Transgenders out of US military

Do not infect my Marine Corps with that nonsense...start a trans gender unit in the Navy or the Air force but stay away from the Corps. We have hot lockers for just this kind of thing...

Just keep it out of the military, it's an unneeded distraction. The US military isn't some social justice experiment

But they don't have money for sex change. If the military can pay your college fees, then why not your sex change op?

They'd be better off getting help for the mental issues they have
Yes. Thanks for reminding me, the military does pay mental health for soldiers.
Here are some members of the military working in Qatar.

I can't tell if any of them are transsexual, but I can't see how there being so if they are makes any difference. There are surely myriad rear echelon war-zone roles in which military officers and enlisted personnel serve. I doubt our military is so thinly staffed that we have to have people running from places like the facility above to the battle lines and back again, although there are likely people whose military job does entail essentially that. Moreover, if we are shorthanded, we need every able person who's willing to pick up a gun and shoot at the enemy.

So either we're "beggars" who have no business being so choosy, or we're not, in which case Trump's making "political hay" at the expense of a very small population of Americans (see also: Transgender Population Size in the United States: a Meta-Regression of Population-Based Probability Samples) who, by and large, are not well understood or liked by Trump's myopic base of supporters. Which is it?

Mattis under the new policy is expected to consider “deployability”—the ability to serve in a war zone, participate in exercises or live for months on a ship—as the primary legal means to decide whether to separate service members from the military, the officials said…
  • Does seawater have a unique affect on transsexuals?
Here are some members of the military working in Qatar.

I can't tell if any of them are transsexual, but I can't see how there being so if they are makes any difference. There are surely myriad rear echelon war-zone roles in which military officers and enlisted personnel serve. I doubt our military is so thinly staffed that we have to have people running from places like the facility above to the battle lines and back again, although there are likely people whose military job does entail essentially that. Moreover, if we are shorthanded, we need every able person who's willing to pick up a gun and shoot at the enemy.

So either we're "beggars" who have no business being so choosy, or we're not, in which case Trump's making "political hay" at the expense of a very small population of Americans (see also: Transgender Population Size in the United States: a Meta-Regression of Population-Based Probability Samples) who, by and large, are not well understood or liked by Trump's myopic base of supporters. Which is it?

Mattis under the new policy is expected to consider “deployability”—the ability to serve in a war zone, participate in exercises or live for months on a ship—as the primary legal means to decide whether to separate service members from the military, the officials said…
  • Does seawater have a unique affect on transsexuals?

Why can't you ask a question without writing a novel? I'm not reading all that drivel
Another memo that doesn't really say anything, that will be completely ignored.
So you think the people whose job depends on the goodwill of the CINC are going to ignore his orders ? You don't seem to understand how the Chain of Command works.

Lol Trunp will sign it, Mattis will implement it and God help the first one to ignore it
Another memo that doesn't really say anything, that will be completely ignored.

Hey idiot. When in the history of this country has the military ignored an order from the commander in chief?
Shit flows downhill in the military. Trump has to make official policy directions to the SecDef, not just some random tweet. The SecDef would then present it to the joint chiefs and they would start implementing the president's directives. So Trump could indeed make these changes. He just hasn't officially done so. Wouldn't hurt my feelings either way. I don't think the military is the appropriate venue for social experimentation.
Here are some members of the military working in Qatar.

I can't tell if any of them are transsexual, but I can't see how there being so if they are makes any difference. There are surely myriad rear echelon war-zone roles in which military officers and enlisted personnel serve. I doubt our military is so thinly staffed that we have to have people running from places like the facility above to the battle lines and back again, although there are likely people whose military job does entail essentially that. Moreover, if we are shorthanded, we need every able person who's willing to pick up a gun and shoot at the enemy.

So either we're "beggars" who have no business being so choosy, or we're not, in which case Trump's making "political hay" at the expense of a very small population of Americans (see also: Transgender Population Size in the United States: a Meta-Regression of Population-Based Probability Samples) who, by and large, are not well understood or liked by Trump's myopic base of supporters. Which is it?

Mattis under the new policy is expected to consider “deployability”—the ability to serve in a war zone, participate in exercises or live for months on a ship—as the primary legal means to decide whether to separate service members from the military, the officials said…
  • Does seawater have a unique affect on transsexuals?
Why can't you ask a question without writing a novel? I'm not reading all that drivel
I'm not reading all that drivel

Free tip: you'll save time by not at all bothering to respond in any way to posts you don't read.
Trump following through. Good move.

Reports: Donald Trump Ends Obama’s Support for ‘Transgender’ Military

President Donald Trump is expected to announce Thursday his formal bar on the military recruitment of people who wish to live as members of the opposite sex.

The written directive implements his tweeted July decision against hiring sex-switching recruits and reinforces his earlier legal rejection of the revolutionary transgender ideology.

That ideology claims that each person’s legal sex is determined by their so-called voluntary “gender identity,” not by their actual biology.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

The White House memo … directs the Pentagon to deny admittance to transgender individuals and to stop spending on medical treatment regimens for those currently serving, according to U.S. officials familiar with the document …

[Defense Secretary James] Mattis under the new policy is expected to consider “deployability”—the ability to serve in a war zone, participate in exercises or live for months on a ship—as the primary legal means to decide whether to separate service members from the military, the officials said…

The Pentagon’s military service chiefs hold a range of views on social issues, including on open service by gays and women in combat. But there was no push from senior leaders to re-establish the ban on transgender service members, officials have said

Reports: Donald Trump Ends Obama's Support for 'Transgender' Military - Breitbart
That's only for recruiting, the one that are in will stay in until their contract is over...
Another memo that doesn't really say anything, that will be completely ignored.

Hey idiot. When in the history of this country has the military ignored an order from the commander in chief?
Shit flows downhill in the military. Trump has to make official policy directions to the SecDef, not just some random tweet. The SecDef would then present it to the joint chiefs and they would start implementing the president's directives. So Trump could indeed make these changes. He just hasn't officially done so. Wouldn't hurt my feelings either way. I don't think the military is the appropriate venue for social experimentation.
Trump is still looking for someone that can type military orders from tweets...
Here are some members of the military working in Qatar.

I can't tell if any of them are transsexual, but I can't see how there being so if they are makes any difference. There are surely myriad rear echelon war-zone roles in which military officers and enlisted personnel serve. I doubt our military is so thinly staffed that we have to have people running from places like the facility above to the battle lines and back again, although there are likely people whose military job does entail essentially that. Moreover, if we are shorthanded, we need every able person who's willing to pick up a gun and shoot at the enemy.

So either we're "beggars" who have no business being so choosy, or we're not, in which case Trump's making "political hay" at the expense of a very small population of Americans (see also: Transgender Population Size in the United States: a Meta-Regression of Population-Based Probability Samples) who, by and large, are not well understood or liked by Trump's myopic base of supporters. Which is it?

Mattis under the new policy is expected to consider “deployability”—the ability to serve in a war zone, participate in exercises or live for months on a ship—as the primary legal means to decide whether to separate service members from the military, the officials said…
  • Does seawater have a unique affect on transsexuals?
Why can't you ask a question without writing a novel? I'm not reading all that drivel
I'm not reading all that drivel

Free tip: you'll save time by not at all bothering to respond in any way to posts you don't read.

I don't take direction from you, but carry on
I'm good with Trump not allowing people into our military who would waste taxpayers $ on their personal mental problems/issues.

We need to stay focused on having the best and finest to protect this country.
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