Top-ten zionist lies


Aug 16, 2012
In the interest of selecting the most brazen and ridiculous Zionist lies, I have proposed a ranking-system....lies will be judged on a basis of plausibility, brashness, and outright folly...pick your personal favorite:

#1 The land without people, for the people without land

#2 The world's most moral army

#3 Purity of arms

#4 Israel desires peace

#5 Israel has the right to exist

#6 Israeli military actions are invariably defensive

#7 Israel has made a series of concessions

#8 The United Nations is antisemitic

#9 Israel takes great pains to avoid civilian casualties

#10 A light unto the nations
In the interest of selecting the most brazen and ridiculous Zionist lies, I have proposed a ranking-system....lies will be judged on a basis of plausibility, brashness, and outright folly...pick your personal favorite:

#1 The land without people, for the people without land

#2 The world's most moral army

#3 Purity of arms

#4 Israel desires peace

#5 Israel has the right to exist

#6 Israeli military actions are invariably defensive

#7 Israel has made a series of concessions

#8 The United Nations is antisemitic

#9 Israel takes great pains to avoid civilian casualties

#10 A light unto the nations
It must be a slow boring day at the asylum so we are treated to the same old nonsense from Schizo as we have seen before from him. He keeps on repeating himself while all over the Muslim world innocent people are being murdered in the name of a religion. Of course Schizo closes his eyes to what is happening because in his feverish mind, it is always the Zionists who are the bad bad guys in this world. Oh, and my favorite is #8. True dat.
HouseFly, how long do we entertain this Bellvue/asylum routine? You've got to know that is says considerably more about you than me---or haven't you figured that out yet? Truthfully you remind me of SallyJTL: invariably whenever she was confronted with hard-facts against Israel, she segued into the same inapplicable nonsense about the Muslim world...etc. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has about as much to do with Islam as Lincoln's assassination had to do with Puritan Christianity....Jews freight in this blanket deflection and try to lump the Palestinian conflict in with fashionable object to me laughing at you---but then you supply the catalyst every time....have you though of adding a laugh-track to your posts???
HouseFly, how long do we entertain this Bellvue/asylum routine? You've got to know that is says considerably more about you than me---or haven't you figured that out yet? Truthfully you remind me of SallyJTL: invariably whenever she was confronted with hard-facts against Israel, she segued into the same inapplicable nonsense about the Muslim world...etc. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has about as much to do with Islam as Lincoln's assassination had to do with Puritan Christianity....Jews freight in this blanket deflection and try to lump the Palestinian conflict in with fashionable object to me laughing at you---but then you supply the catalyst every time....have you though of adding a laugh-track to your posts???
I don't mind you laughing at me, I'm used to it. I'm a Republican. And a Zionist.
How about: The Arabs lost the 1948 war and Israel won land?

That is one of their biggest whoppers.
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Thanks for the sarcasm and posting those top ten truths.
How about: The Arabs lost the 1948 war and Israel won land?

That is one of their biggest whoppers.
How about this...Israel stole "Palestinian land"!

Can't argue with the facts.

in the early 1800s ----Turks moderated the filth of shariah which had been criminally imposed in palestine and in all the other lands of the Ottoman empire to a more or less degree. Shariah is the legal code used in lands conquored by arab muslims and eventually by non arab muslims for oppression and suppresson and exploitation of non muslims. Genocides of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people have been enacted LEGALLY under the provisions of Shariah law which is why Tinny is an advocate thereof. Under Shariah law ---in the past 100 years we have seen the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE, THE BIAFRAN GENOCIDE, HINDU GENOCIDE IN EAST PAKISTAN SUDANESE CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE as big examples ----but there are massacres of non muslims going on regularly in Kenya, uganda, indonesia, egypt etc also LEGALLY UNDER SHARIAH LAW and using SHARIAH PRINCIPLES even if shariah is not actually the law of the land

In the early 1800s ---jews world wide responded to the moderation of the filth of shariah law in palestine with a program to BUY LAND According to Advocates of Shariah law----those purchases constitute THEFT because they are not legal under shariah law which define any land which which muslims invade and steal by vitue of murder, rape and pillage to be "MUSLIM LAND FOREVER" It was the purchase of land by jews that galvanized the infant throat slitting that tinnie advocates----he still fantasized about dancing on the dead bodies of babies HEBRON 1929

YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH THE HISTORY OF LAND THEFT AND GENOCIDE unless you are a tinnie and like to dance on babies with slit throats
in the early 1800s ----Turks moderated the filth of shariah which had been criminally imposed in palestine and in all the other lands of the Ottoman empire to a more or less degree. Shariah is the legal code used in lands conquored by arab muslims and eventually by non arab muslims for oppression and suppresson and exploitation of non muslims. Genocides of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people have been enacted LEGALLY under the provisions of Shariah law which is why Tinny is an advocate thereof. Under Shariah law ---in the past 100 years we have seen the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE, THE BIAFRAN GENOCIDE, HINDU GENOCIDE IN EAST PAKISTAN SUDANESE CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE as big examples ----but there are massacres of non muslims going on regularly in Kenya, uganda, indonesia, egypt etc also LEGALLY UNDER SHARIAH LAW and using SHARIAH PRINCIPLES even if shariah is not actually the law of the land

In the early 1800s ---jews world wide responded to the moderation of the filth of shariah law in palestine with a program to BUY LAND According to Advocates of Shariah law----those purchases constitute THEFT because they are not legal under shariah law which define any land which which muslims invade and steal by vitue of murder, rape and pillage to be "MUSLIM LAND FOREVER" It was the purchase of land by jews that galvanized the infant throat slitting that tinnie advocates----he still fantasized about dancing on the dead bodies of babies HEBRON 1929

YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH THE HISTORY OF LAND THEFT AND GENOCIDE unless you are a tinnie and like to dance on babies with slit throats

Nice rant.
in the early 1800s ----Turks moderated the filth of shariah which had been criminally imposed in palestine and in all the other lands of the Ottoman empire to a more or less degree. Shariah is the legal code used in lands conquored by arab muslims and eventually by non arab muslims for oppression and suppresson and exploitation of non muslims. Genocides of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people have been enacted LEGALLY under the provisions of Shariah law which is why Tinny is an advocate thereof. Under Shariah law ---in the past 100 years we have seen the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE, THE BIAFRAN GENOCIDE, HINDU GENOCIDE IN EAST PAKISTAN SUDANESE CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE as big examples ----but there are massacres of non muslims going on regularly in Kenya, uganda, indonesia, egypt etc also LEGALLY UNDER SHARIAH LAW and using SHARIAH PRINCIPLES even if shariah is not actually the law of the land

In the early 1800s ---jews world wide responded to the moderation of the filth of shariah law in palestine with a program to BUY LAND According to Advocates of Shariah law----those purchases constitute THEFT because they are not legal under shariah law which define any land which which muslims invade and steal by vitue of murder, rape and pillage to be "MUSLIM LAND FOREVER" It was the purchase of land by jews that galvanized the infant throat slitting that tinnie advocates----he still fantasized about dancing on the dead bodies of babies HEBRON 1929

YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH THE HISTORY OF LAND THEFT AND GENOCIDE unless you are a tinnie and like to dance on babies with slit throats

Nice rant.

it is an accurate history lesson-----truths that you cannot dispute but which you repudiate anyway
How about: The Arabs lost the 1948 war and Israel won land?

That is one of their biggest whoppers.

BRAVO!!! Another Zionist assault on fact...the hilarious part is that Jews refer to 48 as the 'War for Independence"---as if before 48 there was a dependent Israel. Calling the 48 criminal seizure of Palestine a war is part of the basic design of their ongoing lies....the Arab armies that the Lying Jews exaggerate did not intervene until days after the Zionist assault began---which undercuts the Zionist line that a non-existent Israel was attacked from all sides by bloodthirsty Arab armies...LOL
How about: The Arabs lost the 1948 war and Israel won land?

That is one of their biggest whoppers.

BRAVO!!! Another Zionist assault on fact...the hilarious part is that Jews refer to 48 as the 'War for Independence"---as if before 48 there was a dependent Israel. Calling the 48 criminal seizure of Palestine a war is part of the basic design of their ongoing lies....the Arab armies that the Lying Jews exaggerate did not intervene until days after the Zionist assault began---which undercuts the Zionist line that a non-existent Israel was attacked from all sides by bloodthirsty Arab armies...LOL
What counts the most is what's happening now and who the big dog is.
HouseFly, how long do we entertain this Bellvue/asylum routine? You've got to know that is says considerably more about you than me---or haven't you figured that out yet? Truthfully you remind me of SallyJTL: invariably whenever she was confronted with hard-facts against Israel, she segued into the same inapplicable nonsense about the Muslim world...etc. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has about as much to do with Islam as Lincoln's assassination had to do with Puritan Christianity....Jews freight in this blanket deflection and try to lump the Palestinian conflict in with fashionable object to me laughing at you---but then you supply the catalyst every time....have you though of adding a laugh-track to your posts???
I don't mind you laughing at me, I'm used to it. I'm a Republican. And a Zionist.

LOL If you are a "Republican and a"Zionist" I'd conclude that you are neither a very bright individual, or a keen observer....that any American can cite party-loyalty to either Democrats or Republicans after the last twelve years is are either deeply learning impaired, or too immoderately stupid to recognize the futility of actions repeated and repeated, and producing the same result....sigh
How about: The Arabs lost the 1948 war and Israel won land?

That is one of their biggest whoppers.
How about this...Israel stole "Palestinian land"!

the sad part of that comment is that you would post it sarcastically...dude you obviously are a product of television wrestling, and one-note responses to questions or descriptions that you could scarcely endeavor to comprehend...I think the word I'm looking for here is ( moron )
How about: The Arabs lost the 1948 war and Israel won land?

That is one of their biggest whoppers.

BRAVO!!! Another Zionist assault on fact...the hilarious part is that Jews refer to 48 as the 'War for Independence"---as if before 48 there was a dependent Israel. Calling the 48 criminal seizure of Palestine a war is part of the basic design of their ongoing lies....the Arab armies that the Lying Jews exaggerate did not intervene until days after the Zionist assault began---which undercuts the Zionist line that a non-existent Israel was attacked from all sides by bloodthirsty Arab armies...LOL
What counts the most is what's happening now and who the big dog is.

what is hilarious is that downer does not know that the present state of Israel ---began its current existence in the early 1800s under the control of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE and later came under the control of the BRITISH EMPIRE and then fought for and won Independence --------and it is hilarious that downer does not know that even though there was no impediment to the developement of an arab/muslim STATE OF PALESTINE thruout the time of the "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST" and THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE and THE BRITISH EMPIRE it never happened---for more than a thousand years ----no impediment and IT NEVER HAPPENED

Israel was conquored about 2000 years ago ------"PALESTINE" never existed except as an alternative term for the conquored 'ISRAEL/JUDEA which has now re-emerged having thrown off the control of GUESS WHO? well boys and girls the fact is that MERRY OLD ENGLAND WAS ONCE PART OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE the first REICH----the same reich that conquored Israel about 2000 years ago and then TOOK OVER again in the 20th century Is that fact not INTERESTING? I wonder if downer knows anything at all about HISTORY

now children----think-----palestine was part of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE then later conquore by the UNHOLY ISLAMIC EMPIRE the crusades was a HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE project so both the holy roman empire and the unholy islamic empire fought for palestine---------the CONQUORED ISRAEL/JUDEA -------and then in the 20th century both the holy roman empire and the unholy islamic empire-----lost control. Isn't history fun when you have the facts?
BRAVO!!! Another Zionist assault on fact...the hilarious part is that Jews refer to 48 as the 'War for Independence"---as if before 48 there was a dependent Israel. Calling the 48 criminal seizure of Palestine a war is part of the basic design of their ongoing lies....the Arab armies that the Lying Jews exaggerate did not intervene until days after the Zionist assault began---which undercuts the Zionist line that a non-existent Israel was attacked from all sides by bloodthirsty Arab armies...LOL
What counts the most is what's happening now and who the big dog is.

what is hilarious is that downer does not know that the present state of Israel ---began its current existence in the early 1800s under the control of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE and later came under the control of the BRITISH EMPIRE and then fought for and won Independence --------and it is hilarious that downer does not know that even though there was no impediment to the developement of an arab/muslim STATE OF PALESTINE thruout the time of the "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST" and THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE and THE BRITISH EMPIRE it never happened---for more than a thousand years ----no impediment and IT NEVER HAPPENED

Israel was conquored about 2000 years ago ------"PALESTINE" never existed except as an alternative term for the conquored 'ISRAEL/JUDEA which has now re-emerged having thrown off the control of GUESS WHO? well boys and girls the fact is that MERRY OLD ENGLAND WAS ONCE PART OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE the first REICH----the same reich that conquored Israel about 2000 years ago and then TOOK OVER again in the 20th century Is that fact not INTERESTING? I wonder if downer knows anything at all about HISTORY

now children----think-----palestine was part of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE then later conquore by the UNHOLY ISLAMIC EMPIRE the crusades was a HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE project so both the holy roman empire and the unholy islamic empire fought for palestine---------the CONQUORED ISRAEL/JUDEA -------and then in the 20th century both the holy roman empire and the unholy islamic empire-----lost control. Isn't history fun when you have the facts?
Sunshine is like the Ayrab countries who go off to war, get their butts trounced and come home to hold victory parades and hand out medals.
How about: The Arabs lost the 1948 war and Israel won land?

That is one of their biggest whoppers.
How about this...Israel stole "Palestinian land"!

the sad part of that comment is that you would post it sarcastically...dude you obviously are a product of television wrestling, and one-note responses to questions or descriptions that you could scarcely endeavor to comprehend...I think the word I'm looking for here is ( moron )
Thanks for posting those truths.

Uhm in order to speak to a muslim about the british palestine MANDATE you have to pretend that TRANSJORDAN was somewhere in MECCA or on the MOON The problem her is that you have DENY jordanians the right to be PALESTINIANS because if you call the JORDANIANS "palestinians" then ----the other "palestinians" will be entitled to live in-------that other place that was never part of the british palestine mandate --------transjordan get it? you see-----transjordan was GRAFTED ONTO ARABIA when england invented a BEDOUIN KING FOR IT

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