Tracking the el nino

Looks like jc got the answer he was looking for, and does not like it.

But the denialists do have a real problem this year. We have a strong El Nino in the making. So, in the time that it is developing, they must scream and whine, and tell all the lies they can, to divert attention from the fact that the climate is doing exactly what the scientists stated that it would do.
The Argo floats don't stay at a depth of 1000m, shit-for-brains. They occasionally float up, take temperatures along the way, transmit to the satellites, then sink back down.

You keep demonstrating how you're a complete moron on every conceivable topic. You need to go back to the kiddie table, shut up and stop annoying the grownups. If we repeat that a thousand times or so, it may eventually sink in. Or maybe not, given what a moron you are.

Only morons think that the entire world is wrong, and that they alone know the real truth. That's you. No, the whole world isn't wrong. You're just a moron. It really is that simple.
then why aren't they shown?

jc- ARGOs free float but there are other tethered buoy systems that collect site specific data for equitorial and ENSO data. I think one of the big ones is called TAO.
Philip Klotzbach
‏@philklotzbach Latest ECMWF fcst calls for strong El Nino. Figure shows ECMWF forecast vs. 5 strongest Aug-Oct El Ninos since 1950.


Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't imagine this dwarfing the 1997 nino but here it is! Man will this fuck someones day up come this winter.

Even Tisdale states it will not be significant if it even forms. Funny you would imply that Tisdale agrees with you and distort the facts.
That you state, but provide no link. What a silly ass you are.

Had you used your brain and saw the link that Matthew used you could have easily read the entire article he cited and found the information.. lets see if you can do it now, shall we?
Looks like jc got the answer he was looking for, and does not like it.

But the denialists do have a real problem this year. We have a strong El Nino in the making. So, in the time that it is developing, they must scream and whine, and tell all the lies they can, to divert attention from the fact that the climate is doing exactly what the scientists stated that it would do.

Nope.... I will be very surprised if it does not die a gruesome death very soon..
Joe Bastardie over at Weather Bell had this to say about the mess:
  1. Joe Bastardi
    May 16, 2015 at 9:38 am
    btw that warm water still around Australia is a huge negative for the trades cranking up enough for ECMWF idea. We see some fairly good soi drops as we are having now, but nothing like the kind of set up we had in 97-98 as the water was very cold around Australia by now, meaning high pressure and the slow down of the trades. Same problem last year, though this year its off to a warmer start in enso 3.4. Interestingly enough the CFSV2 this am had many more colder recent runs ( blue) than its average.

    and the earlier peaking. 1.2 noticeably lower

    Jamstec under all of them, like it was last year

Its not going to be a major bump..
OK, Billy Boob. Remember El Nada? Silly ass, you said no El Nino at all, now the scientists are stating that there is better than an even chance of a major El Nino, and you are stating it won't happen. Going to remind you what a silly ass you are weekly.
OK, Billy Boob. Remember El Nada? Silly ass, you said no El Nino at all, now the scientists are stating that there is better than an even chance of a major El Nino, and you are stating it won't happen. Going to remind you what a silly ass you are weekly.

Why did NOAA change the criteria? because nature was not responding to the alarmist wishes.. Most folks I know are shaking their heads in total disbelief that they would stoop so low to help the liberal socialist agenda. Its not about science..
OK, Billy Boob. Remember El Nada? Silly ass, you said no El Nino at all, now the scientists are stating that there is better than an even chance of a major El Nino, and you are stating it won't happen. Going to remind you what a silly ass you are weekly.

Billy makes me laugh.
OK, Billy Boob. Remember El Nada? Silly ass, you said no El Nino at all, now the scientists are stating that there is better than an even chance of a major El Nino, and you are stating it won't happen. Going to remind you what a silly ass you are weekly.

Billy makes me laugh.
it's you and yours making the rest of us laugh. You have no evidence to support your claim, I explained.
old rocks, I had better things to do than come in here and banter with you and your position of stupid. you should look into doing something outside this message board. Maybe you wouldn't flame so often.
The Argo floats don't stay at a depth of 1000m, shit-for-brains. They occasionally float up, take temperatures along the way, transmit to the satellites, then sink back down.

You keep demonstrating how you're a complete moron on every conceivable topic. You need to go back to the kiddie table, shut up and stop annoying the grownups. If we repeat that a thousand times or so, it may eventually sink in. Or maybe not, given what a moron you are.

Only morons think that the entire world is wrong, and that they alone know the real truth. That's you. No, the whole world isn't wrong. You're just a moron. It really is that simple.
then why aren't they shown?

jc- ARGOs free float but there are other tethered buoy systems that collect site specific data for equitorial and ENSO data. I think one of the big ones is called TAO.
Ian, thanks. My post was specific to Mathew's link. I found TAO at the site and it didn't appear to be supporting his claim.
LOL. jc, you are going to be subjected to much laughter and derision as this year develops.
LOL. jc, you are going to be subjected to much laughter and derision as this year develops.

I wonder what kind of derision you will be subjected too when it falls apart and doesn't build like you think it will.?
OK, Billy Boob. Remember El Nada? Silly ass, you said no El Nino at all, now the scientists are stating that there is better than an even chance of a major El Nino, and you are stating it won't happen. Going to remind you what a silly ass you are weekly.

Billy makes me laugh.

Sadly your ignorance makes me sick... All I can do is shake my head at how gullible you are..

ENSO Alert System Status: El Niño Advisory
El Niño conditions are present.*
Positive equatorial sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies continue across
most of the Pacific Ocean.
There is an approximately 90% chance that El Niño conditions will continue
through Northern Hemisphere summer 2015, and a greater than 80% chance
it will last through 2015.*

But ol' Billy Boob knows better. Ever week, Billy Boob.

ENSO Alert System Status: El Niño Advisory
El Niño conditions are present.*
Positive equatorial sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies continue across
most of the Pacific Ocean.
There is an approximately 90% chance that El Niño conditions will continue
through Northern Hemisphere summer 2015, and a greater than 80% chance
it will last through 2015.*

But ol' Billy Boob knows better. Ever week, Billy Boob.
And yet it's going to be 54 in Chicago again today. L Nino Lnoto

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