Transcript of Conversation Between Obama and Putin


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OBAMA: Hello, Vladimir? How are you?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: What? Knock knock? IS this a knock knock joke?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: *sigh* OK, I'll play, who's there?

PUTIN: Crimea.

OBAMA: Crimea who?

PUTIN: Crimea a river. *click*

OBAMA: Hello? Hello? Putin, you still there? Operator.....

OBAMA: Hello, Vladimir? How are you?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: What? Knock knock? IS this a knock knock joke?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: *sigh* OK, I'll play, who's there?

PUTIN: Crimea.

OBAMA: Crimea who?

PUTIN: Crimea a river. *click*

OBAMA: Hello? Hello? Putin, you still there? Operator.....

Jim Bowie and Putin

Jim Bowie: Hello exalted one. O' my god, I can't believe I'm talking to you. I have dreamt of this moment since I first saw you shirtless riding that horse.

Putin: Dude, that's a little wierd.

Jim Bowie: What're you Wearing right now?

Putin: Seriously, this is getting weird.

Jim Bowie: Can you send me a signed shirtless picture?

Putin: No, leave me alone you weirdo. Geesh, now I know what old Reagen must of felt like......Click
OBAMA: Hello, Vladimir? How are you?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: What? Knock knock? IS this a knock knock joke?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: *sigh* OK, I'll play, who's there?

PUTIN: Crimea.

OBAMA: Crimea who?

PUTIN: Crimea a river. *click*

OBAMA: Hello? Hello? Putin, you still there? Operator.....

That made me chuckle.
OBAMA: Hello, Vladimir? How are you?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: What? Knock knock? IS this a knock knock joke?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: *sigh* OK, I'll play, who's there?

PUTIN: Crimea.

OBAMA: Crimea who?

PUTIN: Crimea a river. *click*

OBAMA: Hello? Hello? Putin, you still there? Operator.....

Jim Bowie and Putin

Jim Bowie: Hello exalted one. O' my god, I can't believe I'm talking to you. I have dreamt of this moment since I first saw you shirtless riding that horse.

Putin: Dude, that's a little wierd.

Jim Bowie: What're you Wearing right now?

Putin: Seriously, this is getting weird.

Jim Bowie: Can you send me a signed shirtless picture?

Putin: No, leave me alone you weirdo. Geesh, now I know what old Reagen must of felt like......Click

Projection only makes you look silly. Well... not only silly, but stupid and foolish too.
OBAMA: Hello, Vladimir? How are you?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: What? Knock knock? IS this a knock knock joke?

PUTIN: Knock, knock.

OBAMA: *sigh* OK, I'll play, who's there?

PUTIN: Crimea.

OBAMA: Crimea who?

PUTIN: Crimea a river. *click*

OBAMA: Hello? Hello? Putin, you still there? Operator.....

The Russian leaders DO know when to time their acting out, don't they.

Now, it's time for North Korea to do some saber rattling. We haven't heard anything out of them for a while.
That may have been a joke but not nearly as funny as John Kerry trying to find a graceful exit from obama's foolishness. It seems the feckless regime just now remembered that our supply lines for the troops in Afghanistan run right through Russia. Kerry can only say "oops my bad. Give me some advice on backtracking".
Vlad: Hey Barry, the 80's called! If you like the Ukraine, I can keep it. Period!

Obama: That's unkind, Vlad, I was hoping to reset our relations after my last reelection

Vlad: Yeah, don't bother I already reset it. You gonna send Biden out here, the Moscow Circus is short a clown. Oh, John Kerry threw his Vietnam medals at me, now I'm scared. HahhahahhaHAHAHA

Obama: I don't think you understand how serious this situation is, Vlad...

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