Toronto: Man identifies as woman to gain access to women's shelter; Sexual assaults em all.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter

A Toronto man use their own version of the tranny rights law to identify as a female so he could gain access to a women's only shelter. Once he was accepted....he routinely sexual assaulted them. When caught they say he'd cover his face....giggle and say "Ooops".

I'm sure these women in the shelter.....abused, deaf, addicted...whatever their challenge....LOVES the feeling of tolerance knowing their shelter is not bigoted against men identifying as women.

Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter

A Toronto man use their own version of the tranny rights law to identify as a female so he could gain access to a women's only shelter. Once he was accepted....he routinely sexual assaulted them. When caught they say he'd cover his face....giggle and say "Ooops".

I'm sure these women in the shelter.....abused, deaf, addicted...whatever their challenge....LOVES the feeling of tolerance knowing their shelter is not bigoted against men identifying as women.

>>These attacks occurred in January of 2012. Toby’s Law did not pass into law until five months later, on the 19th of June 2012.

The Fred Victor Women’s Housing Center did not admit Mr. Hambrook because of Toby’s Law (which did not exist at that time). In actual fact, the shelter has been supportive and inclusive of Trans* women for years, and even runs a Trans* support group. Allowing Hambrook access was clearly a tragic mistake, but the policy of accommodating Trans* people is not to blame—a serial raping criminal who lied through his teeth was the problem here.

Remember that a real sexual assault occurred, and we must not in any way minimize the trauma committed upon the two victims. Conservative Senator Donald Neil Plett is taking political advantage of the victimization of these women, jamming it together with his own oppressive agenda against Trans* people, and using vicious lies as the glue to make it stick.

Plett’s logic is a hateful house of cards waiting for the gust of common sense and compassion to knock it down. Consider the following. Because a sick and twisted predator, a man and serial rapist, committed a terrible crime against two women… and because in the course of committing that crime, he falsely claimed a Trans* identity in order to take advantage of accommodation measures in place (secondarily victimizing the Trans* community in the process)… therefore, we must deprive all real Trans* people of their human rights.

Let’s play the “hypothetical scenario” game. Say you run a secure environment, where people need to be searched before being allowed in. One day, a man presents himself as severely disabled, in a wheelchair, but is in actuality fully able-bodied and is only pretending. By taking advantage of accommodative measures provided to those in mobility devices (let’s say, bypassing metal detectors), this man is able to sneak a gun into the venue, subsequently jumping out of his borrowed wheel-chair to go on a shooting rampage harming many and making national news. Solution: Blame Human Rights protections for disabled people, and ban all wheelchairs. Right, Senator Plett?

There’s one more inconvenient truth that Mr. Plett has misrepresented to his fellow Senators and to the Canadian people. The federal Human Rights Act (and by extension, C-279) would not even have jurisdiction over access-to-service policies at urban homeless shelters. As a Senator, he knows this (or he ought to). So even if it were ethically justifiable to suppress the federal human rights of all Trans* people as a measure to prevent these rare criminal occurrences (committed at the hands of lying men), the strategy would not even work. Even if his facts were true, the very premise of his argument is a lie, intended to mislead people into supporting the continued legislative oppression of non-cis people.<<

Senator Donald Neil Plett was appointed, not elected.

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