Tories in disarray

The elites still working with a foreign power to block the will of the people. The people of Britain should by now be fully aware of the bind they are in and the steps they need to take.

Treasonous leftists are treasonous leftists all over the world. I particularly enjoyed seeing them yell "Boris is leading a coup"..while denying his request for an election. The only "coup" in the world where the leader begged for an election :)

I know it helps to be stupid but do you also have to be completely dishonest to be a leftist?
The elites still working with a foreign power to block the will of the people. The people of Britain should by now be fully aware of the bind they are in and the steps they need to take.

Treasonous leftists are treasonous leftists all over the world. I particularly enjoyed seeing them yell "Boris is leading a coup"..while denying his request for an election. The only "coup" in the world where the leader begged for an election :)

I know it helps to be stupid but do you also have to be completely dishonest to be a leftist?
Meanwhile tory MPs attack the intelligence of dead Grenfell victims. The Welsh Minister resigns because he was caught covering up for a rapist. The advertising ombudsman bans a government newspaper advert for lying and they refuse to publish a damning report into Russian involvement in brexit. Totally unrelated to the flow of dirty russian cash into tory coffers.

The stench is overpowering.
The elites still working with a foreign power to block the will of the people. The people of Britain should by now be fully aware of the bind they are in and the steps they need to take.

Treasonous leftists are treasonous leftists all over the world. I particularly enjoyed seeing them yell "Boris is leading a coup"..while denying his request for an election. The only "coup" in the world where the leader begged for an election :)

I know it helps to be stupid but do you also have to be completely dishonest to be a leftist?
Meanwhile tory MPs attack the intelligence of dead Grenfell victims. The Welsh Minister resigns because he was caught covering up for a rapist. The advertising ombudsman bans a government newspaper advert for lying and they refuse to publish a damning report into Russian involvement in brexit. Totally unrelated to the flow of dirty russian cash into tory coffers.

The stench is overpowering.

Yeah. “Meanwhile” after voting to leave the EU...the British people still aren't free. Meanwhile.
Cromwell just thought he had a nasty Parliament. At least he didnt have a treasonous one taking orders from and working with a foreign government on the Continent against its own people.

"which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?

Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes...Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance."
The stench is overpowering.
Yeah it stinks so bad Labor denied them a chance to go before the people three times. Funny that.

Johnson's call for general election rejected by MPs
You have a remedial level of understanding on British politics. I cant give you any respect.

Yeah better to leave it to our betters who know so much more.
I am eating an apple that knows more than you do.

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