Trans WH Official Levine ‘Pressured’ WPATH To Throw Out Age Requirement For Child Sex Changes


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The demonic Biden junta at work. Just a sickening group all around.

Degeneracy everywhere you look in this administration, just sickening.

The Department of Health and Human Services transgendered assistant secretary Dr. Rachel Levine pushed the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to throw out the guidelines that would require age limits for sex change operations, according to an exhibit filed in the case of Boe v. Marshall.

The exhibit disclosed that Levine’s reasoning was unrelated to science or medicine. Instead, it was a political statement to advance LGBT, the Post Millennial reports. The assistant secretary did not want to put more regulations forth that would ban sex changes on minors.

WPATH President Dr. Marci Bowers denied the claims. Bowers, who is also transgendered, is the doctor who performed the sex change operation on Jazz Jennings, the reality TV star that climbed to fame after announcing at a young age of not feeling like a boy but a girl trapped in a boy’s body.


Researcher Dr. James Cantor pointed out that the internal communications of WPATH show Levine “strongly” pressuring the organization’s leadership to “rush the development and issuance of SOC-8 in order to assist with Administration political strategy.”

Levine has also stated that “trans kids” will be an “inspiration.”

“I have just spoken to Admiral Levine today, who—as always is extremely supportive of the SOC 8, but also very eager for its release—so to ensure integration in the US health policies of the Biden government,” the communications read. “So, let’s crack on with the job!!!”


Interesting fact about Mr. Levine. Before he decided to dress in drag and assume political office, he was a pediatric psychiatrist treating psychotic teenagers.

How would let someone like this near their children, especially fragile ones?

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