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Traitor Lane


Sep 23, 2010
In 1945, Democrat traitors beat a path to the United Nations. To this day they call it Primrose Lane:

Let me tell you why it ain’t no holiday.

After the Soviet Union imploded, Communists in the environmental movement joined elected traitors. By then, Primrose Lane to the UN had been traveled more than a Manhattan subway since 1945, yet nobody in the media ever called a one of them traitor. In the strange upside-down world of Democrats they call everybody else a traitor.

Democrats and their media allies are hitting back hard over the letter (text here) sent by 47 GOP senators to Iran, reminding the mullahs that any deal that is not ratified by the Senate could be reversed by the next president.​

Frankly, I do not understand how Taqiyya the Liar’s ‘deal’ carries the weight of a treaty to begin with since it was never ratified.

On the bight side, a loyal president can also reverse every one of the Chicago sewer rat’s EOs, memos, regulations, and just about everything else he did unilaterally. Maybe senators should consider posting a 13 word letter on the Internet addressed to illegal aliens reminding them: You are NOT here legally, or permanently, because a liar said you are.


Taqiyya the Liar reversed victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is the sewer rat’s rationalization for hating the military option:

From the White House Briefing Room, Josh Earnest resorted to the n-word (neocons), claiming that the nefarious heirs of Bush are “using a masked ‘civics lesson’ to push for a ‘military option’ instead of negotiations.”

March 10, 2015
GOP senators called 'traitors' over letter to Iran on nuke deal
By Thomas Lifson
Blog GOP senators called traitors over letter to Iran on nuke deal

Taqiyya’s lies work for the global government crowd, but it is going to be harder, and a lot bloodier, for the military to reverse his defeat than it was for him to reverse Bush the Younger’s victory.
If you watch the Hillary Clinton video you know that Nurse Ratchet is lying about her e-mails. Interesting, she could go to jail under another administration. Judge Napolitano lays it out in this video from earlier today:

Hillary always lies. Nothing will ever change her M.O.

I am more interested in the lie she is telling about the letter from the senators to the mullahs because they are telling the same lies. Hillary got the memo. Move the cursor to 1:35 and you’ll hear the same lie Taqiyya and Biden are putting out:

Naturally, everyone is lying to voters about Iran —— well-knowing the left-wing media will sprinkle them with stardust.

Obama reacted by saying he would make his case to voters.

“I think it is somewhat ironic to see some members of Congress wanting to make common cause with hardliners in Iran,” Obama said. “It is an unusual coalition.”

“What we are going to focus on right now is actually seeing whether we can get a deal,” added Obama.

“Once we do, if we do, then we’ll be able to make the case to the American people.”

Vice President Joe Biden, a former senator with decades of experience in Congress, opened fire with a harsher edge saying Republicans put the United States in peril with their misstep.

“The letter sent on March 9th by forty-seven Republican Senators to the Islamic Republic of Iran, expressly designed to undercut a sitting President in the midst of sensitive international negotiations, is beneath the dignity of an institution I revere.

“This letter, in the guise of a constitutional lesson, ignores two centuries of precedent and threatens to undermine the ability of any future American president, whether Democrat or Republican, to negotiate with other nations on behalf of the United States,” he said.

“This letter sends a highly misleading signal to friend and foe alike that our commander-in-chief cannot deliver on America’s commitments—a message that is as false as it is dangerous.
Note the passage in bold for its irony. Why yes, Joe, the letter does undermine the president’ ability to make deals with other nations entirely on his own. That’s what it’s intended to do, because the Constitution grants the president no such ability. Treaties are supposed to be negotiated with the advice and consent of the Senate - in fact, two-thirds of the Senate. Since Obama knows he can’t get that and has no intention of trying, this gambit amounts to little more than a personal deal between Obama and the mad mullahs. The 47 senators rightly note that this deal legally obligates no one but Obama himself, because he refuses to submit it to the ratification process proscribed in the Constitution.

Liberals go nuts as GOP letter to Iran undermines rogue president’s dealmaking
By Dan Calabrese March 10, 2015

Liberals go nuts as GOP letter to Iran undermines rogue president s dealmaking

Bottom line: The United Nations is behind the Iran deal. Short of a ratified treaty, Taqiyya & His Band of Liars must do whatever it takes to satisfy the global government crowd. On top of that, bankers have a tremendous amount of time and money invested in the Clintons. They have no choice but to stick with Hillary if they ever hope to see Bill Clinton become Secretary General of the United Nations.

One final observation. The United Nations is responsible for Third World women being more brutalized than they were before Hillary decided to improve their lives. Every government in the world knows they can do anything to women so long as the United Nations is not threatened. It is Hillary Clinton and her pals who will hand one of the most brutal regimes on earth a nuclear bomb —— Iran. Ask Iranian women if the UN that Hillary Clinton loves so much will ever improve their daily lives by one iota.
The dirty linen is coming out.

If retired Senator Richard Lugar advocates anything, it is bad for the American people and good for the United Nations. Incidentally, Lugar “retired” because he was not reelected:

Democrats are pushing back against the letter, circulated by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and signed by 47 Senators in all, that warns the Iranian regime that any deal it signs with President Barack Obama could be voided by the next president if it is not ratified by the Senate under the U.S. Constitution. They have enlisted Vice President Joe Biden and even retired Sen. Richard Lugar to disparage the effort. In so doing, they have proved Cotton’s point–and checkmated the administration.

Lugar was a moderate, veteran Senator representing Indiana (though, as it turned out, not really living there) when then-candidate Obama held him up as a model of the kind of Republican he would like to work with. Lugar enjoyed wide respect as an authority on nuclear disarmament, and Obama relied on him to push the New START treaty with Russia through the Senate in 2010, over conservative objections that it gutted missile defense and required lopsided nuclear cuts for the U.S.

The New START treaty was the centerpiece of Obama’s so-called “reset” with Russia, which has since become a complete farce.

How Tom Cotton’s Iran Letter Sets up ‘Checkmate’ on Obama’s Iran Deal
by Joel B. Pollak
10 Mar 2015

How Tom Cotton s Iran Letter Sets up Checkmate on Obama s Iran Deal - Breitbart
Senator Cotton really pissed off everybody, most especially FOX’s government stooges:

KELLY: It’s not just Howard Dean, it’s not just Vice President Biden, The Wall Street Journal calling you out, saying this is not helpful and it sets the Republicans up to take a hit as being political beings on something that is important here, namely what happens with this deal with Iran.

Later, Kelly made Fox's criticism more explicit:

KELLY: What’s the point in writing to the Iranian mullahs? What are you going to do? They dismissed it already like "pfff, whatever." And you’ve offended the Obama administration. And you may have offended some of the Democrats who would have come over with the Republicans if, depending on what happens with this deal, to have a stronger say in the Senate.

Fox News Not Happy With Sen. Cotton’s Letter To Iran (But They Still Love Him Anyway)
Posted by Ellen on March 11, 2015

Fox News Not Happy With Sen. Cotton s Letter To Iran But They Still Love Him Anyway - NewsHounds

It is not so much Cotton’s letter, it is not even a half-ass TREATY designed to rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions, it is Javad Zarif’s response to the letter that have them all squirming like worms on a hot frying pan:

Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif stopped screaming at Kerry long enough to begin screaming at the Senators about the letter and its contents…

I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law. The authors may not fully understand that in international law, governments represent the entirety of their respective states, are responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, are required to fulfill the obligations they undertake with other states and may not invoke their internal law as justification for failure to perform their international obligations.​

Shall We Discuss The Tom Cotton Letter?
by MacAoidhMarch 11

Shall We Discuss The Tom Cotton Letter The Hayride

Here’s why they are pissed off:

"International law is not law but politics, ... there is no such law, and the pretense that it exists is a harmful fantasy." Robert Bork

For decades, global government traitors have been working to establish ‘International law’ for one reason only:

International law is United Nations law is Socialist law.

Iran —— correctly —— has no use for International law. I have no use for Iran, while it does not get any better than Javad Zarif shoving International law right up the global government crowd’s collective rear end. It’s delicious. How the hell can the traitors behind International law turn on Iran for defending International law?

Parenthetically, every one of America’s enemies does exactly what Iran is doing. Scream International law whenever it suits their foreign policy objectives.
Chris Matthews is not worth quoting let alone watching, but this one is worth commenting upon because it defines MSNBC:

Yet again Hardball host Chris Matthews insisted that 47 Republican senators the other day violated federal law by penning an open letter to the government of Iran regarding ongoing nuclear talks between that regime and the Obama administration. In a March 11 segment on the matter, Matthews played video of Secretary of State John Kerry criticizing Republicans for sending the open letter. (see video below)

Of course Matthews failed to relay to his audience how, as a senator, Kerry arguably violated the Logan Act himself with freelance foreign policy visits to foreign capitals.

Chris Matthews Ignores How Then-Sen. Kerry Arguably Violated Logan Act
By Ken Shepherd | March 11, 2015 | 9:12 PM EDT

Chris Matthews Ignores How Then-Sen. Kerry Arguably Violated Logan Act
Selective memory defines Matthews himself:

Kerry didn’t merely send a letter. He worked with a foreign enemy Marxist government to subvert President Reagan’s policy.

Senator Kerry Undermined Reagan w/Communists, in “Utter Disbelief” Senators Challenged Obama on Iran
March 11, 2015 by Daniel Greenfield

Senator Kerry Undermined Reagan w Communists in Utter Disbelief Senators Challenged Obama on Iran FrontPage Magazine

Matthews cannot remember as far back as Ronald Reagan; so there is not a chance he can recall anything from 1970:


Lest we forget John Kerry’s attitude towards our troops in time of war. As we have mentioned elsewhere, John Kerry met with the Vietcong and North Vietnamese in Paris in May of 1970.

Kerry was so proud of (illegally) negotiating with our country’s enemies, he brought it up in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in April 22, 1971:

John Kerry ‘Negotiated’ With The Viet Cong

John Kerry Negotiated With The Viet Cong Sweetness Light
Bottom line: The United Nations is behind the Iran deal. Short of a ratified treaty, Taqiyya & His Band of Liars must do whatever it takes to satisfy the global government crowd.

HR 1146 is looking better all of the time:

Move the curser to 3:00 and you’ll hear Senator Graham say:

If the U.N. Security Council attempts to undo sanctions on Iran imposed by Congress, it can kiss its funding good-bye, . . .

The Security Council is considering lifting U.N. sanctions on Iran, which would make it more difficult for Congress to thwart a deal signed by the Obama administration.

Sen. Graham: Congress to Cut UN Money If Council Undoes Iran Sanctions
Thursday, 12 Mar 2015 09:32 PM
By Greg Richter

Sen. Graham Congress to Cut UN Money If Council Undoes Iran Sanctions

The late Senator Jesse Helms (1921- 2008) blocked dues to the United Nations. It was a great idea as I remember it. I believe that not paying dues for two years would get the US booted out automatically. That’s not a bad idea either if Graham is serious.

HR 1146 is the better way to go:

Happily, Taqiyya the Liar openly betraying the country to the United Nations is just the impetus HR 1146 needs to get passed.

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