Total Bs- Justice Department Tells Ferguson Police To Stop Wearing Bracelets


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I would tell the Justice Department to fuck off. Tell the thugs to stop wearing their pants around their knees and stupid hoodies,


Justice Department tells Ferguson police to stop wearing bracelets
(Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department asked the Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department on Friday to order its officers not to wear bracelets in support of the white policeman who shot to death an unarmed black teenager last month, sparking protests.

In a letter to Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson, the Justice Department said residents had told its investigators that officers policing protest sites on Tuesday in Ferguson were seen wearing "I am Darren Wilson" bracelets.

Wilson killed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9, causing outrage in the mostly black St. Louis suburb of 21,000 people. Wilson has not been charged in the case.

The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the shooting and the police treatment of protesters, which critics say was unduly harsh.

The letter said the bracelets had "upset and agitated" people and "reinforce the very 'us versus them' mentality that many residents of Ferguson believe exists."

The DOJ said it had been assured by officials with the county and state police, which have been brought in to help in Ferguson, that their officers would not wear them. Ferguson police could not be reached for comment on Friday evening
Justice Department tells Ferguson police to stop wearing bracelets Reuters

There's really no excuse for wearing bracelets like that. They are sending the message to the community that, if they think they can get away with it, they will gun down more unarmed people while they try to surrender.

News segment also showed they are refusing to wear their name tags so that, if they are not video taped, they can get away with murder.

They need to be forced to wear chest cameras and the racists who side with gunning down unarmed black teens should be fired.
No no no.

Just in the line of police work you ARE going to meet the most aggitated effed up people in the city on any given night. No need to push their buttons. Cops are forced to wear clean pressed uniforms and all to maintain an appearance. This is nothing new.

Plus if this thing turns bad for Wilson at trial....well, that is another thread.
Political correctness solves nothing. Oh, and screw those idiots protesting. Who cares what 27 thugs think


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