Traitor Don

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Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
For months Trump has insisted that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. But of course we know they did because we discovered the collusion meeting at Trump Tower between Don Jr. and the Putin operative, er I mean, Russian lawyer. Trump came out with a bullshit story claiming it was about Russian adoptions. Don Jr claimed that the Russians who said they wanted to help Trump's campaign didn't have any dirt on Hilary. Why would anybody believe that? Trump has be caught lying so many times there is absolutely no reason to believe him, in fact logic dictates assuming everything he says to be a lie.

The ReTrumplicans have been trying to help cover up Trump's crime of conspiracy with Putin to steal the election. Ironically it is the lifetime Republican and Vietnam War Hero Robert Mueller III who is going to prove Trump the most criminal president in our history. Nixon is off the top of the list.

What's the punishment for treason? Hung by the neck until dead sounds about right!
For months Trump has insisted that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. But of course we know they did because we discovered the collusion meeting at Trump Tower between Don Jr. and the Putin operative, er I mean, Russian lawyer. Trump came out with a bullshit story claiming it was about Russian adoptions. Don Jr claimed that the Russians who said they wanted to help Trump's campaign didn't have any dirt on Hilary. Why would anybody believe that? Trump has be caught lying so many times there is absolutely no reason to believe him, in fact logic dictates assuming everything he says to be a lie.

The ReTrumplicans have been trying to help cover up Trump's crime of conspiracy with Putin to steal the election. Ironically it is the lifetime Republican and Vietnam War Hero Robert Mueller III who is going to prove Trump the most criminal president in our history. Nixon is off the top of the list.

What's the punishment for treason? Hung by the neck until dead sounds about right!
For months Trump has insisted that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. But of course we know they did because we discovered the collusion meeting at Trump Tower between Don Jr. and the Putin operative, er I mean, Russian lawyer. Trump came out with a bullshit story claiming it was about Russian adoptions. Don Jr claimed that the Russians who said they wanted to help Trump's campaign didn't have any dirt on Hilary. Why would anybody believe that? Trump has be caught lying so many times there is absolutely no reason to believe him, in fact logic dictates assuming everything he says to be a lie.

The ReTrumplicans have been trying to help cover up Trump's crime of conspiracy with Putin to steal the election. Ironically it is the lifetime Republican and Vietnam War Hero Robert Mueller III who is going to prove Trump the most criminal president in our history. Nixon is off the top of the list.

What's the punishment for treason? Hung by the neck until dead sounds about right!

What a dumb ass
There was Russian collusion, that's why the Clinton's got a 145 million dollar payday courtesy of the Russkies.
If collusion is so plain to you and you can so easily seen It why has the investigation as to Russia been abandoned.
It really is amazing how stupid you trump bootlickers are.

Not as amazing as how you tiny dick French ballerinas are ...

Do you remember when you had a penis and were willing to pay your own bills? Or not so much?
For months Trump has insisted that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. But of course we know they did because we discovered the collusion meeting at Trump Tower between Don Jr. and the Putin operative, er I mean, Russian lawyer. Trump came out with a bullshit story claiming it was about Russian adoptions. Don Jr claimed that the Russians who said they wanted to help Trump's campaign didn't have any dirt on Hilary. Why would anybody believe that? Trump has be caught lying so many times there is absolutely no reason to believe him, in fact logic dictates assuming everything he says to be a lie.

The ReTrumplicans have been trying to help cover up Trump's crime of conspiracy with Putin to steal the election. Ironically it is the lifetime Republican and Vietnam War Hero Robert Mueller III who is going to prove Trump the most criminal president in our history. Nixon is off the top of the list.

What's the punishment for treason? Hung by the neck until dead sounds about right!

These are actual quotes from Don Jr. He changed his story four times.

Trump has his sheep trained on Hillary like a hypnotist with a gold watch.
You all don't know how stupid you come off clutching your pearls about Hillary.
Trump has trained you well. Like a sleight-of-hand master.
Anyone want to offer a reason for Don Jr. lying three times about that meeting in Trump Tower?
Anybody? Someone? Bueller?
For months Trump has insisted that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. But of course we know they did because we discovered the collusion meeting at Trump Tower between Don Jr. and the Putin operative, er I mean, Russian lawyer. Trump came out with a bullshit story claiming it was about Russian adoptions. Don Jr claimed that the Russians who said they wanted to help Trump's campaign didn't have any dirt on Hilary. Why would anybody believe that? Trump has be caught lying so many times there is absolutely no reason to believe him, in fact logic dictates assuming everything he says to be a lie.

The ReTrumplicans have been trying to help cover up Trump's crime of conspiracy with Putin to steal the election. Ironically it is the lifetime Republican and Vietnam War Hero Robert Mueller III who is going to prove Trump the most criminal president in our history. Nixon is off the top of the list.

What's the punishment for treason? Hung by the neck until dead sounds about right!



man the butthurt and whining never ends around here. Geez when Obozo won the election i dont recall people whining about how he illegally won it all.I didn't.I badly wanted Paul to win but i did not cry about him losing as the OP and all the other sore loser here have .jesus get over it already.:itsok::rolleyes:
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For months Trump has insisted that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. But of course we know they did because we discovered the collusion meeting at Trump Tower between Don Jr. and the Putin operative, er I mean, Russian lawyer. Trump came out with a bullshit story claiming it was about Russian adoptions. Don Jr claimed that the Russians who said they wanted to help Trump's campaign didn't have any dirt on Hilary. Why would anybody believe that? Trump has be caught lying so many times there is absolutely no reason to believe him, in fact logic dictates assuming everything he says to be a lie.

The ReTrumplicans have been trying to help cover up Trump's crime of conspiracy with Putin to steal the election. Ironically it is the lifetime Republican and Vietnam War Hero Robert Mueller III who is going to prove Trump the most criminal president in our history. Nixon is off the top of the list.

What's the punishment for treason? Hung by the neck until dead sounds about right!
and i see you're the punishment for idiocy.
If collusion is so plain to you and you can so easily seen It why has the investigation as to Russia been abandoned?.
Red Sparrow. Tabloid Hollywood Is the Only Source of the Truly Real Truth!

The Demicracks might cry, break things, wet their pants, and set fire to their beds if they aren't given a fresh witch-hunt to pacify them. I suggest The Slovenian Conspiracy. What enemy country wouldn't rig an election to get their own FLOTUS? But the Demos better change from their raggedy and hand-me-down pussy hats to some high-fashion headpiece. That will also let the Supermodel From the Dark Runway know that they are on to her.
For months Trump has insisted that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. But of course we know they did because we discovered the collusion meeting at Trump Tower between Don Jr. and the Putin operative, er I mean, Russian lawyer. Trump came out with a bullshit story claiming it was about Russian adoptions. Don Jr claimed that the Russians who said they wanted to help Trump's campaign didn't have any dirt on Hilary. Why would anybody believe that? Trump has be caught lying so many times there is absolutely no reason to believe him, in fact logic dictates assuming everything he says to be a lie.

The ReTrumplicans have been trying to help cover up Trump's crime of conspiracy with Putin to steal the election. Ironically it is the lifetime Republican and Vietnam War Hero Robert Mueller III who is going to prove Trump the most criminal president in our history. Nixon is off the top of the list.

What's the punishment for treason? Hung by the neck until dead sounds about right!
When will they hang Obama then, troll?
For months Trump has insisted that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. But of course we know they did because we discovered the collusion meeting at Trump Tower between Don Jr. and the Putin operative, er I mean, Russian lawyer. Trump came out with a bullshit story claiming it was about Russian adoptions. Don Jr claimed that the Russians who said they wanted to help Trump's campaign didn't have any dirt on Hilary. Why would anybody believe that? Trump has be caught lying so many times there is absolutely no reason to believe him, in fact logic dictates assuming everything he says to be a lie.

The ReTrumplicans have been trying to help cover up Trump's crime of conspiracy with Putin to steal the election. Ironically it is the lifetime Republican and Vietnam War Hero Robert Mueller III who is going to prove Trump the most criminal president in our history. Nixon is off the top of the list.

What's the punishment for treason? Hung by the neck until dead sounds about right!
It’s worse than I thought... History just might remember Trumps victory as the first documented case of mass psychological health crisis, brought on by denial of the losing constituency. It’s like every child on earth learning that Santa wasn’t real... At the same time.... Kinda sad... Between the fits of laughter that is...
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