Tracking the el nino

View attachment 41631

OOP'S.... NOAA backing off its claims of a super-super El Nino changing its graph to show El Moki conditions only... I guess their super/super alarmist drivel didn't go over like they wanted... They have even changed their ENSO page quietly, very quietly..... I wonder if they will blame the changed data on a malfunction somewhere...

dude, the weather over the weekend to today is more evidence that there is no el nino coming. same weather pattern over and over and over again. yet these gamokes don't get that. Ask Texas and Oklahoma folks how they love the el nino coming, or not. hahahahahahaha it's funny as hell man.
Just Crazy, you are getting dumber with every post. Heavy precipitation for the southern states is part of the norm with an El Nino. California will probably get their drought broken in a similiar manner later this year. As far as it being funny, why don't you go and tell the people in Houston that to their faces. That would be interesting to see.
hahahahahahahahahaha, amazing. You and that character they call stupid still working together I see. Weather in the US is still the same as it has for the last two years. Raining pretty much everyday here in Chicago, Detroit and Cincinnati too. That cold front from the north has not let up. Going to be 60 this weekend again once the cold front completes it route. But you go with your el nino while California stays in their drought. Sorry CA, the earth is not being nice to you. you merely need to read what an el nino is and where it starts. you must be reading more propaganda. Which is normal for you.
View attachment 41631

OOP'S.... NOAA backing off its claims of a super-super El Nino changing its graph to show El Moki conditions only... I guess their super/super alarmist drivel didn't go over like they wanted... They have even changed their ENSO page quietly, very quietly..... I wonder if they will blame the changed data on a malfunction somewhere...

dude, the weather over the weekend to today is more evidence that there is no el nino coming. same weather pattern over and over and over again. yet these gamokes don't get that. Ask Texas and Oklahoma folks how they love the el nino coming, or not. hahahahahahaha it's funny as hell man.
Just Crazy, you are getting dumber with every post. Heavy precipitation for the southern states is part of the norm with an El Nino. California will probably get their drought broken in a similiar manner later this year. As far as it being funny, why don't you go and tell the people in Houston that to their faces. That would be interesting to see.

Especially the families of the ones who died tragically in the flood.
water rose 26 feet in an hour. Never heard anything like that before. I feel for those affected.
View attachment 41631

OOP'S.... NOAA backing off its claims of a super-super El Nino changing its graph to show El Moki conditions only... I guess their super/super alarmist drivel didn't go over like they wanted... They have even changed their ENSO page quietly, very quietly..... I wonder if they will blame the changed data on a malfunction somewhere...

dude, the weather over the weekend to today is more evidence that there is no el nino coming. same weather pattern over and over and over again. yet these gamokes don't get that. Ask Texas and Oklahoma folks how they love the el nino coming, or not. hahahahahahaha it's funny as hell man.
Just Crazy, you are getting dumber with every post. Heavy precipitation for the southern states is part of the norm with an El Nino. California will probably get their drought broken in a similiar manner later this year. As far as it being funny, why don't you go and tell the people in Houston that to their faces. That would be interesting to see.

Especially the families of the ones who died tragically in the flood.

Suddenly, Houston is Global.

Uh huh.

AGWCult science = Claiming the lead story on the Weather Channel is caused by "Global Climate Warming Change"
local weather is only global when they say it can be. When we say snow in the NE it's local only. dude, i laugh my ass off with these idiots and their lack of character. They truly believe they are in charge or something and only they get to dictate what is what. it's flippin hilarious. they can all kiss my arse.
Its funny to watch the left wing nuts try and make every natural variation occurrence connected to "man made global warming". Not only is there no empirical evidence to support their supposition the earths history shows that it has happened over and over again long before man had theoretical influence..

Empirical evidence shows the alarmist fools and liars.. They deny real sciences for their pseudo political science.
they are all messed up. to date since I've been in this forum, there has been but a few times where they are right about something they post. I don't use ever, never, or always, so it is possible that something they posted was correct. But they are all chicken littles. uses of the words they use is hilarious, most always is an extreme catastrophic type word. Then they post crap with words like almost, expected, and predicted model that just nullifies most every post. HILARIOUS.
View attachment 41631

OOP'S.... NOAA backing off its claims of a super-super El Nino changing its graph to show El Moki conditions only... I guess their super/super alarmist drivel didn't go over like they wanted... They have even changed their ENSO page quietly, very quietly..... I wonder if they will blame the changed data on a malfunction somewhere...

dude, the weather over the weekend to today is more evidence that there is no el nino coming. same weather pattern over and over and over again. yet these gamokes don't get that. Ask Texas and Oklahoma folks how they love the el nino coming, or not. hahahahahahaha it's funny as hell man.
Just Crazy, you are getting dumber with every post. Heavy precipitation for the southern states is part of the norm with an El Nino. California will probably get their drought broken in a similiar manner later this year. As far as it being funny, why don't you go and tell the people in Houston that to their faces. That would be interesting to see.

Especially the families of the ones who died tragically in the flood.

Suddenly, Houston is Global.

Uh huh.

AGWCult science = Claiming the lead story on the Weather Channel is caused by "Global Climate Warming Change"
local weather is only global when they say it can be. When we say snow in the NE it's local only. dude, i laugh my ass off with these idiots and their lack of character. They truly believe they are in charge or something and only they get to dictate what is what. it's flippin hilarious. they can all kiss my arse.

Do you deny the existence of the phenomenon called El Nino? If you don't, then why do you deny the existence of widely known El Nino weather phenomenae?
dude, the weather over the weekend to today is more evidence that there is no el nino coming. same weather pattern over and over and over again. yet these gamokes don't get that. Ask Texas and Oklahoma folks how they love the el nino coming, or not. hahahahahahaha it's funny as hell man.
Just Crazy, you are getting dumber with every post. Heavy precipitation for the southern states is part of the norm with an El Nino. California will probably get their drought broken in a similiar manner later this year. As far as it being funny, why don't you go and tell the people in Houston that to their faces. That would be interesting to see.

Especially the families of the ones who died tragically in the flood.

Suddenly, Houston is Global.

Uh huh.

AGWCult science = Claiming the lead story on the Weather Channel is caused by "Global Climate Warming Change"
local weather is only global when they say it can be. When we say snow in the NE it's local only. dude, i laugh my ass off with these idiots and their lack of character. They truly believe they are in charge or something and only they get to dictate what is what. it's flippin hilarious. they can all kiss my arse.

Do you deny the existence of the phenomenon called El Nino? If you don't, then why do you deny the existence of widely known El Nino weather phenomenae?
El nino, yep know all about em. I know which way weather patterns go because of them and from the north to the south isn't one of them. So until the weather comes from California, the weather at the moment is not any sign of any el nino, and it would need to be here by now to affect he winter months, and it isn't.
Just Crazy, you are getting dumber with every post. Heavy precipitation for the southern states is part of the norm with an El Nino. California will probably get their drought broken in a similiar manner later this year. As far as it being funny, why don't you go and tell the people in Houston that to their faces. That would be interesting to see.

Especially the families of the ones who died tragically in the flood.

Suddenly, Houston is Global.

Uh huh.

AGWCult science = Claiming the lead story on the Weather Channel is caused by "Global Climate Warming Change"
local weather is only global when they say it can be. When we say snow in the NE it's local only. dude, i laugh my ass off with these idiots and their lack of character. They truly believe they are in charge or something and only they get to dictate what is what. it's flippin hilarious. they can all kiss my arse.

Do you deny the existence of the phenomenon called El Nino? If you don't, then why do you deny the existence of widely known El Nino weather phenomenae?
El nino, yep know all about em.

That's great. So why aren't you working for NOAA?

jc said:
I know which way weather patterns go because of them and from the north to the south isn't one of them. So until the weather comes from California, the weather at the moment is not any sign of any el nino, and it would need to be here by now to affect he winter months, and it isn't.

At least now I know why you don't work for NOAA.
Especially the families of the ones who died tragically in the flood.

Suddenly, Houston is Global.

Uh huh.

AGWCult science = Claiming the lead story on the Weather Channel is caused by "Global Climate Warming Change"
local weather is only global when they say it can be. When we say snow in the NE it's local only. dude, i laugh my ass off with these idiots and their lack of character. They truly believe they are in charge or something and only they get to dictate what is what. it's flippin hilarious. they can all kiss my arse.

Do you deny the existence of the phenomenon called El Nino? If you don't, then why do you deny the existence of widely known El Nino weather phenomenae?
El nino, yep know all about em.

That's great. So why aren't you working for NOAA?

jc said:
I know which way weather patterns go because of them and from the north to the south isn't one of them. So until the weather comes from California, the weather at the moment is not any sign of any el nino, and it would need to be here by now to affect he winter months, and it isn't.

At least now I know why you don't work for NOAA.
perhaps you should learn what el nino really is. I can tell you have no idea. anything else?
here go read about them:

link from Scripps Institute of Oceanography:

What is an El Ni o Anyway


"In an El Niño, the winds pushing that water around get weaker. As a result, some of the warm water piled up in the west slumps back down to the east, and not as much cold water gets pulled up from below. Both these tend to make the water in the eastern Pacific warmer, which is one of the hallmarks of an El Niño."
here go read about them:

link from Scripps Institute of Oceanography:

What is an El Ni o Anyway


"In an El Niño, the winds pushing that water around get weaker. As a result, some of the warm water piled up in the west slumps back down to the east, and not as much cold water gets pulled up from below. Both these tend to make the water in the eastern Pacific warmer, which is one of the hallmarks of an El Niño."


Notice the warm water off the coast of Peru trailing off to the west along with the warm water off the west coast of the U.S.? El Nino.
no, I see a map and no temperatures.?
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Here is information regarding the predictions last year. 2014. LYAO. Thanks Judith Curry and Climate Etc.

El Nino watch Climate Etc.


"What the experts say

See here for a comprehensive list of forecast pages for El Nino.
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology estimates a 70% chance of developing an El Nino during SH winter (NH summer), in a brief issued April 8.
The US NOAA Climate Prediction Center issued a new report today, stating that the chances of El Nino exceed 50% by summer. The NOAA Report is very informative."
no, I see a graph and no temperatures.?

WTF? It isn't a graph. It is a color-coded temperature map, red being warm temperatures, and blue being cooler temperatures. And you said you knew all about this stuff. So - you lied yet again.
look at the cold fronts on this map for today, you can see there is no sign of any el nino

Thanks NOAA


BTW I'm waiting to see wind patterns from the west coast. Since it is wind that starts the cycles.
no, I see a graph and no temperatures.?

WTF? It isn't a graph. It is a color-coded temperature map, red being warm temperatures, and blue being cooler temperatures. And you said you knew all about this stuff. So - you lied yet again.
my bad i said graph instead of map. yep totally me, it's ok, the same comment is still valid from me.
look at the cold fronts on this map for today, you can see there is no sign of any el nino

Thanks NOAA


BTW I'm waiting to see wind patterns from the west coast. Since it is wind that starts the cycles.
OMG! Really? That's not the way it works, bubba. But thanks for demonstrating yet again that you lied.
look at the cold fronts on this map for today, you can see there is no sign of any el nino

Thanks NOAA


BTW I'm waiting to see wind patterns from the west coast. Since it is wind that starts the cycles.
OMG! Really? That's not the way it works, bubba. But thanks for demonstrating yet again that you lied.
what isn't the way it works bubba? post up or shut up!
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Every data set now shows that we have a nino...It is just a fact of life. We will likely end up with one as strong as 2010.

It is a typical short term climate shift that is normal, but for the poor sobs that get the extreme weather they probably wish it didn't happen.

Both the atmospheric and oceanic setup supports that we have a nino. I'll stick with decades of reality.
So chicken little the meteorologist what do you propose we do?

And you propose we not study it and be ready for it? That seems to be your solution for everything. The weird thing about that is we wouldn't be a first world power if we followed those directions.

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