Trans Rights activists are totalitarian they attack founder of Gay Rights movement....interview....must see.

Hard core feminists have the argument that trans women are just trying to take the mantle of womanhood, and thus to the feminist mind, victimhood, without actually being a woman. To them it's just men trying to victimize them again.

For lesbians, it's more intimate, as they are being told they are bigots for not wanting to be with what is still a man, but claims to be a woman into women.

There is of course overlap between the two.
Hard core fems oughta read the mission statement of the NOW.
Simply, both the left and the right are politicizing an already quite polarized issue (LGBTQ+ rights) for the sake of their own evil interests rather than serving the community
Why should the government, left and right be obligated to specially serve the fringe LBGTQRS+ community's pet likes and dislikes ? ... :dunno:
More than any other country on Earth?
Countries such as Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Argentina & the entirety of the Scandinavian nations have more rights regarding the LGBTQ+ community than the United States.

In what way. Be specific.
Hard core fems oughta read the mission statement of the NOW.

It's an inherent flaw of a philosophy (leftism/progressivism/social justice) that gives more power to those perceived as having the least. The problem occurs as all sides rush to the top of the pity pole, and those earning the top spot don't earn it by merit, or by intellect, or even by brute strength, they earn it by being the most miserable and loudest about their perceived "oppression"

Then they have to rule while maintaining the illusion that everyone else has more power than them.
The Gay rights agenda has very specific, well-defined goals. The ultimate, all consuming objective/goal is this: the utter and complete crushing of andy and all opposition to whatever it is that the homosexual leadership wants.
Can you just shut the fuck up already? You're a delusional piece of shit and spamming my posts with dislikes will do nothing but just prove that you're a braindead idiot.

So by "heal", you mean lecture us like we are stupid and ill mannered children?

Yeah, we've gotten plenty of that before you showed up.
Can you just shut the fuck up already?
You deranged fudge packers demand the whole world needs to start treating your perverted behavior as normal and throw a hissy fit when they refuse. ... :cuckoo:
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You deranged fudge packers demand the whole world needs to start treating your perverted behavior as normal and throw a hissy fit when they refuse. ... :cuckoo:
Too bad mentally sane countries such as Norway and Sweden already do so I couldn't care less about what the US does. 🤷
You deranged fudge packers demand the whole world needs to start treating your perverted behavior as normal and throw a hissy fit when they refuse. ... :cuckoo:
And these are the same people who will support kiddie diddlers as they clamor for their "special" rights. Watch.

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