Totally Irresponsible "Journalism"


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Far too much free time for these high school jokers.

Stephen Miller’s White House Intern Flashed The ‘White Power’ Sign

When did the "ok" hand sign become a white power sign?

Does this mean I have to change to giving a thumbs up instead or be considered a racist?
When did the "ok" hand sign become a white power sign?

Does this mean I have to change to giving a thumbs up instead or be considered a racist?
/----/ Ever since every other tactic the LIbtard Moonbats have used to attack white folks has fallen flat.
Well......................they are going to have to give me a reason why the "ok" sign is considered to be racist.

Does this mean that everytime I gave the ok sign to shipmates in the Navy to signal things were fine, I was actually being a racist towards them?

This goes beyond stupid. Who are the idiots that think this is a white power sign?
It's been adopted by many in the white nationalist / supremacist alt-right movement, and they can often be seen using significant platforms to telegraph to Trump's racist base members - they are one of them.

White Nationalist Charles C. Johnson with Rep. Dana Rohrbacher, R.-Calif. (Photo: Charles C. Johnson/Facebook)

White Nationalist Jim Hoft aka SMOTI of gatewaypundit, with his alt-right WH correspondent twink.


Mike Cernovich is an internet troll, conspiracy theorist, and leading figure in the “alt-right’s” assemblage of modern-day white nationalists ...Cernovich received a White House press pass last week, and he attended the briefing Friday and made a hand sign associated with white nationalists from the podium.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the alt-right agitator, White supremacist


White supremacist Richard Spencer.
"Richard Bertrand Spencer is an American white supremacist. He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white supremacist think tank."
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It's been adopted by many in the white nationalist / supremacist alt-right movement, and they can often be seen using significant platforms to telegraph to Trump's racist base members - they are one of them.

White Nationalist Charles C. Johnson with Rep. Dana Rohrbacher, R.-Calif. (Photo: Charles C. Johnson/Facebook)

Jim Hoft aka SMOTI of gatewaypundit, with his WH correspondent twink.


Mike Cernovich is an internet troll, conspiracy theorist, and leading figure in the “alt-right’s” assemblage of modern-day white nationalists ...Cernovich received a White House press pass last week, and he attended the briefing Friday and made a hand sign associated with white nationalists from the podium.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the alt-right agitator, White supremacist

Your pictures which you are touting as "proof" kinda fall flat on their face.

Why? Because according to the article it's only a white power symbol if it is flashed with the RIGHT hand, because the 3 upstretched fingers are supposed to form a "w", while the forefinger and the thumb are supposedly supposed to form the "p", meaning that if you do it with the right hand, it can be (somehow) considered to be a white power sign.

With that being said, almost half of the people you showed in the pics are showing an "ok" symbol instead of the white power symbol because they are using their LEFT hands.

I still don't think that particular hand gesture means white power though. Why? I've used it all 53 years of my life to signal that things were okay, and I'm not gonna let a bunch of racist assholes take over a hand symbol and use it for themselves.

I was also pissed when I learned that the swastika originally was a symbol of peace and good luck in many cultures until the Nazis got a hold of it, tilted it on it's corner and made it the symbol of their party. far as swastikas go, if they are flat and on their side, they mean their original meaning to me.

Flash me an ok sign with either hand? I'm gonna assume that you are doing alright.

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