Transgender Bathroom Law Not About Transgenders

When your perversion comes out into the open and into the eyes and minds of my children and grandchildren, it BECOMES my business...

And that of EVERY sane, decent American.

This isn't ONLY about the sex-act, it's ALSO about the lewdness, licentiousness, wickedness, degeneracy and dissipation that comes WITH such perversion.

Time for America to begin pushing this filth back into the gutters.

With any luck, that begins on January 20, 2017.

But, if not then... soon enough, as history measures time.

So, your children and grand children have been seeing a lot of gay people having sex in public?
"This isn't ONLY about the sex-act..."

Not the brightest crayon in the box, eh?

Now, take your One-Trick-Pony arguments someplace else, boy...

You know lewd and licentious behavior is still against the law, right. If gays are doing that in front of your kids and grand kids, call the cops. Otherwise, like I said, MYOB.
I AM minding my own business; that being the health and well-being of The Republic, of which this subject matter (public morality) is an integral part.

You think being a busy body is helping our health and welfare? MYOB Church Lady.
Establishing a baseline of commonly-agreed behaviors - acceptable and unacceptable - is one of the earliest and oldest and most profound and critically important tasks of any society throughout the entire range of human history, including our own.

Of course, being on the outside (of that range of commonly-acceptable behaviors), looking in, I can see why you-and-yours argue against it.
The criminals in North Carolina passed the retarded toilet law not because they were worried legitimately worried about some guy dressing in drag and attacking a woman. To the best of my knowledge that has never happened. This law is a power grab by the state on NC to take the right of local governments from passing anti discrimination laws. Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

There are a lot of Bible banging Christards in NC who buy the Republican BS for passing this law.

Republicans pretend to support state rights but in reality they don't care. They do know that Republican voters hate idea of government and civilization so they use that to gin up support for their hidden agendas.

Your thoughts?

This is about businesses deciding who can use their bathrooms.

Only a liberal would think that when government doesn't make a law forcing businesses how to use their own property that is treading on liberty and when government does force businesses how to use their property, that is freedom. You're messed up, Holmes
The criminals in North Carolina passed the retarded toilet law not because they were worried legitimately worried about some guy dressing in drag and attacking a woman. To the best of my knowledge that has never happened. This law is a power grab by the state on NC to take the right of local governments from passing anti discrimination laws. Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

There are a lot of Bible banging Christards in NC who buy the Republican BS for passing this law.

Republicans pretend to support state rights but in reality they don't care. They do know that Republican voters hate idea of government and civilization so they use that to gin up support for their hidden agendas.

Your thoughts?

The premis of the OP is wrong.

If you allow a male pre op tran into a woman's restroom then you must allow all men in. The attire does not matter.

Do restrict all men would be arbitrary and constitute an illegal discrimination of simalarly situated individuals

A male with a penis is simalarily situated to a male with a penis.

This ain't rocket science.

What North Carolina did was to put a stop to the illegal discrimination in Charlotte

Not really worth arguing about at this point. Just sit back and see how it comes out. We both know the courts will kick that shit out, and you will be disappointed again.

The courts have two choices if the rule against NC.

Declare all bathrooms unisex


Allow arbitrary reasonings justification for discriminatory practice.

If they take the second route, bakers can deny gay wedding cakes.

Rock vs hard place

But this fight is just beginning, rather than ending, and the sooner SCOTUS obtains a socially conservative majority, the sooner that the bakers will be safe again.
North Carolina law effectively struck down, a highly-opposed non-discrimination ordinance passed by liberal city lawmakers in Charlotte, which would have forced private businesses, institutions and other places of public accommodation in the city to open all restrooms to transgender individuals.
The North Carolina lawmakers reacted by passing the law, which protects the rights of business owners to establish their own bathroom policies.
The criminals in North Carolina passed the retarded toilet law not because they were worried legitimately worried about some guy dressing in drag and attacking a woman. To the best of my knowledge that has never happened. This law is a power grab by the state on NC to take the right of local governments from passing anti discrimination laws. Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

There are a lot of Bible banging Christards in NC who buy the Republican BS for passing this law.

Republicans pretend to support state rights but in reality they don't care. They do know that Republican voters hate idea of government and civilization so they use that to gin up support for their hidden agendas.

Your thoughts?

The premis of the OP is wrong.

If you allow a male pre op tran into a woman's restroom then you must allow all men in. The attire does not matter.

Do restrict all men would be arbitrary and constitute an illegal discrimination of simalarly situated individuals

A male with a penis is simalarily situated to a male with a penis.

This ain't rocket science.

What North Carolina did was to put a stop to the illegal discrimination in Charlotte

Not really worth arguing about at this point. Just sit back and see how it comes out. We both know the courts will kick that shit out, and you will be disappointed again.

The courts have two choices if the rule against NC.

Declare all bathrooms unisex


Allow arbitrary reasonings justification for discriminatory practice.

If they take the second route, bakers can deny gay wedding cakes.

Rock vs hard place

It's hard to see what possible justification the courts could have to overturn a law that says businesses can decide who can use their own bathrooms. What's truly scary is that I have no problem believing they would. We've moved from a tyranny of the majority to a tyranny of the judiciary. Laws say whatever they say they do
The criminals in North Carolina passed the retarded toilet law not because they were worried legitimately worried about some guy dressing in drag and attacking a woman. To the best of my knowledge that has never happened. This law is a power grab by the state on NC to take the right of local governments from passing anti discrimination laws. Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

There are a lot of Bible banging Christards in NC who buy the Republican BS for passing this law.

Republicans pretend to support state rights but in reality they don't care. They do know that Republican voters hate idea of government and civilization so they use that to gin up support for their hidden agendas.

Your thoughts?
It's all about choice not about biology… Dumbass
By the way your signature is funny...
Abraham Lincoln - The asshole suspended habeas corpus…
Theodore Roosevelt - was a progressive Nutter through and through... Not a conservative bone in his body an absolute control freak...
Dwight Eisenhower - A racist in the passive sense...
...It's all about choice not about biology...

It is about community standards of morality and decency and not setting dangerous precedents that can be leveraged by sexual deviants and perverts against the innocent.

It is about flushing filth back into the sewers and gutters.
This issue has inspired me to write this song......

1st verse:
He picks out a bra and's a special day...he is feelin' like a woman...this is his.... coming out day........ He puts on a wig with flowing hair that covers his bald plate, lipstick and a bit of rouge ...he can hardly wait....

Chorus : He gets an erection....... satin panties make him hard....he's walking down the avenue and lookin' for a bar... He's a woman...... but he really isn't gay....don't you see that God just made him that waaayyyyyy!!!

2nd verse:

He doesn't have a period...... and it often makes him sad.......he wants to have the experience of having to buy some pads. He just might buy some Midol and do it just for show......but he ain't foolin' anyone..... they all know her name is Joe....

He loves the liberals..........they support that he's a freak...he loves the liberals...but he might be straight next week.......

It seems that trans gender-ism is the latest craze...don't you judge him cause God just made him that way.......

WOW that's great for a CON here are some images to go with it.







Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Read more at Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Caitlin Jenner is a HARD CORE Republican.

Both political parties are full of perverted thieves, pedphiles and con artists...wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire and I had a full bladder.....let 'em burn.
The criminals in North Carolina passed the retarded toilet law not because they were worried legitimately worried about some guy dressing in drag and attacking a woman. To the best of my knowledge that has never happened. This law is a power grab by the state on NC to take the right of local governments from passing anti discrimination laws. Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

There are a lot of Bible banging Christards in NC who buy the Republican BS for passing this law.

Republicans pretend to support state rights but in reality they don't care. They do know that Republican voters hate idea of government and civilization so they use that to gin up support for their hidden agendas.

Your thoughts?
It's all about choice not about biology… Dumbass
By the way your signature is funny...
Abraham Lincoln - The asshole suspended habeas corpus…
Theodore Roosevelt - was a progressive Nutter through and through... Not a conservative bone in his body an absolute control freak...
Dwight Eisenhower - A racist in the passive sense...

You need a time machine so that you can return to Nazi Germany... OR... just live in the Middle East under sharia law.

Anyone who believes that gender and sexuality is a choice is secretly gay or bisexual. You must have a strong attraction to the same sex and an overwhelming urge to wear women's clothes.

The fact is 1 in 1000 people are born with a genetic anomaly. Google it or remain Christian, Republican aka ignorant.
This issue has inspired me to write this song......

1st verse:
He picks out a bra and's a special day...he is feelin' like a woman...this is his.... coming out day........ He puts on a wig with flowing hair that covers his bald plate, lipstick and a bit of rouge ...he can hardly wait....

Chorus : He gets an erection....... satin panties make him hard....he's walking down the avenue and lookin' for a bar... He's a woman...... but he really isn't gay....don't you see that God just made him that waaayyyyyy!!!

2nd verse:

He doesn't have a period...... and it often makes him sad.......he wants to have the experience of having to buy some pads. He just might buy some Midol and do it just for show......but he ain't foolin' anyone..... they all know her name is Joe....

He loves the liberals..........they support that he's a freak...he loves the liberals...but he might be straight next week.......

It seems that trans gender-ism is the latest craze...don't you judge him cause God just made him that way.......

WOW that's great for a CON here are some images to go with it.







Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Read more at Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Caitlin Jenner is a HARD CORE Republican.

Both political parties are full of perverted thieves, pedphiles and con artists...wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire and I had a full bladder.....let 'em burn.

How about you start a thread asking which party has the most pedophiles and have everyone scour the internet and post what they find.
This issue has inspired me to write this song......

1st verse:
He picks out a bra and's a special day...he is feelin' like a woman...this is his.... coming out day........ He puts on a wig with flowing hair that covers his bald plate, lipstick and a bit of rouge ...he can hardly wait....

Chorus : He gets an erection....... satin panties make him hard....he's walking down the avenue and lookin' for a bar... He's a woman...... but he really isn't gay....don't you see that God just made him that waaayyyyyy!!!

2nd verse:

He doesn't have a period...... and it often makes him sad.......he wants to have the experience of having to buy some pads. He just might buy some Midol and do it just for show......but he ain't foolin' anyone..... they all know her name is Joe....

He loves the liberals..........they support that he's a freak...he loves the liberals...but he might be straight next week.......

It seems that trans gender-ism is the latest craze...don't you judge him cause God just made him that way.......

WOW that's great for a CON here are some images to go with it.







Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Read more at Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Caitlin Jenner is a HARD CORE Republican.

Both political parties are full of perverted thieves, pedphiles and con artists...wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire and I had a full bladder.....let 'em burn.

How about you start a thread asking which party has the most pedophiles and have everyone scour the internet and post what they find.
Both political parties are just different sides of the same coin and owned by the same people. If the demcrat party was so fucking great, they would have continued what JFK tried to do by ridding us of a central bank that is a parasitic entity and returning us to being a Republic....go sell your bullshit to someone else that might buy it...I know infinitely more than you. I doubt that you could walk a 100 yards in my shoes before the weight of it all crushed your frail shoulders. Simply put, you are twenty pounds of bullshit stuffed into sack fit to hold ten.
This issue has inspired me to write this song......

1st verse:
He picks out a bra and's a special day...he is feelin' like a woman...this is his.... coming out day........ He puts on a wig with flowing hair that covers his bald plate, lipstick and a bit of rouge ...he can hardly wait....

Chorus : He gets an erection....... satin panties make him hard....he's walking down the avenue and lookin' for a bar... He's a woman...... but he really isn't gay....don't you see that God just made him that waaayyyyyy!!!

2nd verse:

He doesn't have a period...... and it often makes him sad.......he wants to have the experience of having to buy some pads. He just might buy some Midol and do it just for show......but he ain't foolin' anyone..... they all know her name is Joe....

He loves the liberals..........they support that he's a freak...he loves the liberals...but he might be straight next week.......

It seems that trans gender-ism is the latest craze...don't you judge him cause God just made him that way.......

WOW that's great for a CON here are some images to go with it.







Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Read more at Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Caitlin Jenner is a HARD CORE Republican.

Both political parties are full of perverted thieves, pedphiles and con artists...wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire and I had a full bladder.....let 'em burn.

How about you start a thread asking which party has the most pedophiles and have everyone scour the internet and post what they find.
Both political parties are just different sides of the same coin and owned by the same people. If the demcrat party was so fucking great, they would have continued what JFK tried to do by ridding us of a central bank that is a parasitic entity and returning us to being a Republic....go sell your bullshit to someone else that might buy it...I know infinitely more than you. I doubt that you could walk a 100 yards in my shoes before the weight of it all crushed your frail shoulders. Simply put, you are twenty pounds of bullshit stuffed into sack fit to hold ten.

Your statement is full of conjecture and opinion and devoid of facts.
The criminals in North Carolina passed the retarded toilet law not because they were worried legitimately worried about some guy dressing in drag and attacking a woman. To the best of my knowledge that has never happened. This law is a power grab by the state on NC to take the right of local governments from passing anti discrimination laws. Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

There are a lot of Bible banging Christards in NC who buy the Republican BS for passing this law.

Republicans pretend to support state rights but in reality they don't care. They do know that Republican voters hate idea of government and civilization so they use that to gin up support for their hidden agendas.

Your thoughts?
It's all about choice not about biology… Dumbass
By the way your signature is funny...
Abraham Lincoln - The asshole suspended habeas corpus…
Theodore Roosevelt - was a progressive Nutter through and through... Not a conservative bone in his body an absolute control freak...
Dwight Eisenhower - A racist in the passive sense...

You need a time machine so that you can return to Nazi Germany... OR... just live in the Middle East under sharia law.

Anyone who believes that gender and sexuality is a choice is secretly gay or bisexual. You must have a strong attraction to the same sex and an overwhelming urge to wear women's clothes.

The fact is 1 in 1000 people are born with a genetic anomaly. Google it or remain Christian, Republican aka ignorant.
Your defensiveness speaks volumes…

Prove to us the existence of the "gay" gene... Lol
Nobody really has a problem with transgenders using the appropriate restroom. That is a myth proported by idiots like the OP.

If you have a penis, you go in the men's room. If not, ladies room.

The always dishonest left likes to lump them all together in a dishonest attempt to make a point that they can't logically make.

The law in NC is designed to keep the penis's out of the women's room. Perfectly reasonable and sensible.
Last edited:
If you call yourself a transgendered female but you still have your penis, then either get off your ass and finish the job or your sick ass goes in the men's room. Only an idiot thinks that's unfair.
The criminals in North Carolina passed the retarded toilet law not because they were worried legitimately worried about some guy dressing in drag and attacking a woman. To the best of my knowledge that has never happened. This law is a power grab by the state on NC to take the right of local governments from passing anti discrimination laws. Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

There are a lot of Bible banging Christards in NC who buy the Republican BS for passing this law.

Republicans pretend to support state rights but in reality they don't care. They do know that Republican voters hate idea of government and civilization so they use that to gin up support for their hidden agendas.

Your thoughts?

Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

And you know this because.....

This issue has inspired me to write this song......

1st verse:
He picks out a bra and's a special day...he is feelin' like a woman...this is his.... coming out day........ He puts on a wig with flowing hair that covers his bald plate, lipstick and a bit of rouge ...he can hardly wait....

Chorus : He gets an erection....... satin panties make him hard....he's walking down the avenue and lookin' for a bar... He's a woman...... but he really isn't gay....don't you see that God just made him that waaayyyyyy!!!

2nd verse:

He doesn't have a period...... and it often makes him sad.......he wants to have the experience of having to buy some pads. He just might buy some Midol and do it just for show......but he ain't foolin' anyone..... they all know her name is Joe....

He loves the liberals..........they support that he's a freak...he loves the liberals...but he might be straight next week.......

It seems that trans gender-ism is the latest craze...don't you judge him cause God just made him that way.......

WOW that's great for a CON here are some images to go with it.







Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Read more at Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Caitlin Jenner is a HARD CORE Republican.

Both political parties are full of perverted thieves, pedphiles and con artists...wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire and I had a full bladder.....let 'em burn.

How about you start a thread asking which party has the most pedophiles and have everyone scour the internet and post what they find.
Both political parties are just different sides of the same coin and owned by the same people. If the demcrat party was so fucking great, they would have continued what JFK tried to do by ridding us of a central bank that is a parasitic entity and returning us to being a Republic....go sell your bullshit to someone else that might buy it...I know infinitely more than you. I doubt that you could walk a 100 yards in my shoes before the weight of it all crushed your frail shoulders. Simply put, you are twenty pounds of bullshit stuffed into sack fit to hold ten.

Your statement is full of conjecture and opinion and devoid of facts.

Nope, I am "dead on" correct. You are simply stuck in the left versus right paradigm this corporate "gubermint" that is being ran by international bankers is your god.....they couldn't remain in power without sheeple like you and ours.
WOW that's great for a CON here are some images to go with it.







Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Read more at Anti-Gay Republican Outed as Former Drag Queen

Caitlin Jenner is a HARD CORE Republican.

Both political parties are full of perverted thieves, pedphiles and con artists...wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire and I had a full bladder.....let 'em burn.

How about you start a thread asking which party has the most pedophiles and have everyone scour the internet and post what they find.
Both political parties are just different sides of the same coin and owned by the same people. If the demcrat party was so fucking great, they would have continued what JFK tried to do by ridding us of a central bank that is a parasitic entity and returning us to being a Republic....go sell your bullshit to someone else that might buy it...I know infinitely more than you. I doubt that you could walk a 100 yards in my shoes before the weight of it all crushed your frail shoulders. Simply put, you are twenty pounds of bullshit stuffed into sack fit to hold ten.

Your statement is full of conjecture and opinion and devoid of facts.

Nope, I am "dead on" correct. You are simply stuck in the left versus right paradigm this corporate "gubermint" that is being ran by international bankers is your god.....they couldn't remain in power without sheeple like you and ours.

Stop the side tracking with your theoretical BS. This is about the criminal GOP and their masters using a non issue to steal power.
The criminals in North Carolina passed the retarded toilet law not because they were worried legitimately worried about some guy dressing in drag and attacking a woman. To the best of my knowledge that has never happened. This law is a power grab by the state on NC to take the right of local governments from passing anti discrimination laws. Trans folks have been using the the restrooms of their choice forever.

There are a lot of Bible banging Christards in NC who buy the Republican BS for passing this law.

Republicans pretend to support state rights but in reality they don't care. They do know that Republican voters hate idea of government and civilization so they use that to gin up support for their hidden agendas.

Your thoughts?
It's all about choice not about biology… Dumbass
By the way your signature is funny...
Abraham Lincoln - The asshole suspended habeas corpus…
Theodore Roosevelt - was a progressive Nutter through and through... Not a conservative bone in his body an absolute control freak...
Dwight Eisenhower - A racist in the passive sense...

You need a time machine so that you can return to Nazi Germany... OR... just live in the Middle East under sharia law.

Anyone who believes that gender and sexuality is a choice is secretly gay or bisexual. You must have a strong attraction to the same sex and an overwhelming urge to wear women's clothes.

The fact is 1 in 1000 people are born with a genetic anomaly. Google it or remain Christian, Republican aka ignorant.
Your defensiveness speaks volumes…

Prove to us the existence of the "gay" gene... Lol

Are saying that sexuality is not a choice? That puts you cons on a very slippery slope. Because if it is genetic you cons are even bigger hypocrites for being unfair to gay and trans people.

The fact is it is genetic and the fact is more Republicans have the gay gene than Dems.
Both political parties are full of perverted thieves, pedphiles and con artists...wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire and I had a full bladder.....let 'em burn.

How about you start a thread asking which party has the most pedophiles and have everyone scour the internet and post what they find.
Both political parties are just different sides of the same coin and owned by the same people. If the demcrat party was so fucking great, they would have continued what JFK tried to do by ridding us of a central bank that is a parasitic entity and returning us to being a Republic....go sell your bullshit to someone else that might buy it...I know infinitely more than you. I doubt that you could walk a 100 yards in my shoes before the weight of it all crushed your frail shoulders. Simply put, you are twenty pounds of bullshit stuffed into sack fit to hold ten.

Your statement is full of conjecture and opinion and devoid of facts.

Nope, I am "dead on" correct. You are simply stuck in the left versus right paradigm this corporate "gubermint" that is being ran by international bankers is your god.....they couldn't remain in power without sheeple like you and ours.

Stop the side tracking with your theoretical BS. This is about the criminal GOP and their masters using a non issue to steal power.

Stop pretending that one side is any better than the other because they are not. Both are bought and paid for and their job is to convince stupid fucks that they have a choice about how they are ruled. We don't have a government that is for the people and by the people that governs from the bottom up. What we actually have is a corporate fiction that has changed it's name 4 different times due to bankruptcy and has been taken in to contract to provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services by international bankers. You don't have a fucking clue about what has been done to us. I have made this my life's work to get to the bottom of why things are the way they are and the truth. What I have discovered is that both political parties are corrupted and full of people that may have had good intentions but ended up being ensnared in "honeypot" schemes and compromised and all of it is being done to keep this debt slavery system in place. The last decent president this country had was JFK and they publicly murdered him for a reason. I know of what I speak and I have done the heavy lifting in order to know the things I do. People need to wake the fuck up, turn off the TV and invest in some research on how the banking system actually works and how it came to be. That alone will give you all the clues you need. Stop being part of the problem and become part of the solution because nothing is going to get better if we don't unite as one voice.

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