TPP is Treason Against the American People


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Quoting Jeff Sessions....

"They (TPP authorities) will enmesh our great country, and economy, in a global commission where bureaucrats from Brunei have the same vote as the United States. Clearly, powerful forces will have their voices heard and find ways to profit immensely from this conglomeration. But what of everyday wage-earning Americans? By nearly a 5:1 margin, they believe such deals reduce wages – not increase them. Because this deal lacks currency protections, it will further the bleeding of U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas, allowing our mercantilist trading partners to take advantage of our continued refusal to protect our own workers.

"Sessions said this isn’t just a “trade agreement” or even a full-fledged treaty. It’s the creation of a new global governing structure akin to the European Union—one that cedes U.S. sovereignty to a yet-to-be-created international governing body.

“At bottom, this is not a mere trade agreement,” Sessions said. “It bears the hallmarks of a nascent European Union. It is another step towards a world where people, goods, and services can travel freely across international boundaries – and a world where those boundaries mean less and less every day.”

"Sessions also called for the immediate repeal of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)—or fast track—which will, if this deal follows the fast track barely approved earlier this year, grease the skids ensuring its passage. Senators are powerless to stop the massive deal if the deal is on the fast-track."
Jeff Sessions: Kill The ‘Anti-Democratic’ Trans-Pacific Partnership In The Crib, Repeal Fast-Track Authority Now - Breitbart

With TPP American workers get reduced to economic serfs, and the Democratic Party, which claims to champion American workers, is all behind it because their party's POTUS negotiated it.

Meanwhile the corporation Oligarchs are laughing their asses off at having pulled another 'Only Nixon Can Go To China' political judo against the American people.
This is why Democrats love it; unlimited foreing labor pouring into the US and you know the Democrats will have them voting along withthe Dead, illegals and professional voters.

TPP Trade Deal Hits U.S. Immigration law in 'A Massive Way'
"Jenks pointed to Chapter 10, which says that any service provider – for example, a telephone service or a contract security service or engineers, or legal services or architects or any company that is providing a service as opposed to a product – can enter into a country that is part of the TPP and provide that service.

"With TPP, service providing companies from Australia, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia…all of the other partner countries, can come into the United States and perform the service that they perform in their own country and essentially compete with and undermine the people in the United States and the companies in the United States that are already providing that service here.

"Additionally, Chapter 10 specifically states that no country in the TPP can set a limit to the number of service providers for any particular service. For example, the U.S. or Japan can’t say that there may only be 25 telephone service providers in the United States under this agreement."
This is why Democrats love it; unlimited foreing labor pouring into the US and you know the Democrats will have them voting along withthe Dead, illegals and professional voters.

TPP Trade Deal Hits U.S. Immigration law in 'A Massive Way'
"Jenks pointed to Chapter 10, which says that any service provider – for example, a telephone service or a contract security service or engineers, or legal services or architects or any company that is providing a service as opposed to a product – can enter into a country that is part of the TPP and provide that service.

"With TPP, service providing companies from Australia, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia…all of the other partner countries, can come into the United States and perform the service that they perform in their own country and essentially compete with and undermine the people in the United States and the companies in the United States that are already providing that service here.

"Additionally, Chapter 10 specifically states that no country in the TPP can set a limit to the number of service providers for any particular service. For example, the U.S. or Japan can’t say that there may only be 25 telephone service providers in the United States under this agreement."
This fails as a straw man fallacy, as democrats 'love' no such thing.

Clearly Sessions isn't the only liar.
Well the op is a liar and engages primarily in idiot speak. That's a certainty.

I have no idea who this Jeff sessions character is nor do I plan on clicking any of the links provided by the op to find out.

All we need to know, the working man has taken it on the chin every time a new trade agreement is set in stone. And I see no reason to think that that's gonna change with this trade agreement.
Well the op is a liar and engages primarily in idiot speak. That's a certainty.

I have no idea who this Jeff sessions character is. ..

roflmao, irony is a beautiful thing at times.

pwjohn, Sessions is a Senator in DC, but that's OK because knowing that makes me the idiot here, in your PC Nazi point of view, surely.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, as democrats 'love' no such thing.

Clearly Sessions isn't the only liar.
So you are saying a majority of Democratic Senators voted for it because they hated it?

You are truly a drooling idiot.
This is why Democrats love it; unlimited foreing labor pouring into the US and you know the Democrats will have them voting along withthe Dead, illegals and professional voters.

TPP Trade Deal Hits U.S. Immigration law in 'A Massive Way'
"Jenks pointed to Chapter 10, which says that any service provider – for example, a telephone service or a contract security service or engineers, or legal services or architects or any company that is providing a service as opposed to a product – can enter into a country that is part of the TPP and provide that service.

"With TPP, service providing companies from Australia, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia…all of the other partner countries, can come into the United States and perform the service that they perform in their own country and essentially compete with and undermine the people in the United States and the companies in the United States that are already providing that service here.

"Additionally, Chapter 10 specifically states that no country in the TPP can set a limit to the number of service providers for any particular service. For example, the U.S. or Japan can’t say that there may only be 25 telephone service providers in the United States under this agreement."
Yeah Democrats love it. That's why republicans voted overwhelmingly FOR it, and Democrats voted overwhelmingly AGAINST it.

Good grief. :rolleyes:
This fails as a straw man fallacy, as democrats 'love' no such thing.

Clearly Sessions isn't the only liar.
So you are saying a majority of Democratic Senators voted for it because they hated it?

You are truly a drooling idiot.
13 Democrats and 47 republicans voted for it. Only 3 republicans voted against it. Sessions being one of them.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, as democrats 'love' no such thing.

Clearly Sessions isn't the only liar.
So you are saying a majority of Democratic Senators voted for it because they hated it?

You are truly a drooling idiot.
13 Democrats and 47 republicans voted for it. Only 3 republicans voted against it. Sessions being one of them.
Five Republicans voted against it, not two.

13 Senate Dems vote with GOP to advance trade bill

My claim is that a majority supported it, though not all of them voted for it. The President could have pulled as many Dims to vote for it as he needed to overcome a Republican shortfall, and he did. Note that he got exactly the 60 votes he needed. More Dims would have voted for it had it been required. Almost every one of them would have voted for it had Obamy told them to.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, as democrats 'love' no such thing.

Clearly Sessions isn't the only liar.
So you are saying a majority of Democratic Senators voted for it because they hated it?

You are truly a drooling idiot.
13 Democrats and 47 republicans voted for it. Only 3 republicans voted against it. Sessions being one of them.
Five Republicans voted against it, not two.

13 Senate Dems vote with GOP to advance trade bill

My claim is that a majority supported it, though not all of them voted for it. The President could have pulled as many Dims to vote for it as he needed to overcome a Republican shortfall, and he did. Note that he got exactly the 60 votes he needed. More Dims would have voted for it had it been required. Almost every one of them would have voted for it had Obamy told them to.
Whoops 5. Meanwhile 31 Democrats voted against it.

Face it, thE GOP has accomplished just 2 things of note since being swept into power in 2014; they passed the TPP, and gave Obama the budget he wanted.
Yes it is. now we"ll see if the American people says anything Finally and demand this man be Impeached.

Obama and his party are tools for UN. my gawd we need to kick them out in 2016 if not before

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