Transgender Starbucks Worker Fired After Confrontation At Work

Gay bars in Chicago have also pledged to stop selling the beer, calling the comments of the Global CEO of Bud Light's parent company Anheuser-Bush 'cruel and hateful'
Umm,.. they weren't misgendered.

What is a “transgendered woman?”

The lib Daily Mail refers to the Starbucks employee as “she”

If “she” was born with a penis “she” is really a “he” and should be treated as a male
You’re right. I don’t. I have no clue why trans folks do what they do. The difference between you and I is the fact that you hate them for being themselves and I don’t have a problem with them at all.
Referring to a male as a male is your idea of practicing hate?

You need help because you’re all mixed up
These entitled assholes need to be smacked down.

Women need to be very careful when dealing with them. They MUST keep in mind at all times when encountering a "transwoman," that they are men, often grown or nearly grown men. They have a mental disorder that is co-morbid with many other mental disorders, including depression. Depression in men is more often expressed with anger, than with weeping and self-isolation.

Having a confrontation with them, in a private space like a bathroom, or even in the most public of places, can be physically dangerous.

I guess the idea of bystanders stopping bullies from attacking innocent people is so long gone that it isn't worth mentioning that no one lifted a finger to help either of the victims. I'm guessing that if police did arrive, they would give "Karen" a citation for the misgendering.

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