognizes 99 names of Allah, or ʾasmāʾu llāhi lḥusnā, which are said to be the Creator's attributes revealed in the Qurʾān. These names are taken from different verses of the Qurʾān and are considered to be descriptors of Allah's actions in the world and his relationship with creation. Each name reflects a unique quality of the Creator that resonates with the human experience. For example, Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim are two names that frequently appear together in the Qurʾān and are associated with mercy, sympathy, kindness, gentleness, compassion, and love.
According to Islamic tradition, memorizing and acting upon the 99 names of Allah will lead to entry into Paradise.
as will rape and murder which is an equivalent for prayer and that rote
memory BS.
the scum that LIED for the sake of the IslamoEpisco filth---
to wit the AL AHLI islamo-episco abomination are Episcopalian
"health workers" in the service of jeeezu krist as they created
him. LOL----but don't ask them to spell it when they show up
in a USA hospital emergency room

a crucifiers definition madeup in the 4th century the subliminal requisite of servitude and denial than the liberation theology, self determination those in the 1st century gave their lives for, the original heavenly religion of antiquity goal of remission as equals to the everlasting -

similarly the repudiation of judaism's false commandments and hereditary idolatry. as the same restrictive islam than the freed spirit of the individual.

from noah to the finish line, there is nothing inbetween.
Morning star and Evening star (both venus) are used all over
Hebrew poetry-----ID with "lucifer" aka "satan" arcane and
Fact both Jesus and the devil are known as the morning star in early Christianity. The point is stupid that a lot is said in both the Koran and Bible, in fact more in the bible that is ambiguous and mind twisting goofiness. That's the point , Try reading the post and the post I'm responding to.
Fact both Jesus and the devil are known as the morning star in early Christianity. The point is stupid that a lot is said in both the Koran and Bible, in fact more in the bible that is ambiguous and mind twisting goofiness. That's the point , Try reading the post and the post I'm responding to.
ambiguous is true of all scriptural writings and just about the entire body of world Literature.
ambiguous is true of all scriptural writings and just about the entire body of world Literature.
Metaphorical. Direction indicators. Self contradicting (speaking of "god" as "one", then teaching that "we" are "here" and "god" is "there"; it it "one" or not?).
Fact both Jesus and the devil are known as the morning star in early Christianity. The point is stupid that a lot is said in both the Koran and Bible, in fact more in the bible that is ambiguous and mind twisting goofiness. That's the point , Try reading the post and the post I'm responding to.
Who says the devil is the morning star?
Who says the devil is the morning star?
biblical poetic personification of EVIL GUY---in this
case ---GUY IN THE SKY----bright and shiny --like
VENUS---the star that can be seen brightly in the evening
and morning-----seems kinda PARSEEE-like to me
biblical poetic personification of EVIL GUY---in this
case ---GUY IN THE SKY----bright and shiny --like
VENUS---the star that can be seen brightly in the evening
and morning-----seems kinda PARSEEE-like to me
In what case?

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