Transparency in government....


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
...along with unyielding literal and contextual honesty, are far and away the most effective tools in public official's "toolkit" for stopping leaks. Trump's feigned indignation about leaks rings like someone going to Vegas and being outraged that there's gambling going on.
Hey, when Wikileaks was putting out all the information on Hillary that they had, Trump LOVED leaks. Now that he's in office and can have the same thing happen to him? He hates it.

Sorry, he can't have it both ways. And, he should also realize that it's not the leak that is the problem, it is the event that the leak was about that is the problem. If it hadn't occurred then no leak would have happened.

Simple actually.
Hillary's leaks proved she was basically a Republican.

Trump's leaks prove he's a treasonous bitch, with blackmail in Russian hands. Hmmmm....they're SOOOO equivalent!
You know, the more information that comes out on this, the more I think I was right when I said that the only reason Trump said that if he loses he knows the election was fixed, was because he'd already fixed it for himself.
Hey, when Wikileaks was putting out all the information on Hillary that they had, Trump LOVED leaks. Now that he's in office and can have the same thing happen to him? He hates it.

Sorry, he can't have it both ways. And, he should also realize that it's not the leak that is the problem, it is the event that the leak was about that is the problem. If it hadn't occurred then no leak would have happened.

Simple actually.

Flynn's attempt at cover up seems to have been the major problem as with all scandals.
Hey, when Wikileaks was putting out all the information on Hillary that they had, Trump LOVED leaks. Now that he's in office and can have the same thing happen to him? He hates it.

Sorry, he can't have it both ways. And, he should also realize that it's not the leak that is the problem, it is the event that the leak was about that is the problem. If it hadn't occurred then no leak would have happened.

Simple actually.

Flynn's attempt at cover up seems to have been the major problem as with all scandals.

Well, there's a saying in DC that goes "it's not the scandal that gets you, it's the cover up".

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