Torture? Independent panel? GWB? Did we just have another terrorist attack?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?
Torture didn’t lead the United States to Osama bin Laden, and the mission shouldn’t be used to justify the country’s use of it in the past, argues Sen. John McCain.

Read more: John McCain: Torture didn't get Osama bin Laden - Jennifer Epstein -

he added, “None of the three detainees who were waterboarded provided Abu Ahmed’s real name, his whereabouts or an accurate description of his role in Al Qaeda.”

The waterboarding of Mohammed, in fact, yielded “false and misleading information” about the courier, McCain said. The staff of the Senate intelligence committee has told him that the best information that led to bin Laden came through non-coercive means.

“Mistreatment of enemy prisoners endangers our own troops, who might someday be held captive”
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

Perhaps we should stop invading their countries, stealing their resources, insulting their religion and suborning their governments.

That might stop them.
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

Perhaps we should stop invading their countries, stealing their resources, insulting their religion and suborning their governments.

That might stop them.

which country did we invade?

Afghanistan was an event that for obvious reasons we were left with no choice.
Iraq? Saddam was given 10 years to do the right thing. Over 30 countries as well as the US congress decided that after 9-11 and after Hans Blix of the Un stated he had over 6500 WMDs un accounted for and had broke numerous UN regulations on Jan 27th 2003 the world had had enough
What would you have done?

If you feel that we are in the wrong, maybe you should move to Iraq or Afghanistan or France?

Good Luck with that
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it

And exactly who would you have tortured to learn of this attack, genius?

We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

You are an A-One idiot. Only an idiot would believe TORTURE was the ONLY way to gather intelligence.
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

Perhaps we should stop invading their countries, stealing their resources, insulting their religion and suborning their governments.

That might stop them.

The hate America first club is now in session. You!d be happy as a clam if Saddam was alive feeding his people through wood clippers. Stealing Kuwaits oil. Gassing his Kurds. Let's just let NK nuke the shit out of whomever they choose. How about it?
When they get into power the left behaves like a 3rd world country. Instead of addressing issues they would rather indict the previous administration while the freaking Country goes down the drain.
If an "independent" panel that includes actual "Republicans" says that there is "no" doubt that America engaged in "torture," then there must be no question about the validity of that "truth commission's" conclusion.

Our liberals will insist that we are all obligated to agree.

Except, damn the luck, it remains the case that lots of us persist in denying that water-boarding constitutes "torture," no matter how many liberals insist that it is torture.

And if anybody in the OBAMA Administration ever conceded that the use of waterboarding DID help us in getting Osama bin Pigfucker, then THAT must be --
uhm --

all just a big misunderstanding.
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it

And exactly who would you have tortured to learn of this attack, genius?

We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

You are an A-One idiot. Only an idiot would believe TORTURE was the ONLY way to gather intelligence.

Is that the best you have to offer?
We will never know what may or may not have been prevented with enhanced interrogation.
I know you want to forget about Benghazi. I know that it is hard for you to fathom that the attack on Boston was a terror attack.
If info from those events kills a bomb maker, does that matter?
Captured UBL as it did?
May have saved those in Benghazi

How do you know?

And where did I say it is the only way?
your calling me an idiot?
If an "independent" panel that includes actual "Republicans" says that there is "no" doubt that America engaged in "torture," then there must be no question about the validity of that "truth commission's" conclusion.

Our liberals will insist that we are all obligated to agree.

Except, damn the luck, it remains the case that lots of us persist in denying that water-boarding constitutes "torture," no matter how many liberals insist that it is torture.

And if anybody in the OBAMA Administration ever conceded that the use of waterboarding DID help us in getting Osama bin Pigfucker, then THAT must be --
uhm --

all just a big misunderstanding.

I wonder how many bomb makers are dead today because some animal got a little water boarding?
How many are alive?
Maybe the one in Boston?
How many lives did the info from the drink water till you panic save?
And there is 0 doubt UBL was located with the drink water till you panic method
the "let us put him in a small box with a do collar method" right after the drink-drink till you panic event

what amazes me is there is never a mention of the animal who kills and maims while the GWB treated like he is the worst of the worst
No terror attacks
No drink-drink till you panic
It is that simple
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

Perhaps we should stop invading their countries, stealing their resources, insulting their religion and suborning their governments.

That might stop them.

which country did we invade?

Afghanistan was an event that for obvious reasons we were left with no choice.
Iraq? Saddam was given 10 years to do the right thing. Over 30 countries as well as the US congress decided that after 9-11 and after Hans Blix of the Un stated he had over 6500 WMDs un accounted for and had broke numerous UN regulations on Jan 27th 2003 the world had had enough
What would you have done?

If you feel that we are in the wrong, maybe you should move to Iraq or Afghanistan or France?

Good Luck with that

I think I'll stay here, thanks. Perhaps you should visit Afghanistan in an infantryman's uniform since you're such a badass and all. It'll give you a chance to kill Arabs up close and personal.

We have been sticking our nose in their business since before WWII.

We have no business over there. None.

How can you justify what we've done over there?
Perhaps we should stop invading their countries, stealing their resources, insulting their religion and suborning their governments.

That might stop them.

which country did we invade?

Afghanistan was an event that for obvious reasons we were left with no choice.
Iraq? Saddam was given 10 years to do the right thing. Over 30 countries as well as the US congress decided that after 9-11 and after Hans Blix of the Un stated he had over 6500 WMDs un accounted for and had broke numerous UN regulations on Jan 27th 2003 the world had had enough
What would you have done?

If you feel that we are in the wrong, maybe you should move to Iraq or Afghanistan or France?

Good Luck with that

I think I'll stay here, thanks. Perhaps you should visit Afghanistan in an infantryman's uniform since you're such a badass and all. It'll give you a chance to kill Arabs up close and personal.

We have been sticking our nose in their business since before WWII.

We have no business over there. None.

How can you justify what we've done over there?

I tried to hire on with Halliburton
I am at an age in which even in 2001 they would not have me
War sucks. It amazes me the liberals never mention those who started these wars and the events that dated back many years with these situations.
Al Qaeda
Without these people there are no wars and no killings
Exxon profits on Iraq not shipping oil, not the other way around
Killing is not what any of this is about. My goal in these threads is to un-do all the lying that has followed these events
GWB as well as congress did what it seen as the right thing to do post 9-11 world. Would you have these people continue to kill? Maim?
What would you have done?
Ah yes...good old torture. So effective too...look a how many Jews confessed during the Inquisition and how many witches were burned at the stake.
which country did we invade?

Afghanistan was an event that for obvious reasons we were left with no choice.
Iraq? Saddam was given 10 years to do the right thing. Over 30 countries as well as the US congress decided that after 9-11 and after Hans Blix of the Un stated he had over 6500 WMDs un accounted for and had broke numerous UN regulations on Jan 27th 2003 the world had had enough
What would you have done?

If you feel that we are in the wrong, maybe you should move to Iraq or Afghanistan or France?

Good Luck with that

I think I'll stay here, thanks. Perhaps you should visit Afghanistan in an infantryman's uniform since you're such a badass and all. It'll give you a chance to kill Arabs up close and personal.

We have been sticking our nose in their business since before WWII.

We have no business over there. None.

How can you justify what we've done over there?

I tried to hire on with Halliburton
I am at an age in which even in 2001 they would not have me
War sucks. It amazes me the liberals never mention those who started these wars and the events that dated back many years with these situations.
Al Qaeda
Without these people there are no wars and no killings
Exxon profits on Iraq not shipping oil, not the other way around
Killing is not what any of this is about. My goal in these threads is to un-do all the lying that has followed these events
GWB as well as congress did what it seen as the right thing to do post 9-11 world. Would you have these people continue to kill? Maim?
What would you have done?

Never? Here's an oldie but goodie. Kind of long but well worth it.

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War Il and the Folly Of Intervention

As the United States finds itself in the aftermath of another crisis in the Middle East, it is worth the risk of opprobrium to ask why there should be hostility toward America in that region. Some insight can be gained by surveying official U.S. conduct in the Middle East since the end of World War II. Acknowledged herein is a fundamental, yet deplorably overlooked, distinction between understanding and excusing. The purpose of this survey is not to pardon acts of violence against innocent people but to understand the reasons that drive people to violent political acts.(2) The stubborn and often self-serving notion that the historical record is irrelevant because political violence is inexcusable ensures that Americans will be caught in crises in the Middle East and elsewhere for many years to come.

After 70 years of broken Western promises regarding Arab independence, it should not be surprising that the West is viewed with suspicion and hostility by the populations (as opposed to some of the political regimes) of the Middle East.(3) The United States, as the heir to British imperialism in the region, has been a frequent object of suspicion. Since the end of World War II, the United States, like the European colonial powers before it, has been unable to resist becoming entangled in the region's political conflicts. Driven by a desire to keep the vast oil reserves in hands friendly to the United States, a wish to keep out potential rivals (such as the Soviet Union), opposition to neutrality in the cold war, and domestic political considerations, the United States has compiled a record of tragedy in the Middle East.
The left thinks we care if Bush tortured the terrorists.

Isn't that a hoot?

We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

Perhaps we should stop invading their countries, stealing their resources, insulting their religion and suborning their governments.

That might stop them.

Afghanistan was in response to terrorist attacks initiated by terrorists.
Iraq was in response to Saddam's invading Kuwait, and America was part of a 128 nation coalition. The second time was about UN sanctions Iraq was violating. You can't possibly be this dense.
The left thinks we care if Bush tortured the terrorists.

Isn't that a hoot?

We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

The torture and abuse was wide spread and not limited to a few select terror suspects.
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

Perhaps we should stop invading their countries, stealing their resources, insulting their religion and suborning their governments.

That might stop them.

Afghanistan was in response to terrorist attacks initiated by terrorists.
Iraq was in response to Saddam's invading Kuwait, and America was part of a 128 nation coalition. The second time was about UN sanctions Iraq was violating. You can't possibly be this dense.

Hans Blix clearly sated a number of violations that Saddam was breaking
Including 6500 WMDs still missing today (all but 500, 500 were found)
please read for those who live in denial

Update 27 January 2003
The left thinks we care if Bush tortured the terrorists.

Isn't that a hoot?

We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

The torture and abuse was wide spread and not limited to a few select terror suspects.

1) Torture is an opinion that the justice dept clearly defined as NOT torture during the GWB admin
Truth matters

What abuse to whom?

Saddam gassing 1000s? okay
We have a terrorist attack In Boston that with or without enhanced interrogation techniques may or may not have prevented it
We do know that it found UBL
We also know that an one who makes an issue of this and GWB then leaves out Al-Qaida has an agenda that is not pro American
Enhanced Interrogation techniques work. Not only do they work, but those few people they were used on deserved at the minimum that
My point is not beatings, but those people committed crimes that are in humane and deserved the death penalty. I cannot fathom after the events this week there are left wingers who are even talking about this
You know how to stop all of this?

No more terror attacks. Now how do we stop them with out intel?

Perhaps we should stop invading their countries, stealing their resources, insulting their religion and suborning their governments.

That might stop them.

Afghanistan was in response to terrorist attacks initiated by terrorists.
Iraq was in response to Saddam's invading Kuwait, and America was part of a 128 nation coalition. The second time was about UN sanctions Iraq was violating. You can't possibly be this dense.

The final UNSC resolution was being implemented to confirm Iraq had no active WMD programs. But President Bush renigged on our commentment to the UN mission and decided Iraq was a threat to our national security. Then he led the invasion and occupation.

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