Transgender day camp among first to include 4 yr olds

Liberals keep this up, they will never be in power again. I think Trump won for one reason is the bathroom thing.
Yet you still haven't named a plan for the potty patrol :dunno:
If you have a dick use the men's room, if you don't use the women's bathroom. Crazy liberals started this shit.
Who will patrol the potties to ensure that's happening?

The situation usually took care of itself. Hell if a tranny is good enough to pass without notice, let them do what they want.

The issue has always been about forced acceptance, which is the crux of the whole bathroom thing. It's not enough to use the bathroom you want to, you have to force people to be happy about it OR ELSE.
They wrote in the law that people had to be happy about it or else?
Obama threatened public school federal funding, if the didn't let boys in girls bathrooms. So yes Obama said be happy about it or else.
If you have a dick use the men's room, if you don't use the women's bathroom. Crazy liberals started this shit.
Who will patrol the potties to ensure that's happening?
Keep up wanting to put grown men in little girls locker rooms, please! It will keep liberals out of politics.
So no potty patrol plan. I knew you weren't serious about this.
I told you let the dad's handle them. Also if you see a man in a woman's bathroom you could also call security. Why are you against keeping children from sexual deviants? Please keep this nonsense up, it will give republicans more seats next year. We are gonna need all the help we can get, since our representatives are voting against Trump's policies.
Who is going to check if the person in the bathroom is a man? You really aren't taking this seriously.
If you cannot tell and the person acts in the way you cannot tell. Nothing can be done, but the way it is a man can walk in saying he is transgendering. A pedophiles dream, thanks goes to liberals. Should of kept it the way it was, but that wasn't perverted enough for you, so you had to change it.
Who will patrol the potties to ensure that's happening?
Keep up wanting to put grown men in little girls locker rooms, please! It will keep liberals out of politics.
So no potty patrol plan. I knew you weren't serious about this.
I told you let the dad's handle them. Also if you see a man in a woman's bathroom you could also call security. Why are you against keeping children from sexual deviants? Please keep this nonsense up, it will give republicans more seats next year. We are gonna need all the help we can get, since our representatives are voting against Trump's policies.
Who is going to check if the person in the bathroom is a man? You really aren't taking this seriously.
If you cannot tell and the person acts in the way you cannot tell. Nothing can be done, but the way it is a man can walk in saying he is transgendering. A pedophiles dream, thanks goes to liberals. Should of kept it the way it was, but that wasn't perverted enough for you, so you had to change it.
If you can't tell then it's fine? Well now every pedophile knows what to do. I can't believe how little thought you've given this.
Keep up wanting to put grown men in little girls locker rooms, please! It will keep liberals out of politics.
So no potty patrol plan. I knew you weren't serious about this.
I told you let the dad's handle them. Also if you see a man in a woman's bathroom you could also call security. Why are you against keeping children from sexual deviants? Please keep this nonsense up, it will give republicans more seats next year. We are gonna need all the help we can get, since our representatives are voting against Trump's policies.
Who is going to check if the person in the bathroom is a man? You really aren't taking this seriously.
If you cannot tell and the person acts in the way you cannot tell. Nothing can be done, but the way it is a man can walk in saying he is transgendering. A pedophiles dream, thanks goes to liberals. Should of kept it the way it was, but that wasn't perverted enough for you, so you had to change it.
If you can't tell then it's fine? Well now every pedophile knows what to do. I can't believe how little thought you've given this.
I'm talking about the guy that walked into a swim centers girls locker room and hung out. That was done with Obama's blessing and since he supports it. I guess that has your blessing too? You don't support them doing it, make it by socially acceptable. Liberals are trying to do just that.
Liberals keep this up, they will never be in power again. I think Trump won for one reason is the bathroom thing.
Yet you still haven't named a plan for the potty patrol :dunno:
If you have a dick use the men's room, if you don't use the women's bathroom. Crazy liberals started this shit.
Who will patrol the potties to ensure that's happening?

The situation usually took care of itself. Hell if a tranny is good enough to pass without notice, let them do what they want.

The issue has always been about forced acceptance, which is the crux of the whole bathroom thing. It's not enough to use the bathroom you want to, you have to force people to be happy about it OR ELSE.
They wrote in the law that people had to be happy about it or else?

The law's purpose is you have to be happy about it or else.

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