Transgender man in Ecuador makes history with pregnancy


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — A couple in Ecuador is making history with a unique pregnancy: The father-to-be is carrying the baby of his transgender partner.

Fernando Machado and Diane Rodriguez announced their pregnancy, believed to be the first of its kind in South America, on social media earlier this month and it's received widespread attention in a continent that has seen a sudden explosion in the rights and visibility of trans people.

Rodriguez, who was born Luis, is one of Ecuador's most-prominent LGBT activists and says she and her Venezuelan-born partner, whose birth name was Maria, decided to publicize the pregnancy to help change attitudes in the staunchly Roman Catholic society. Although both take hormones, neither has undergone gender-reassignment surgery, so the child-to-be was conceived the old-fashioned way with no known medical complications to date.

"We're trying to break the myths about transsexuality," Rodriguez told The Associated Press.

Transgender man in Ecuador makes history with pregnancy
This is pointless and stupid, and there's nothing historical happening.

He/she can pretend to be a man, but as long as he/she keeps his lady parts, he/she can get pregnant.

It will never be possible for a real man to get pregnant.
I disagree with the latter there, we can grow a baby in a test tube right now. I think it's just a matter of time before the medical community comes up with an artificial womb. heh
He is not a he. He is a she, still with her uterus, ovaries, etc. She can get a penis and a set of fake balls but she is still a she. Period.

Didn't we go through all this once before with that other guy/girl that was preggers and everyone kept calling her a him on talk shows?
This is pointless and stupid, and there's nothing historical happening.

He/she can pretend to be a man, but as long as he/she keeps his lady parts, he/she can get pregnant.

It will never be possible for a real man to get pregnant.
Amen to this. No matter what a person does to themselves, they can not change what naturally already is.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Don't forget, liberals want you to ignore these stories, then when their insane agenda is complete, and you are mandated you play along with a mentally ill degenerate freak's delusions, the libs will say "well why didn't you say anything?"

Notice how these limp wristed liberals attack me every time I post the insanity liberals are pushing. They want us to ignore the bullshit they are pushing, then say "too bad! you should have said something" once their mentally ill degenerate agenda is complete.
Not quite sure why this is news honestly...
Because a man who says he is a woman impregnated his "boyfriend" who is really a girl saying she is a man. The one carrying the baby is demanding the world call her "he" and the one who impregnated her (they still have their original junk) is demanding the world call him "she". In New York now you could be fined up to $250,000 for not playing along with this mental mindfuck on reality (LGBT gaslighting).

Enjoy America. You're next... Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The correct title should be "Mentally ill woman gets pregnant"
Agreed. An alternate title could be "Mentally ill pregnant woman and her mentally ill boyfriend demand the world indulge their mental illness or be fined $250,000."
Leftists have created a new type of 'humans': neither male nor female, but politically correct and always vote for liberals.
history in south america maybe but far from the first. There have been some 50 men and one transgender women (born a man) that have given birth.

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