Zone1 *Christians And Muslims Do Not Mix Together*

All monotheistic faiths worship the same God, by definition.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam have differences obviously, but they all worship the same Abrahamic God.

But there’s some monotheistic religions like Zoroastrianism that can’t really be considered part of that group
Judaism, Christianity and Islam have differences obviously, but they all worship the same Abrahamic God.
No, that's not true. They say they worship the same god. Look, it is true that both Christianity and Islam are break-away Cults of Judaism but the fact that they have both rejected the covenant by blaspheming "the Judaic Messiah" means their dissimilarities are fundamental. I don't know how many Islamic splitters there are (Sunni and Shia at least) and Christians are numerous (!) so claiming they believe in the same god is a joke!

all mono are different - the 1st century is the repudiation of judaism, hereditary idolatry - false commandments ... all are equal in the heavens regardless everything else - not the same.

mono ... something like - cheesy - just perishes when finally spent.

the cns - central nervous system - is not a single cell in fact the unique spiritual content of physiology is its guidance -

no two blades of grass are ever the same from 200 million years ago to the present and for all eternity - christian intolerance though has always been the same. unky.
Muslims are the bond woman AND her son. The two do not mix (Muslim-Christian). God cast out the Muslim and there is no where in the Bible where they ever come together and mix as one with the "Seed of Abraham." They are under a different Book (doctrine) that does not adhere to a savior. Worse than that is their ongoing forever envy of the Christians who reside in the "House of God."

God said cast them out because it is NOT land they want, it is the death of all Christians they crave.

Galatians 4:30

Cast out the bond-woman and her son: for the son of the bond-woman shall not be heir with the son of the free-woman

The Christian king of Ethiopia sheltered the Muslims and gave them refuge when the Jews tried to kill them.
Muslims are the bond woman AND her son. The two do not mix (Muslim-Christian). God cast out the Muslim and there is no where in the Bible where they ever come together and mix as one with the "Seed of Abraham." They are under a different Book (doctrine) that does not adhere to a savior. Worse than that is their ongoing forever envy of the Christians who reside in the "House of God."

God said cast them out because it is NOT land they want, it is the death of all Christians they crave.

Galatians 4:30

Cast out the bond-woman and her son: for the son of the bond-woman shall not be heir with the son of the free-woman

The Christian king of Ethiopia sheltered the early Muslims when the Jews tried to kill them. Muslims are kindly disposed towards Christians.

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