Zone1 *Christians And Muslims Do Not Mix Together*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. It should not ever happen, two opposed Religions.
2. Two set of teachings.
3. Totally out of range.
4. One is for Goodness, one for Evil.
5. The pure stintch, of Evil, will muck up the place, no amount of cleansing will rid this space of it..

"The decision of Muslims to hold their Grand Iftar for Ramadan at Bristol Cathedral in England instead of a mosque has sparked debate and raised questions about its significance. Political conservative YouTuber Mahyar Tousi addressed the Islamic takeover of the Cathedral."

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Sorry bout that,

1. It should not ever happen, two opposed Religions.
2. Two set of teachings.
3. Totally out of range.
4. One is for Goodness, one for Evil.
5. The pure stintch, of Evil, will muck up the place, no amount of cleansing will rid this space of it..
I think that is exactly what the Catholics said about the Protestants during the Reformation. I think it is also exactly what the British and Scots said about the Irish for centuries when they ruled Ireland.
I think that is exactly what the Catholics said about the Protestants during the Reformation. I think it is also exactly what the British and Scots said about the Irish for centuries when they ruled Ireland.


Muslims are not hard to get along with. They are friendly and respectful towards people who are friendly and respectful to them.

Christians And Muslims Do Not Mix Together

Absolutely wrong OP
Earlier today I was listening to details of an expanding organisation here in the UK made up of a congregation of all three Abrahamic faiths .
All meeet together to sing -- English , Arabic and Hebrew and then mix socially .

That is consistent with my own extensive travel experience -- all people are essentially the same .
Sorry bout that,

1. It should not ever happen, two opposed Religions.
2. Two set of teachings.
3. Totally out of range.
4. One is for Goodness, one for Evil.
5. The pure stintch, of Evil, will muck up the place, no amount of cleansing will rid this space of it..

"The decision of Muslims to hold their Grand Iftar for Ramadan at Bristol Cathedral in England instead of a mosque has sparked debate and raised questions about its significance. Political conservative YouTuber Mahyar Tousi addressed the Islamic takeover of the Cathedral."

bad news, JamesofTexas----Islam is a copy-cat thing and it got LOTS from the
christianity extant at the time of its ascendance. At THE TIME---to wit, the sixth and seventh century AD that islam (ugh) came about---the minions of
uhn 'AL NABI' began an age of intense imperialism----BUT!!! christianity was into the same idea---SPREAD THE GOSPEL---is, in the end---IMPERIALISM. Muslims did it EVEN MORE!!! and with scimitars (specially designed swords useful for DECAPITATION FROM HORSEBACK)----and even now---christians are still into the "GET THEM TO CONVERT" mode----it's just that muslims are

Muslims are not hard to get along with. They are friendly and respectful towards people who are friendly and respectful to them.
My hubby was born in a SHARIAH SHIT HOLE---his people (jews living in arabia) had lived in arabia for at least the past 3000 years. Things went fairly well until ISLAM HAPPENED at which point they were COMPREHENSIVELY GENOCIDED out of existence in the area which is now (ugh) SAUDI ARABIA--
and some managed to survive in areas a bit remote. Over time the status of
his community in arabia became one of something between slave and serf.--to wit DHIMMI. He was rescued from that land as an infant---largely because his mother's father had died when she was about ?12--and the ONLY WAY TO SAVE HER from enslavement to the local IMAM (under the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW) was to get her married and OUT OF THAT SHIT HOLE. She married----
her husband as hubby's father (probably about 16 years old) and the little couple and the father or the boy commenced the long and dangerous and actually ILLEGAL escape from Shariah shit Yemen (circa 1938-40)---good news is the little couple and their two babies did escape --the old (probably about 45) man died in the shit hole. Based on his family background---hubby does know a bit of arabic----and arabs---ESPECIALLY YEMENIS in the USA are
UPFRONT friendly---they called him "BROTHER" and "COUSIN" ---but they don't actually know that he understands THEIR ARABIC !!!!!. Saudi arabia NEEDS non-muslim expertise----they bring all sorts of non muslims into their
country for whom they have NEED---that includes christians in the oil business---Hindu engineers and---of course---Jewish DOCTORS--and they manage to "get along" as long as convenient
Sorry bout that,

1. It should not ever happen, two opposed Religions.
2. Two set of teachings.
3. Totally out of range.
4. One is for Goodness, one for Evil.
5. The pure stintch, of Evil, will muck up the place, no amount of cleansing will rid this space of it..

"The decision of Muslims to hold their Grand Iftar for Ramadan at Bristol Cathedral in England instead of a mosque has sparked debate and raised questions about its significance. Political conservative YouTuber Mahyar Tousi addressed the Islamic takeover of the Cathedral."

The same is true of mixing Judaism with Islam or Judaism with Christianity. It's why the term "Judeo-Christian" is a complete and total oxymoron.

2 Corinthians 6:14-17, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."
Allah is Arabic for God.. the God of Abraham, the creator.
The fact that a word means one thing in one language does not mean it has that meaning in another. The "God" of Abraham is not Allah, except for those who wish to interpret it that way. Moses found that his "God" was nameless, more of a verb than a noun, undefinable. Allah is just another name.

Muslims are not hard to get along with. They are friendly and respectful towards people who are friendly and respectful to them.
Sorry bout that,

1. Up until they start lopping off heads.
2. So friendly, so buddy like, till then.
3. Thats the way the been since the year 666, when they were hatched.
4. Lopping off heads since then, an untold head count, likely millions.

Sorry bout that,

1. Christianity, and Islam, should never reside in the same sentence, its wrong, unless you are teaching the evils of Islam.
2. Even reading it is bad.
3. There is no, COMMON GROUND, between the two.
4. One is of darkness, one is of light.
5. Seek the truth, break away from Islam's darkness, for the wraths that is to come, will find you wherever you are.

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The fact that a word means one thing in one language does not mean it has that meaning in another. The "God" of Abraham is not Allah, except for those who wish to interpret it that way. Moses found that his "God" was nameless, more of a verb than a noun, undefinable. Allah is just another name.

Do you actually know any Muslims? Since I lived in the Middle East for so long I have known many.

Trashing them is a pastime of really ignorant people.
Do you actually know any Muslims? Since I lived in the Middle East for so long I have known many.

Trashing them is a pastime of really ignorant people.
Can you explain how your post relates to mine?

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