Toshiba Develops Next-Generation Lithium-ion Battery for triple recharge capability


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Toshiba Develops Next-Generation Lithium-ion Battery for triple recharge capability
brian wang | October 3, 2017 |

Toshiba has a new battery which enables ultra rapid recharge for driving range of electric vehicles of 320km in 6-minute recharge. This is triple what is possible with current lithium-ion battery.

New anode material, titanium niobium oxide achieves double the capacity of the anode of current lithium-ion batteries.
The new battery also offers high energy density and ultra-rapid recharging characteristics, and its titanium niobium oxide anode is much less likely to experience lithium metal deposition during ultra-rapid recharging or recharging in cold conditions—a cause of battery degradation and internal short circuiting.


This will make the electric car more awesome and laptops, phones and other toys last longer. haha
There is only 1 lithium mine in the U.S. which is in Nevada and employs around 80 people.

So we are dependent on foreign sources for the mineral. Plus the price for it has tripled in the last couple of years.

The amount of reserves isn't really known, but China is running around the world signing long term contracts with various countries for rights to mine the mineral. ..... :cool:
There is only 1 lithium mine in the U.S. which is in Nevada and employs around 80 people.

So we are dependent on foreign sources for the mineral. Plus the price for it has tripled in the last couple of years.

The amount of reserves isn't really known, but China is running around the world signing long term contracts with various countries for rights to mine the mineral. ..... :cool:
Well, for sure, that is all you know about. But then, Sunni, you have never shown much depth of knowledge on any subject.

Lithium enrichment in intracontinental rhyolite magmas leads to Li deposits in caldera basins

The omnipresence of lithium-ion batteries in mobile electronics, and hybrid and electric vehicles necessitates discovery of new lithium resources to meet rising demand and to diversify the global lithium supply chain. Here we demonstrate that lake sediments preserved within intracontinental rhyolitic calderas formed on eruption and weathering of lithium-enriched magmas have the potential to host large lithium clay deposits. We compare lithium concentrations of magmas formed in a variety of tectonic settings using in situ trace-element measurements of quartz-hosted melt inclusions to demonstrate that moderate to extreme lithium enrichment occurs in magmas that incorporate felsic continental crust. Cenozoic calderas in western North America and in other intracontinental settings that generated such magmas are promising new targets for lithium exploration because lithium leached from the eruptive products by meteoric and hydrothermal fluids becomes concentrated in clays within caldera lake sediments to potentially economically extractable levels.

Lithium enrichment in intracontinental rhyolite magmas leads to Li deposits in caldera basins
One of the technological advances we most desperately need to see over the next couple of years is kind of boring: We need to build a better battery. And stat. Now, the batteries of the future are quite likely going to be of the lithium-ion variety, as laptop and electric car batteries currently are. Which means we're going to need a hell of a lot of lithium, too. So the fact that scientists from the University of Wyoming just uncovered a truly massive lithium deposit in our own backyard may be a game-changer.

The researchers drilled wells in Wyoming's Rock Springs Uplift. And underneath these jagged high plains, they discovered that the "reservoir brines from a 25-square-mile area of the uplift could contain 228,000 tons of lithium: enough to meet annual U.S. demand."

Wyoming's Lithium Jackpot Will Help Us Build the Batteries of the Future

Some problems developing this resource, but still doable.
One of the technological advances we most desperately need to see over the next couple of years is kind of boring: We need to build a better battery. And stat. Now, the batteries of the future are quite likely going to be of the lithium-ion variety, as laptop and electric car batteries currently are. Which means we're going to need a hell of a lot of lithium, too. So the fact that scientists from the University of Wyoming just uncovered a truly massive lithium deposit in our own backyard may be a game-changer.

The researchers drilled wells in Wyoming's Rock Springs Uplift. And underneath these jagged high plains, they discovered that the "reservoir brines from a 25-square-mile area of the uplift could contain 228,000 tons of lithium: enough to meet annual U.S. demand."

Wyoming's Lithium Jackpot Will Help Us Build the Batteries of the Future

Some problems developing this resource, but still doable.
Nurse Ratched is making the rounds now with everyone's lithium...........
The omnipresence of lithium-ion batteries in mobile electronics, and hybrid and electric vehicles necessitates discovery of new lithium resources to meet rising demand and to diversify the global lithium supply chain. Here we demonstrate that lake sediments preserved within intracontinental rhyolitic calderas formed on eruption and weathering of lithium-enriched magmas have the potential to host large lithium clay deposits. We compare lithium concentrations of magmas formed in a variety of tectonic settings using in situ trace-element measurements of quartz-hosted melt inclusions to demonstrate that moderate to extreme lithium enrichment occurs in magmas that incorporate felsic continental crust. Cenozoic calderas in western North America and in other intracontinental settings that generated such magmas are promising new targets for lithium exploration because lithium leached from the eruptive products by meteoric and hydrothermal fluids becomes concentrated in clays within caldera lake sediments to potentially economically extractable levels.
Basically, your link says there is "potential" for lithium reserves in the U.S. to be mined, but so far it's just speculation and remains unproven. .... :cool:
Solid-state batteries: Why Toyota's plans could be a game-changer for EVs

Word out of Japan today is that Toyota is working on launching a new solid-state battery for electric vehicles that will put it solidly in the EV game by 2022.

Which leads to a simple question: What is a solid-state battery, and why does it matter?

Back in February, John Goodenough observed, "Cost, safety, energy density, rates of charge and discharge and cycle life are critical for battery-driven cars to be more widely adopted." And risking a bad pun on his surname, he seemed to be implying that all of those characteristics weren't currently good enough in autos using lithium-ion batteries.

This comment is relevant because Goodenough, professor at the Cockrell School of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin - it so happens, he turns 95 today - is the co-inventor of the lithium-ion battery, the type of battery that is pretty much the mainstay of current electric vehicles.

And he and a research fellow at U of T were announcing they'd developed a solid-state battery, one that has improved energy density (which means a car so equipped can drive further) and can be recharged more quickly and more often (a.k.a., "long cycle life") than a lithium-ion battery.

(Did you ever notice that with time your iPhone keeps less of a charge than it did back when it was shiny and new? That's because it has a limited cycle life. Which is one thing when you're talking about a phone. And something else entirely when it involves a whole car.)

What's more, there is reduced mass for a solid-state battery. And there isn't the same safety concern that exists with li-ion batteries vis-à- vis conflagration (which is why at airplane boarding gates they say they'll check your carryon as long as you remove all lithium-ion batteries).

The sodium version of this battery is about three times as energy dense as the present lithium ion batteries. And charges much faster. That solves the question of a lithium shortage.
The omnipresence of lithium-ion batteries in mobile electronics, and hybrid and electric vehicles necessitates discovery of new lithium resources to meet rising demand and to diversify the global lithium supply chain. Here we demonstrate that lake sediments preserved within intracontinental rhyolitic calderas formed on eruption and weathering of lithium-enriched magmas have the potential to host large lithium clay deposits. We compare lithium concentrations of magmas formed in a variety of tectonic settings using in situ trace-element measurements of quartz-hosted melt inclusions to demonstrate that moderate to extreme lithium enrichment occurs in magmas that incorporate felsic continental crust. Cenozoic calderas in western North America and in other intracontinental settings that generated such magmas are promising new targets for lithium exploration because lithium leached from the eruptive products by meteoric and hydrothermal fluids becomes concentrated in clays within caldera lake sediments to potentially economically extractable levels.
Basically, your link says there is "potential" for lithium reserves in the U.S. to be mined, but so far it's just speculation and remains unproven. .... :cool:
Just as in the production of oil, the price determines what is doable.

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