Transgender "Artist" collecting 200 gallons of urine to protest Trump

So, the Huffington Post praises a mentally-ill woman for doing something that only a mentally-ill person would do. Where's the news in this?
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Even the biggest alchies posting here couldn't make 200 gallons of piss in 200 days.
It really is a manifestation of mental illness. Many times hoarders will keep their urine and/or feces and get hysterical if someone tries to deprive them of their "property". People with alzheimers will keep their urine in bottles.
Breaking News: Trump has outbid him for the urine, books Russian hotel room for 2 weeks.
This is the reason the left is laughed at and the reason you morons hold 15 of 50 governorships. You lack class and deserve every bit of mockery you recieve.
But hey, who am I to correct a retard, please continue.
Didn't the deeply disturbed Howard Hughes hoard his piss and shit at some point, while being utterly terrified of germs?
This is dumb idea.

Still I agree that he/she or it deserves human rights. Conservatives have a lot of dumb ideas too. Hell, more.

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